bnde ney cm bes je.aku terase nk jwb.tajuk die 'wat if ur croc-y ex said this to u.'
1. Hi how are ya?
sihat walafiat..
2.Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
wif u?not gona hapen........
3. I LOVE U..
do i look like i care?
4. DO u want some cookies?
u make cookies?wau....
5.Can you take me a picture?!
amik la sdri.sheeesh
6.Help me in my homework!
tgk la.klu baik
7. Here's my gift to you...
sape kt nk?
8.Let's just be textmates
go to heel
9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
owg da kasi trime je..rezeki..
10.Let's sit together in the bus
g dok jauh2
11. Hi baby
12.Your still cute!
bru tau ke?
13.I still LOVE you!
go tell d monkeys....
14.Can I visit your house?
dtg u wont c me.
15. Do you love me?
wateva hapens,i'l make sure its more to no.
saya tulis untuk berkongsi.saya tulis untuk mengingat awak dan juga saya.saya tulis sebab saya nak.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
ble aku bc blog kaishek aku tbc la bnde kejadah ney.nk men2 tag lak ttbe en.mule2 aku cm mls nk pe sala troskn.d la bnde nk tlis kt blog goes.
Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.
15 things bout me..
-ble msk keta,aku ske nyanyi ikut lg kt radio.xkire la keta pkai tarik je snyp2 je
-rsnye rmai da tau y aku d crush(ecece) kt ckgu 2syn physics aku.haha.first time aku ske nk jd ngan dak2 zman skng..
-stil brusaha lpekn x
-sgt2 mengimpikan rmbut ikal pjg
-rindukn anyau gile2.huhu
-tgh menunggu owg yg lyk trime keychain cpl tue
-ske dpt phatian aku bkn player bes.haha
-stil tunggu brg y aku patot dpt n bnde yg aku nk die aku tau tu mustahil.n xkn hati aku stil mengharap.bodonye...
-kn bes klu aku berisi cket.haha
-cud get emo ove a simple ting.but gets ove it easily
-sgt100 sygkn pshbtn.dgn owg yg mmg aku da ley click mmg sgt100 syg gile100
-sgt100 ske mkn lollipop n chocol8.nyum3.n yea.cakesssssssssssss
-aku mkn sgt byk xgemok2.wlupon da brusaha ke arh tu.tatau nk kt pe dahh
-realy2 like swit2 things n nice surprises
-im melting..................
Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.
15 things bout me..
-ble msk keta,aku ske nyanyi ikut lg kt radio.xkire la keta pkai tarik je snyp2 je
-rsnye rmai da tau y aku d crush(ecece) kt ckgu 2syn physics aku.haha.first time aku ske nk jd ngan dak2 zman skng..
-stil brusaha lpekn x
-sgt2 mengimpikan rmbut ikal pjg
-rindukn anyau gile2.huhu
-tgh menunggu owg yg lyk trime keychain cpl tue
-ske dpt phatian aku bkn player bes.haha
-stil tunggu brg y aku patot dpt n bnde yg aku nk die aku tau tu mustahil.n xkn hati aku stil mengharap.bodonye...
-kn bes klu aku berisi cket.haha
-cud get emo ove a simple ting.but gets ove it easily
-sgt100 sygkn pshbtn.dgn owg yg mmg aku da ley click mmg sgt100 syg gile100
-sgt100 ske mkn lollipop n chocol8.nyum3.n yea.cakesssssssssssss
-aku mkn sgt byk xgemok2.wlupon da brusaha ke arh tu.tatau nk kt pe dahh
-realy2 like swit2 things n nice surprises
-im melting..................
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
ma advisor
first of al.aku nk bls kad raye atin.sowe la.i xpndai la nk wat2 kad i bg ucpn jela ek.ngee~
minx ampun byk2 klu aku ad wt ko mara ke saket ati ke rs jengkel ke ngn prangai aku ney o pe2 yg aku ckp.kdg2 aku xsedar pe aku wt tu sala.sooo.hehe.sowe ey.ko mmg sgt2 rock la bg aku.sgt slmbe derkk je.=)) i tabik u la atinn.
so2.aku senanye ad kekeliruan la bnd jd sblm ney.baru ney je.yg wat aku cm xkeruan cket.aku cm jd ragu2 ngn diri aku.tetapi!ma advisor had save me!haha.advisor xbtauliah aku tuuu...ehem2...izzan aaa.haha.izzan.i mmg suspect u la.thnx 4 saving me feelings.haha.klu x kerna ko smpai rini aku dok gundah gulana lg.tah lagu mana lg tah nk pkai.jd.smntara dak tu x gtau lg teori ko mmg bole pkai la klu die da ckp...bnd da lps...wtpe nk ungkit2 en.haha.gentle aa en izzan.
