Saturday, June 27, 2009


first of al i wana sae..TAEKWANDO XGUNAAA!!!!! sekor makhluk pon xdtg en.da dtg titibe lesapp lak en..ketua pon xgune..myirapp aku..kasi silat wat sendiri.da la silat yg stg bape kerat je..seyesss myirapp!penatt!aku n zati smpat race g buang sampah.berat doo!aku tatau cane yna n far ley rilekkk je nk angkat sebelah tgn sorg.perghhh.da la berair plastik sampah tuhh!ewwww!basah baju aku!!!tp aku paling tabik zati bakat jd cleaner!hahaha.lpas nie kita bukak KLIG Enterprise.wat moneyyy~ bling2!hahahaha.
blik kul 12.smpai uma dlm 12.40 cmtu.bdn penat2 lg nk siap2 nk mkn lg.then g tusyn kul 1.30.aku n far join klas f4.smpai la kul 5.ya Rabbi..penaaatt..nantokk oww.xku sangke lak dak2 f4 klas sir tuh kecohh gilaa n annoying..aku penat sgt smpai tatau nk kt pe..da la nyirapp xbis lg..dak silat pon xdtg tlg..ok mayb d yg wat bnd geram..suhaila pn baik hati meng'offer' help..thnx su..
n jantan2 tu pon ley gak nk besidai kat klas aku..mrosakkan pndgn menyakitkan mate menyesakkan nafas!pergh..kombinasi terhebat..yg menyebabkan ke'nyirap'an berlaku..skng sng sgt aku nyirap ble tgk ek?taley la xnyirap..aku rs my oversensitiveness is switch on evrytime i c him..sgt2 nyirapp..
n u know wat makes me happy?bnde nie..hahaha..thnx a lot..yea i like it..n il keep it of coz..terharu x?n sakura n syaoran super duper cute this time!ngee~ but its two different bears..totally..obviously..n of course there's no yet..=pp

Thursday, June 25, 2009


pe nk tulis ek? ad satu rs sgt pelik senanye..tp2.pape jela en..cite die ceni..smlm ad sowg mmba lme sy anta goes like dis..

him:kwn ak de nk bknln ngan ko..
me:ko wat lawak ke?
him:x.. ni btol nie.. ak bwk mjlh sab g skewl ak..
me:np nk knl aku lak?rmai lg owg len.fatin azizah kn ad
him:die tu da hot sgt kt skwel ak.. lgpn die tu pndk..ko tggi..mmba aku 2 pn tggi gk..
me:haha.ure insulting her u knw.aku xmint la nk relationship ni.nk kwn bley la.i dont do mushy relationship
him:ak bkn ejk die..mmg btol..mmba ak tu nk make fwen je..
me:i dont mind making new frens
him:k ak bg no die..
me:haa.ko bg.aku simpan buat pekasam
him:pela ko..owg nk bkwn ko jual mhl..
me:haha.aku bkn jnis y stat msg la.bese owg yg stat dlu.klu die msg aku bls la.simple
him:ceh..mhl la tu..ka3
me:wateva.dats just me

so.dats yg aku plek die bwk mags time f2 au..aku tatau nk ckp da kesakaian thp gaban ne ley d owg nk knl2..adoyaiii..lwk lak aku rs..i seriously dont understand dey sae bkwn bia seribu bkaseh bia satu.HEKK!mushyly crap thing.just when u sae ive nothing to see aye?life's realy weird.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hek is seriously a total crap.for now.n having relationship wif opposite sex is so messy.too many probs n what blindly?hah.guys are so no to be trusted.even if u sae u love him.seeing only him in your eyes is total crap.totally mushy n distracting.n soo much more crap.

