harinie aku breakfast nasi lauk kari ketam n sup ayam..berat sangat ke?aku lapa do..lagipon ketam tu memanggil2 aku..msti la kau sahut panggilan die..hahaha..angah aku wat mke xcaye ble die bru pasan aku mkn pe..hahah..bukan aku mkn bnde pelik pon do..
n harinie satu keajaiban berlaku..adik aku..die..sidai baju!susa nk caye tp pecaye la..adik aku yg cengeng tu sidai baju..wlupon mrungut2..haha..aku d mik gmba..sbgai bhn bukti..klu kau rajen n ingt t aku tunjuk..haha..
satu lg yg aku xthn rinie..sir bio aku..sir alvin..harinie die terlampau aktif!die bajet cute over gila..n kuniiiiingg!waaaaaa!fikiran aku tercemar!aku xphm do...asl sejak akhir2 nie rmai sgt nk lucah ow..hishh..
kisah ini bermula 11340 saat yg lalu...harinie kitorang blaja endocrine system..aku,far,fahmi n bbrp lg xdtg due mgu lpas..so kitorang xd notes ntuk topic nie..then ttbe..'hish!skrg sy kna pegi fotostat..haisyo!'cara die cakap taley blahh gilaaa..ke'cute'an memancar2!tu yg aku xthn tu..aku cam ek eleyyyy sirrr..its just a few steps away..nk bajet2 cute plak ttbe rini..hahaha..sakai je do..then blaja pasl hypothalamus n pituitary gland..d satu hormone called oxytocin..die kt oxytocin d dlm male n female..dalam male function die ejection of sperm..die translate dlm bm..pancutan sperma au..hahahahaha..bangang ow..tp yg lg ngok ble msk female nye..kat female function die stimulate strong contraction of uterus n hahahaha ejection of milk..ble die translate dlm bm..pancutan susu..weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..hahahahahaha..bengongg gilaaa..kitorang gelak cm xingt dunie da ow..nak2 laki2..
haha..k skng kita masuk part two..as time flies kitorang blaja pasl hormone yg ovaries produce lak..oestrogen produced by follicle cells..function die stimulate the development of secondary characteristics in female n stimulate thickening of endometrium wall wif blood vessels..the second hormone is progesterone wic produced by carpus luteum..function die maintain the endometrium wall wif blood vessels..so die suh kitorang connectkan hormones yg diproduced by anterior lobe of pituitary gland..die wat cite pasl woman la..the first day of menstrual cycle..pituitary gland will produce FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone)..hormone ni akan stimulate follicle cells ntuk divide divide divide n divide..ble dorg da mature dorg akan produce oestrogen..oestrogen akan carry out its function..so time nie woman's uterus will start thickening..then,pituitary gland akan produce LH(luteinising hormone) yg akan stimulate ovulation..time nie ovum akan kua dari ovary n this day n woman's hari subur?haha..the follicle cells yg tgl wil turn to carpus luteum n produce progesterone..so bak kt sir..if d woman do d aha-aha..sperm wil fuse wif ovum n form zygote..time nie la progesterone take part..so dat zygote can be implanted into the walls of the uterus n live on..tp..like sir said..if the woman xwat aha-aha..the ovum wil die afte 36 hours(xingt sgt) n progesterone xd function da..so this is d day woman menstruate..perghhh!harinie sape yg bc tol2 blaja bio do..hahaha..one of the way for me to remembaa..hahaha..bngang je..dak2 akaun yg xphm tu naseb la..so this is wat sir said lpas die mbebel..'tgk betape susa nye pompuan..have to go tru this la..then have to pregnant la..give birth la..dats y u guys next time hv to syg ur wifes..kamu laki2 tau buat apa saje..tau ejaculate je!'hahahahahahaha..bapakkk ngok ngek!seyes kitorang gelak cam bom mletopp..hahaha..saket prot aku rinie doo..sirr aaa..u also a guy u know..hahahaha..so i guess dats the only thing guys know..ejaculate..hahahahahahahahaha..bongok ow..
ni part three..hahaha..td sir wat peta minda ntuk kitorang..bg sng ingt..d satu hormone ni..prolactin ntuk stimulate milk production..then die lukis sumthing..the thing dat produces milk..aku cam....................................doo!sirrr!y today ur so yellowish-blue!da la lukis milk to kua weyyyy!sakaiii....
hahaha..nyway..rinie due2 aku jumpe..pembakar semangat bio n pembakar semangat fizik!ngeh3..rinie sir cheng xi pon ad..haha..far nk minx autograph die ntuk bk whizz tu..so aku ckp a kat die..sir ad peminat nk minx autograph sir..hahahaha..sir sign la..die tulis farisa all the best..hahaha..tulis pelan2 gilaa..aku ty aa is dat ur best tulisan sir?hahaha..coz dlm klas die tulis cincai je..yg aku xthn tu sir alvin jeles kitorang minx sign sir cheng xi!agagagagaga..mke die bapak taley blahh..die kt 'huhh!talk to the hand!'hahahahaha..sir i dont want to talk to ur hand laa..nk jeles2 lak..if u write ur own book pon i wil ask for ur autograph..hahaha..klaka tol..
harap2 harinie ad owg yg menimba ilmu yek..ngee~ =))