minx ampun byk2 klu aku ad wt ko mara ke saket ati ke rs jengkel ke ngn prangai aku ney o pe2 yg aku ckp.kdg2 aku xsedar pe aku wt tu sala.sooo.hehe.sowe ey.ko mmg sgt2 rock la bg aku.sgt slmbe derkk je.=)) i tabik u la atinn.
so2.aku senanye ad kekeliruan la bnd jd sblm ney.baru ney je.yg wat aku cm xkeruan cket.aku cm jd ragu2 ngn diri aku.tetapi!ma advisor had save me!haha.advisor xbtauliah aku tuuu...ehem2...izzan aaa.haha.izzan.i mmg suspect u la.thnx 4 saving me feelings.haha.klu x kerna ko smpai rini aku dok gundah gulana lg.tah lagu mana lg tah nk pkai.jd.smntara dak tu x gtau lg teori ko mmg bole pkai la klu die da ckp...bnd da lps...wtpe nk ungkit2 en.haha.gentle aa en izzan.
Friday, October 3, 2008
maaf zahir batinn
ok2.sempena raye yang mulia neyy.saye ingin wat posting khas.khas untuk rakann2 sy yg sangat2 laa disayangi smpai sy tatau cane nk describe.mmg tnpe mrk sy xrs sy dpt lpas dugaan kt skola mngh neyy.adeyy.da nk emosi la plakk.ishh.ehem2.ok2.kt stat.
first skali untuk mu ma beloved kecikk.huhu.kt jd emosii sbntar dolu2.skola rndah xpena rs ad kwn y benar2 kwn.sume yg kwn ngan sy ponn sme d olok2,ad telorr di sebalik megi,bermusimm salju summer bunge o gugorr o anything yg sy tatau pe niat dorg.mmg xd sorg ponn yg lekat dlm hati sy sbgai kwn.nk kt tol2 awk la yg sy anggp as ma first fwenn.hailaa.adedeyy.keemoan tgh mlande neyy.sbb ble sy kwn ngan awk sy dpt rs yg awk xmcm dorg yg sblm2 neyy.senanye sy agk tkejot ble awk da mkin rapt ngan sy.yela sblm awk sy ne d mmbe rapt enn.dats y ble awk wat 'scene' dlm pepustkaan.alaaa xkn lupeee kott.tipuu aaa.da cm taufan katrinaa da awk.haha.dats y time sy sgt2 la tatau nk wtpe!sy xpena tlibat ngan scene2 yg sebegituuu.dat was d first time awk very d opening ngan sy.n i really2 appreciate it.=DDD coz dats wat makes me feel confident to open up to u n trust like i-neva-trust-a-personn.perghh.da msk memorylane la plakk.haha.gentle la enn ;D thnx sgt2 la tatau pe akn jd if we eva gado.minx simpangg sgt2.five o six years since we rapt sy bersyukor sgt kt xd perg dingin.anyting dat i sae anyting dat i do dat hurt ur feelings im realy sorry.now2.
scnd prsn lakk aaa.kt da kwn since kindergarden.sgt2 lameee oww.ten to twelve years is it?dulu sll berhijrahh g umh ko.byk spend time togetherr.time tuu sgt2 bess.i dnt knw how ble msk skola rndh kt cm tpisahh.ko ngan geng len.aku ponn ngan geng lenn.i sae we hv a lot of catching-up to do.we missed so many years oready.dats y i tink i cn feel some distance betwin us.o aku jerr rs cmtuu??but yangg ble kt msk skola mngh rs syg mkin kuatt la enn.we hv to patch up many things.evntho kt da sgt2 lme bkwn i cnt sae i knw u well.dere r parts of u dat i dont know.mayb i missed d memories wif u which to get to know u now u r a part of mehh =DDD i dont know how to sae if ur not around.owg y memeriahhkn suasne xd rs cm something missing.dont woryy dearr coz love grows wif does ma lovee ;DDDD
ok!last personn lakk.alaaa tige cukopp aaa.nk eleborate rmaii komaaa la akuuu.matii sel2 otak xpepasl kangg.dok perah2 otak smpai cm ikan keringg lakk.ey babe.kt kawan bermusimm enn.ko la kwn musimm salju summer bunge o gugor aku tuuu.haha.dulu bkn men bjett ketue.perghh.sume ponn ikot dierr.bak pengikut2 yg setiaa.biruu kt ko biruuuu.hitm kt ko hitmmm.adoiii.nostalgik xx???zaman kegemilangan ko = zaman penderitaan akuu.ahaha.equation da balance daaa.aku ponn da taleyy kire bp kali kt on off.tauu2.ko kt nk tgor akuu tp ego ko yg bakk gunong everest tuhh y mhalang drpd ko tgor akuu.alaa.time ne aku tauu enn.time tuu ko cm taikoo.eleyy.tp2 msk skola mngh caerr gakk ego ko enn.cam2 ais melting dlm karakatoa.=DDDko kt ko tgor akuu kt kntinn.sgt2 hilg memori aku pasl tuhh.tah ne dierr nyorokk smpai aku xingt pasl xcy je owg yg aku dok cri hari2 pena on off ngan aku tah bp kali i dont knw tah.ecece.on off on cpl lakk.ehh.x x x x x.ko da ad akuu je xddd.=((( haha emosi la konon enn.