Monday, June 22, 2009


so what if im childish?idontgivadamn what anyone else grumpy+emo+heartless?so what?im me..thats all dat what if i cant kip ma anger o mood to maself if there's anything o anyone bugs da hell out of thing bout me that i learned this year is dat i realy show ma emotion if i dont like dat particular person..i dont realise this on ma own..people around me sae it..n i guess its true..when i remembered back what happened..

ma point happy wif maself..wlupon jd bnde2 yg aku xharp dat particular secret yg sumone shudnt know knew..n when a certain person taley trime kenyataan n nk gak cri gado ngn aku..o i showed emotions that i shudnt to certain people..

i show ma emotions.i get angry easily.but i dont hold grudge against people.even if they did their worst to me.i stil forgive them.eventually.xcept n one only.that i wil neva eva hv d heart even to forgive.dat person xlayak pon ntuk di forgive.i neva forgive.neva had.n neva wil.not in a million years.not for eternity.not even if i die.not even if d world ends.shit.i hate to remember.wel wateva.have fun reading.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

layout baruuu~

hahahahaha..hoorayy!im glad u like it..this layouot i mean..hahahaha coz i like it too!n i wana clarify sumthing mr farhan..i did not write i watch that STUPID blue dragon..aku tulis yg aku tnggu nk tgk cite pe yg kua but i did not wait n watch it..lagu katun bodo tu pon da bg cukop info of what its all about..i did not watch it..n i dont giv a damn that u agree with guess..whoever that is..coz im not whatever u both think.=ppppppp

Friday, June 19, 2009

stupid cartoons..

u know what..this morning when i had ma breakfast while watching the tv,there was this cartoon..titled blue dragon..i see what's the cartoon is all about..n u know what i find out?that cartoon is soooooooo like dragon ball..the stupid blue dragon..the fake goku..the hoovering land where the small namek n like-org-itam(cant rememba their names) lived..then there's the fake bulma..n i think the fake no 18 too..what the hell is going on with the cartoons these days nyway?cartoons nowadays are sooooooooooooooooooo seems like they are out of ideas to create new n quality cartoons..i just hate new cartoons on tv nowadays..sooo lame sooo boring sooo stupid n whatever more i dont know..


i just dont get it..i dont even understand why i cant accept it..of all the topics in addmaths,the most top two that i cant handle is indices n proBABIlity..maybe to some people those topics are easy but certainly not to me..eventho most people said they're simple but i just cant accept the simple logic of those topics..their simple logic seems illogical to me..n i dont know why..
n some time during tuition,some people just dont seem to understand that not all people like them..obviously im talking about azfar..who else il be talking about when i talk bout someone irritating at tuition..why dont he just understand the fact that he always irritate me n sae things bout me really does bugs me..n im sure he's intelligent enough to know that i knew what he said bout me..he cant be that stupid..considering he can answer Qs that most people cant..i admit that he's intelligent..but he's so damn when he called my name just now,does he really expect me to respond?da hell no..why should i talk to you?there's no reason for me to talk to you coz all u do is geeting on ma nerve..eventually after that i knew that the reason he called me was to give yana's eraser..being the asshole he is,he talked bad bout me with zahid..he sat behind me..n obviously he said those things for me to hear..for goodness sake's why cant you just disappear?why must you came back n take tuition from universal?n why must you get on ma nerve you jerk asshole?its like encountering another of these days i will surely explode..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


wey rakan2!!!harinie keajaiban berlaku!!!aku dpt A ntuk bm..........wahahahahahahahahahahahaha.bapakkk xcaye weyyyy....maybe korg ingt aku nk berbangge diri but....if u know my hard it is for us to get even ONE MARK...n how strict she marked our papers...perghhhh!xpena aku rs bm sesusa ni!n xpena aku rs how i HATE bm now....i like bi more....hahahahaha...n u know what?my bi is higher than bm!waaaaaaaaa!how can dat be??!!! A bm aku cukop2 mkn je...xla pawe cam owg len ennnn....

o yea!harinie bday farrrrrisaaaaa~ hahahaha...i kinda predict that u dnt wear dat thingy darling but...its cute...thats y i bought it...hahahaha..hepy bufday galfwen..i luff u more than u luff me!(rs cam dejavu x far?haha) n syukur la dorg da bekk...hahaha..aku tatau la da bp lme dorg pendam prsn nk kongsi citer pasl one tree hill tuhh...hahahahaha..da bzmn xckp la ktkan..skali becite blik berjela2 story kuaa..

