Tuesday, April 28, 2009


dammit.mlm nie ttbe mood aku rs xbek la plak.rs tertekan tu dtg balik.rs yg aku rs a few weeks back.the feeling that makes me feel i dont wana to wake every single day.hailaaa...mengapa dibolak balikkan hatiku begini.hai hati....luahkn la sumenye......hahaha.ble da ckp ngarot2 ceni bru ad rs nk ke arh bek cket prsn tuh.tp btol.xsukenye rs begini.xringan cm bbrp hari belakangan nie.ringan la hati.jgn la berat begini.tenang la hati.hati kusayang....tenanglah sayang.....hilang la masalah.....pergila masalah.....dammit....now i know where my key of happiness has gone to.i really know.act i oredy thought where it'd gone to.cume xnk ngaku je.tp haha.....sebudu-budu ne pon,my mind still goes back to there.bangkit la hati.....bangkit la......seterok-terok mane pon kehancuran yg yg diterima, pasti boleh bangkit.adoyaiiiiiiiii.tah ayt buku motivasi ne tah aku angkut niiiiiiiii.bingung!dah!xnk pk pasl tuh.ni aku nk ckp ni.dak yg cri mslh ngan aku tu kt kt mmber aku yg die rindu nk dgr sore aku.aku cam.............ha?whathefish??die yg cari pasl then skng nk kt ceni plak?hmm.sesungguhnya aku xphm spesis ini.sungguh.walaupon name genesis nye same tp pebezaan yg umpama langit ketujuh dan kerak bumi menyebabkan aku xmampu nk menyimpulkan apa yg boleh difahami ttgnye.sungguh.klu nk suh aku wat exp pon aku rs wat smpai infinity pon aku rs aku nye exp tu fail.from the first try until the infinity.sungguh aku kt aku mmg hrpn aku nk tegur die.tp esok2 sape tahu.klu tuhan da bolak-balikkan hati kita untuk maafkan die,kite bole buat pe.wlu pe kite ckp skng, tu xkn ubah pe yg akn jd esok.yea.walau aku kt aku xkn trime kehadiran die tp esok sape tahu.walau pe pon yg jd esok hari aku doa semuanye baik untuk aku.sbb pe yg tuhan da tentukan sememangnye untuk kebaikan kita.jgn lupakan masa silam jadikan pedoman.jgn risaukan masa depan krn ia belum pas ti dan belum turun dari loh mahfuz.hidup untuk hari ini di mana ianya sedang berlaku dan pasti.hidup sebaik-baiknya tiap-tiap hari kerana hidup ini hanya untuk hari ini.waaaaaaaaaa.da mcm pakar motivasi siot!hahahahaha.okke.hati sy da lebih tenang dri td.ngee~ nk wat keje lak.assalamualaikum.=)

my roommmmmmmmmmm

i really dont like people enter my room.seriously i dont.my room is like a no-entry zone.my room is for me.before my brothers got married,they neva enter.ma dad pon neva enter.except klu nk btolkan pape.wayar telefon o sumting like that.ma mom masok if she wants to take any clothes o anta my clothes.i dont evn allow ma lil bro to enter.he knows well weather he can o not.he knows he shall bear my wrath if he does enters.dammit.it is so wrong for to hv my room for me only?after all its MY ROOM.the year i had my own room,truthfully i cn no longer feel comfortable to share a room with anyone nevertheless who that person is.even ma mom.i cn only sleep wif me.tp cm kem n sleepover kt uma far tu len cite ahh.haha.tp the thought that others sleep in MY ROOM on MY BED with me SLEEPING IN ANOTHER ROOM just pissed me offfffff.seriously............evn if it was my bro n ma sis yg sleep in ma room.label me wateva but thats me.fullstop.i want my room now.......i guess this is the longest period anyone eva inhabitat my room with me under the same roof but diff room.until isnin depan!arghhhhhhhhhhh!another SIX NIGHTSSSSSSSSSSS!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

tembak kang!!

hari ni aku sefamili tolong angah pindah rumah.kepenatan kepanasan kelaparan aku dibuatnye.habis wt keje kul 2 lebey.seyes do balik tu aku mandi xingat dunia.nikmat xterhingga.tp xpasal2 ad plak makhluk Allah nie yg cari pasal ngan aku...........aku rs nk tempeleng je manusia tuh.sesedap ajinamoto die je nk label kn aku pe...........owg da elok2 sejuk kasi nyirap balek enn.adoii.panasss je hati.then bley lak komplen yg aku asik emo ngan die jerrrr.da terang lagi besuluh lampu neon die yg cri pasal.....ni yg wat aku rs nk lanyak die ngan bulldozer.hahahaha.da mula da bhs thp mlampau ala2 hlovate.ececeyy.x x x.k la.smpai di cni dlu pembuka bicara pd petang ini.kt betemu lg di esok hari.insyaAllah....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