rakan2.lg skali sy minx ampunn ngan andaa.dari hujong tip of ma hair! smpai hujong kuku leyy emosi2 sll enn.gentle sayaaaaaanggg sgt2 same andaa.andaa la jantong pisang kaki kuu.;DDDDD
first skali untuk mu ma beloved kecikk.huhu.kt jd emosii sbntar dolu2.skola rndah xpena rs ad kwn y benar2 kwn.sume yg kwn ngan sy ponn sme d olok2,ad telorr di sebalik megi,bermusimm salju summer bunge o gugorr o anything yg sy tatau pe niat dorg.mmg xd sorg ponn yg lekat dlm hati sy sbgai kwn.nk kt tol2 awk la yg sy anggp as ma first fwenn.hailaa.adedeyy.keemoan tgh mlande neyy.sbb ble sy kwn ngan awk sy dpt rs yg awk xmcm dorg yg sblm2 neyy.senanye sy agk tkejot ble awk da mkin rapt ngan sy.yela sblm awk sy ne d mmbe rapt enn.dats y ble awk wat 'scene' dlm pepustkaan.alaaa xkn lupeee kott.tipuu aaa.da cm taufan katrinaa da awk.haha.dats y time sy sgt2 la tatau nk wtpe!sy xpena tlibat ngan scene2 yg sebegituuu.dat was d first time awk very d opening ngan sy.n i really2 appreciate it.=DDD coz dats wat makes me feel confident to open up to u n trust like i-neva-trust-a-personn.perghh.da msk memorylane la plakk.haha.gentle la enn ;D thnx sgt2 la tatau pe akn jd if we eva gado.minx simpangg sgt2.five o six years since we rapt sy bersyukor sgt kt xd perg dingin.anyting dat i sae anyting dat i do dat hurt ur feelings im realy sorry.now2.
scnd prsn lakk aaa.kt da kwn since kindergarden.sgt2 lameee oww.ten to twelve years is it?dulu sll berhijrahh g umh ko.byk spend time togetherr.time tuu sgt2 bess.i dnt knw how ble msk skola rndh kt cm tpisahh.ko ngan geng len.aku ponn ngan geng lenn.i sae we hv a lot of catching-up to do.we missed so many years oready.dats y i tink i cn feel some distance betwin us.o aku jerr rs cmtuu??but yangg ble kt msk skola mngh rs syg mkin kuatt la enn.we hv to patch up many things.evntho kt da sgt2 lme bkwn i cnt sae i knw u well.dere r parts of u dat i dont know.mayb i missed d memories wif u which to get to know u now u r a part of mehh =DDD i dont know how to sae if ur not around.owg y memeriahhkn suasne xd rs cm something missing.dont woryy dearr coz love grows wif does ma lovee ;DDDD
ok!last personn lakk.alaaa tige cukopp aaa.nk eleborate rmaii komaaa la akuuu.matii sel2 otak xpepasl kangg.dok perah2 otak smpai cm ikan keringg lakk.ey babe.kt kawan bermusimm enn.ko la kwn musimm salju summer bunge o gugor aku tuuu.haha.dulu bkn men bjett ketue.perghh.sume ponn ikot dierr.bak pengikut2 yg setiaa.biruu kt ko biruuuu.hitm kt ko hitmmm.adoiii.nostalgik xx???zaman kegemilangan ko = zaman penderitaan akuu.ahaha.equation da balance daaa.aku ponn da taleyy kire bp kali kt on off.tauu2.ko kt nk tgor akuu tp ego ko yg bakk gunong everest tuhh y mhalang drpd ko tgor akuu.alaa.time ne aku tauu enn.time tuu ko cm taikoo.eleyy.tp2 msk skola mngh caerr gakk ego ko enn.cam2 ais melting dlm karakatoa.=DDDko kt ko tgor akuu kt kntinn.sgt2 hilg memori aku pasl tuhh.tah ne dierr nyorokk smpai aku xingt pasl xcy je owg yg aku dok cri hari2 pena on off ngan aku tah bp kali i dont knw tah.ecece.on off on cpl lakk.ehh.x x x x x.ko da ad akuu je xddd.=((( haha emosi la konon enn.
rakan2.lg skali sy minx ampunn ngan andaa.dari hujong tip of ma hair! smpai hujong kuku leyy emosi2 sll enn.gentle sayaaaaaanggg sgt2 same andaa.andaa la jantong pisang kaki kuu.;DDDDD
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