n i wana warn u ahmad khushairi bin mohd zahari...if u spread that damn crap thing again i'll chop2 ur head...i dont need ur help to make it worse...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009





aku da buat da~


wahahahaha..harinie aku wat survey..survey baek punyaa..hahha..frhn kt skng die tgh tgk cite card captor sakura au..then i think...farhan?tgk ccs? die cite pasl taekwando die dulu ari ahd so die dpt tgk ccs ari sabtu..n ok i tot...this is getting weirder...darjah 4 die tgk ccs??klu aku yg tgk tapela gak..dapat diterima oleh akal ni frhn??a guy?watching sakura??time die drjh 4??klu die kt die tgk digimon ke pokemon ke tape gak..ley aku trime ow...i just cant accept the fact that a guy watch sakura!!hahahah..sooooo aku wat survey...a survey that will determine his manliness!!!hahahahahaha..bapak excited gilaaa aku cari mangsa ntuk di interview...n u know wat??i won!!! farhan...ure not a man!hahahaha...well...immatured as u say...

tapi kan yang aku peliknye...dak laki yg tgk ccs sumenye aku xsngka dooo...meh aku gtau meh..hahahaha...hisyam yaya fahmy iylia udin amin krishna amirul n adam...

hahaha..kuang aja gila aku nk bold n besakn..tape laaa..aku xnk bg sala info...hahahahah..yg aku taley blah tu en iylia n amin sempat cite lg pasl ccs...aku glak xingt dunie da...adoyaiiii...i won by 6 person btw...ngeh3....

ni lg satu aku xthn...hahahaha...zati nk speaking ngan kitorang...nk improve english yela..bru first en..xpena2 nk speaking ntra kitorang ttbe nk speaking en...ntra die n yna a paling byk...hahahaha..aku rs da mcm itik nk ckp ngan lembu da...punye zati nk susun ayt...tape2...chayo2!kip it up!next time im sure ull get better zati kay...ngee~

Monday, June 15, 2009


damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit damit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hv been having it a lot recently...damit...this wil neva do...saketnye hatiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shit la...arghhhh!i dont want to feel this!!!!!!! so stres up over these things easily...this wil neva do...bencinye...tasukenye!!!!!

actually i wana post a story bout abah suh aku mik adik kat skng flat seems soo scary to me...aku xbanie nk g sorg2!so aku ajak zati...hahahahaha(gelak xiklas) die gayat gilaa...rumah penjaga adik aku tu da la kat tingkat 16..second last floor...hahahahaha(more unsincere laugh)..klaka gila tgk die..

o yea farhan...aku d dgr cite pasl kawen ari sabtu nie?ko n aku?tu cite lwk antrabngsa ne pon aku tatau la...klu aku dpt tau ko yg wat cite tu siap sedia pencil box ko...bile aku rs nk lpas geram aku akn baling pencil box ko kat sure ko xsabar kn?n gud luck in sebarkan fitnah paling besa ko tu...ko taley kna cabar kn?so gud luck...aku nk tgk bp rmai org ngok cam chris yg caye ngan cite pedon ko tu...i hope ure having a whole lot of fun in the dlm process tu pon siap sdie kn jela pencil box ko o hisyam ntuk aku'll be fun kn?