azfar si pengacau

dari awl lg aku mmg xpena bekenan ngan si azfar tu.mmg mulut laser.xd insurans.awl tu aku xdla kesa pasl die.tp last yer ad satu hari nie aku dtg lmbt ntuk +mad.n seingat aku aku badmood.time aku dtg tuh aku cm terhempas pintu.yela..pintu tu mcm bole pusing 360 degree jerr.bukan salah aku 100 pesen klu pintu tu terhempas enn.then xpasl2 nk wat aku lg nyirap,time aku lalu sblh mamat sengkek tu,die kt gengster...eyyy.suke hati aku laaa.ad aku kaco ko ke skng?ko wat pe pun aku xpena komplain pape ennnn.then rini lakkk.maimun la cite kat aku.aku dtg tusyn lmbt.far xdtg again.die kna blik kg .d kenduri.maimun cite.time sume owg da masuk,sir ty mane due org datin nie xdtg lg?aku dgr je cm aelaaaaaa.pe ni sir???ne d kitorang cm datin..yg tige ekor dlm klas tu yela enn.cam murai tercabut bulu dada........nk2 si azfar tuhhh.ok back to d story.then zahed jwb,farisa xdtg hafizah xsmpai lg.haaa ni nk sampai klimax niehh.si azfar xsayang mulut tuhhh g smbung....die kt gengster slalu dtg lmbt.then sume owg pon gelak...........aku cam ayyyy.ko phal nk kuang aja ngan aku?ad aku ganggu hidop ko skng?mmg mulut xd insurans.mmg aku da bisg2 aa time tu.tp maybe die xpasan pon pasl pe.then kitorang ad test au.time da nk bis ms tu die xbis2 kacau2 owg enn.mmg dasar pengacau hidop owg.sampai sir xthn die bajet marah aa(sir mmg xley marah kot...mrh xdrupe mrh.comell je tgk.hahaha) die kt azfar ni kan.mcm2 tau.die ni asik mcm ni ke? aku pon cam yela sir,die mmg mcm ni.banyak karenahhh.haa.tediam kawww.ko jgn ingt aku diam aku xley balas balik.ko bisg pasl aku lg siap ko!nk cari gado ngan aku.ko ingt aku xreti nk balas??boley jalan laaaa weyy.=p

Friday, April 24, 2009


smlm me n ma fwens g pesta buku.spatotnye g ngan rombongan skola tp ustazah tpkse cancel last minute coz xd trnspot.so kitorng g la sdri.senanye aku malas nk g.xd wit kot.aku tatau a tp taun ni mmg pokai gile......aku malas nk minx wit dri abh..aku xgtau pon abh aku g sna coz aku xd niat nk bli pe2.nk minx ngan mak pon xd niat.mak pon cm xske aku g.ble aku kt ari kamis aku nk g pesta buku d nex day,mak aku da bisg da.ckp jgn g mlencong tmpt la pe la.haisy....skng tiap2 ari kna condemn ngan mak,tension thp gaban.pd die aku xblaja pape.da ceni cra aku blaja nk wat cane.pkse aku cane pon ceni gak aku.tekanan2.......................ok back to da story.smlm bru aku dapat rayau2 btol pesta buku tuh.weyyyy.nyesal siot x explore time g ngan abh!!!!byk gile buku aku jmpe!!!!!ahhhhhh!da la pokaiiiii.mmg harapan la nk bli pape..............heisy...............time aku n yna cri buku faisal tehrani tuh,pnt jgn kt ahhh.da bp puluh kali pusing tmpt sme,alih2 ble ty akak kat utusan tuh,booth yg jual buku faisal kt lua pintu msk jerrrrr.tp bbaloi gak ahhhh.da jmpe tuh,byk gilerrrrr buku die dooooo.ya Allah...lg la aku haru xd wit.........................nyway,ble dorg bisg ty2 asl aku xbli,aku cm bngng gk a.then time nk mkn pon nk bisg2 mmg cm kasi aku nyirap a.last2 mkn mcd so cm ok a.aku ingt nk ajak abh rini g pesta buku balik tp...............pk balik due tiga kali...................i cnfim u mak aku mesti bisg................tgk a nk bli buku pe...ahhhhhhhhhh.TEKANAN.....


yestrsay..during maths period,pn rusnah called me.she asked me to get farhan,manwyn n charissa oso.i was like hm ok....pehal ni ttbe?when we gathered she said that we'll be representing the school for a maths quiz.hmmm.ok..thiz cmpetition started 4 years ago.n the first year SAB was the champion.ok.bangge la cket en.from 50 schools,SAB got first.for mths quiz.kre ok la.but for the scnd n third year SAB xhnta nyone.i cnt rememba the reason.so so so.the forth year.............kitorang la yg masuk...................keberatan gak senanye.she told us 'she recomended ur names to me.i nevr teach u b4 rite so i stil duno ur nature.'we was like....sape she??who the hell is this she??sape plak yg penah aja aku,frhn manwyn n charissa at the same time??aku n farhan cm cri the possible culprits but we cnt find any.ntah sape2 minah tu.well...da kna pilih tu wat jela.do the best..chayo fizh!=) tp2!satu je aku xbekenan............the fateful day falls on fifth of may.........................do u want me to repeat??FIFTH OF MAYi was like huhhhh????dammit.......................