Saturday, June 13, 2009


harinie aku breakfast nasi lauk kari ketam n sup ayam..berat sangat ke?aku lapa do..lagipon ketam tu memanggil2 aku..msti la kau sahut panggilan die..hahaha..angah aku wat mke xcaye ble die bru pasan aku mkn pe..hahah..bukan aku mkn bnde pelik pon do..
n harinie satu keajaiban berlaku..adik aku..die..sidai baju!susa nk caye tp pecaye la..adik aku yg cengeng tu sidai baju..wlupon mrungut2..haha..aku d mik gmba..sbgai bhn bukti..klu kau rajen n ingt t aku tunjuk..haha..
satu lg yg aku xthn rinie..sir bio aku..sir alvin..harinie die terlampau aktif!die bajet cute over gila..n kuniiiiingg!waaaaaa!fikiran aku tercemar!aku xphm do...asl sejak akhir2 nie rmai sgt nk lucah ow..hishh..
kisah ini bermula 11340 saat yg lalu...harinie kitorang blaja endocrine system..aku,far,fahmi n bbrp lg xdtg due mgu kitorang xd notes ntuk topic nie..then ttbe..'hish!skrg sy kna pegi fotostat..haisyo!'cara die cakap taley blahh'cute'an memancar2!tu yg aku xthn tu..aku cam ek eleyyyy sirrr..its just a few steps away..nk bajet2 cute plak ttbe rini..hahaha..sakai je do..then blaja pasl hypothalamus n pituitary gland..d satu hormone called oxytocin..die kt oxytocin d dlm male n female..dalam male function die ejection of sperm..die translate dlm bm..pancutan sperma au..hahahahaha..bangang yg lg ngok ble msk female nye..kat female function die stimulate strong contraction of uterus n hahahaha ejection of milk..ble die translate dlm bm..pancutan susu..weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..hahahahahaha..bengongg gilaaa..kitorang gelak cm xingt dunie da ow..nak2 laki2..
haha..k skng kita masuk part time flies kitorang blaja pasl hormone yg ovaries produce lak..oestrogen produced by follicle cells..function die stimulate the development of secondary characteristics in female n stimulate thickening of endometrium wall wif blood vessels..the second hormone is progesterone wic produced by carpus luteum..function die maintain the endometrium wall wif blood die suh kitorang connectkan hormones yg diproduced by anterior lobe of pituitary gland..die wat cite pasl woman la..the first day of menstrual cycle..pituitary gland will produce FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone)..hormone ni akan stimulate follicle cells ntuk divide divide divide n divide..ble dorg da mature dorg akan produce oestrogen..oestrogen akan carry out its time nie woman's uterus will start thickening..then,pituitary gland akan produce LH(luteinising hormone) yg akan stimulate ovulation..time nie ovum akan kua dari ovary n this day n woman's hari subur?haha..the follicle cells yg tgl wil turn to carpus luteum n produce bak kt sir..if d woman do d aha-aha..sperm wil fuse wif ovum n form zygote..time nie la progesterone take dat zygote can be implanted into the walls of the uterus n live sir said..if the woman xwat aha-aha..the ovum wil die afte 36 hours(xingt sgt) n progesterone xd function this is d day woman menstruate..perghhh!harinie sape yg bc tol2 blaja bio of the way for me to remembaa..hahaha..bngang je..dak2 akaun yg xphm tu naseb this is wat sir said lpas die mbebel..'tgk betape susa nye pompuan..have to go tru this la..then have to pregnant la..give birth la..dats y u guys next time hv to syg ur wifes..kamu laki2 tau buat apa saje..tau ejaculate je!'hahahahahahaha..bapakkk ngok ngek!seyes kitorang gelak cam bom mletopp..hahaha..saket prot aku rinie doo..sirr aaa..u also a guy u i guess dats the only thing guys know..ejaculate..hahahahahahahahaha..bongok ow..
ni part sir wat peta minda ntuk sng ingt..d satu hormone ni..prolactin ntuk stimulate milk production..then die lukis sumthing..the thing dat produces milk..aku cam....................................doo!sirrr!y today ur so yellowish-blue!da la lukis milk to kua weyyyy!sakaiii....
hahaha..nyway..rinie due2 aku jumpe..pembakar semangat bio n pembakar semangat fizik!ngeh3..rinie sir cheng xi pon ad..haha..far nk minx autograph die ntuk bk whizz aku ckp a kat die..sir ad peminat nk minx autograph sir..hahahaha..sir sign la..die tulis farisa all the best..hahaha..tulis pelan2 gilaa..aku ty aa is dat ur best tulisan sir?hahaha..coz dlm klas die tulis cincai je..yg aku xthn tu sir alvin jeles kitorang minx sign sir cheng xi!agagagagaga..mke die bapak taley blahh..die kt 'huhh!talk to the hand!'hahahahaha..sir i dont want to talk to ur hand laa..nk jeles2 lak..if u write ur own book pon i wil ask for ur autograph..hahaha..klaka tol..
harap2 harinie ad owg yg menimba ilmu yek..ngee~ =))