Thursday, April 23, 2009


o yea o yea!aku nk cite nk cite!haha.ttbe excited enn.nk cite pasl mamat tu la.skng en kitorang da x btegur.aku da meluat smpai ape2 pasl die pun aku da delete.gmbar dlm fon n num die.haha.ttbe smngt nk cite en.owg bc mampos aaa.=p haaa.smlm silat au.kitorng d lwn olahraga.aku lwn ngan zati.smngt gilerrrrr bg support kat zati.haa.xheran la weyyyyyy.ble die lwn pon smngt je aku bg support kt naim.pe?die ingt die sorg je boley buat?boley jalaaann.mmbe aku sume support die enn.die lak cam smngt gile lwn.satu saat pon aku xtgk.tmbus je mate aku tgk wakaf kat blkg tuh.=ppp ye rakan2...support la support.pawe gilerrrr en die.then td.kitorang tgk dak2 sab perform men instrument.time pnb td,zati dok ty.lagu pe yg die men tu.dok exited2 nk ingt.pandang aku plak tuh.pe?ingt aku nk jwb aa skng.aging lalu aku xnk ingt.pndg owg len sudaaa.k tu je nk story.haha


baru-baru nie aku tertekan pasl due makhluk Allah.satu ni aku mmg da give up ngn die.xd sekelumit prsn da dlm diri aku nk bebaek ngn die.hahaha.sekelumit prsn.cam skemaa.nyway..lg sorg ni plak mmg pnh d sjrh xbaek ngn aku.nk2 lg ngan mmbe2 aku yg tersayang.klu die ad dlm celah2 time aku bsama geng aku,ketidakselesaan amaaaat dirasai.dats way ble die mgade2 bajet mrajuk ngn aku,aku xhirau.xckp ngan die ntuk jgka ms tertentu amat dialu-alukan.klu x rs mcm most of the asik menempel je kt aku.rimassssss.d stu time tu ngade2 sgt xtegur due hari,aku mls ah.aku kt kt karti,aku nk tuka tmpt.mls aku nk bdok sblh dak bisu.then asik2 sindir dri jauh kuat2.hari nk tuka tmpt tu xpasl2 nk emo2.sdgkan die yg stat dlu.nex wiknye aku dtg msk klas,bole plak die sengih2 cm xdpe jd.siap bg aku bear gantung.nk pujok ke?mls pjg cite aku ok jela.tp bgs btol aku tuka tmpt.xdla aku kna tadah telinga dgr bnde geli geliman bebakul2 yg klua dri mulut die.naek bulu roma aku doe.aman cket hari2 aku yg mendatang............
em2.baru2 ni d satu kecelakaan blaku kt sorg budak tu.ble izan story kt aku,hmm mmg jujurnye aku risau.da bli mknn aku tu,aku dok cri die xjmpe.aku ingt hati aku mmg da kosong..ble jd bnde2 ceni,bru nmpk..rupenye aku boleh lg risaukan die.yea aku tau mmbe aku taley trime die sejak knl lg.sape bole do..klu aku ni mmbe aku pon aku taley trime.ble tau die msk spital ad gk rs nk g lwt.nk2 time tu lak rmai y g kem.ingt nk ajak izan n yna.tp ble abh kt ari ahd nk g pesta buku,aku kt la nk g lwt kejap.ikut mood abh la klu die kasi.nasib lak dpt g.xdpun aku ajak yna.rs2 die mcm xkn nk g.heh.dorg tau pn d nex day.hm.ingtkn owg xtau.rupenye ad gak.tekejut gak aku d owg pelok aku ttbe.xpenah2 pelok en.ingtkan sbb pe la...aku tepikir gak pasl study die.tp np nk mik kesa lg.aku da nasihat die pe yg patot.so aku rs smpai tu jela rs risau aku.mls nk beratkn pale.k la.nk g tusyn.salam

Saturday, April 18, 2009


u know...people are given various types of hardship to be encountered.so many...until at one point we feel that we cant endure it.we cant stand it anymore.its just so damn hard.so damn suffocating.have u ever wake one day and u feel like there's no point of living anymore?u dont feel happy at all and it feels like all the burdens of the world are on your shoulders and u cant just take it anymore.u are so stressed up that getting up each morning is meaningless.and u have to gather each strength that you have just to get yourself out of bed.i never feel like this before but it seems i have been feeling this for most of my days recently.its just so damn hard to go on.to perform according to the expectations of your family, be the best and all the while problems just keep coming banging so hard at u until u feel that u need all the will that u have just to stand up.sometimes its hard to enjoy and feel happy.i wonder where is my key of happiness?someone said maybe i forgot where i put it.i just have to find it.or maybe someone has stole it?life at school suppose to be the best memory in my life.i dont want it to be a nightmare.why must this last year be the most difficult year?i really need all the strength that i can get to go through this year.life has never been as hell as this as before.some people just dont want to understand.all they think about is themselves.is it so hard to come and face me and just solve the problem together?why must they make it so hard for me every single day?just get out of my life and dont come back.i dont need u to worsen my condition.