Thursday, June 11, 2009


boleh aku tau nape hari nie aku rs saket hati?ad owg tau sbb die?huaaa...nyampah aku do...lalalalala~ weyyy!rini bday angah aku...aku tau xd kna mgena ngan ske ati aku la nk gtau ke x..ske ati korg la nk bc ke x..aku peduli pe..
so2..kitorang g mkn kat restoran kapal kat kampung baru..tmpt tu famous ngan steak..msti d dri korg pena g agk famous tmpat tu..agk nye la..g mkn lmbt cket coz aku d tusyn..xkn nk tglkan aku en..da la bday adik aku mkn dulu xtnggu aku bis tusyn..nyway..epy bufday angah!i lep u bery much lah!n kakngah n kaisara.kite nk jmpe kaisara!bawak kaisara balik kl cepat2!kite d tusyn ne ley g klntn..huhuhu..walaupon xd kaitan tp2 aku nk tulis gak pasl kaisara!=p
and2 arinie hari bersejarah gak coz nurul arifah liyana da boleh didukung oleh pakngah n atok nye tnpe menanges!wohoo!sian atok n wan arifah..evrytime dorg dtg dekat je arifah nanes..same la ngan pakngah rinie nk lak die..da ok..maybe die tau sok die da nk balik johor dats y die jd baek..haha xd kaitan..dgn makteh paklang n paksu je die cepat mesra kn arifah kn?haha..makteh die hulur tgn je die sambut..ngeh3~ bangga xpepasal ow..bia a..bukan slalu..=pp nyway asal aku kerek sangat mlm nie?maybe sbb geram aku xhabis lg kot?geram?nape geram ek? pikir la sdri..
lagi2!aku xbis lagi nie..mlm nie kitorang satu fam da merumuskan bahawa arifah sedikit brlainan dari baby bese..phal aku wat ayt cam nk wat conclusion je?nyway..besenye kite dgr owg slalu ad bantal bucuk en..ey aku xpeduli klu ko xd..aku cakap biasanye..kanak2 en..normal la..sape xd tu..kesa plak aku? yg len kat arifah nie..die bukan bantal baju bucuk..'hua?baju bucuk?', manusia yg mbaca tertanye2..ko xtertanye2 DIAMM..tu baju kaklong..cite die ceni..arifah tgl ngan atok n nenek die kt johor ms mak die belajar kt maktab..d satu time tu,arifah nanes3 nenek johor bg baju lame mak die kt arifah..diam plak bau mak die kot..tu yg senyap tu..rindu ngan mak smpai skng la tradisi tu mlekat..tradisi?pekebende tradisi nye do?aku pon smpai skng arifah tido ngan baju mak nk kua mkn pon bwk baju bucuk die..tp2 tgl dlm keta je a..
hey..kesaketan hati saye da bekurangan..mungkin kegembiraan bersama kluarga n ketawa td dah berjaya mengurangkan kadar kesakitan tersebut..n the award goes to nurul arifah liyana!penyeri kehidupan pembawa kegembiraan..haha..arifah jgn la balik lagi!waaaaaa!nty makteh rinduuu!tere lovus muchos arifah dear!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


wahahaha..aku nk cite pendek je..kite tros ke climax..time tu tgh rehat..aku n yna nek ats..yna nk byr sumting..d la betukar buku whizz..then yna ty aku..ingt lg x bunge silat pekebende..aku kt klu wat nty maybe aku ingt da bzmn je kot..then2..yna cam nk kerek2 ngan aku..die kt aku ingt pon ble wat sebelah die en..eleyy..pawe aa tuu enn..ckp sy xingt pelebat gak ennn...eleyyyy..then turn yna byr..die cam kat dlm ofis..aku geram yna ckp cmtu so aku wat2 la tembak yna kt pale..agagagagaga..blom pape da xcited xpepasl..kk..time aku tembak yna die dlm ofis..tmpt byr tu cam didindingi oleh cermin can look-thru je au..die d kt dalam n saw what i did..hahahahaha..n die sengihhhh n geleng pale..agagagagagagagagaga..kiutos mundos!perfecto similos!ehem2..berita skng myiarkan pencairan di kutub utara n selatan berlaku serentak n bumi kini di tahap kritikal..banjir besar akan berlaku kurang dri 5 saat..sekian laporan berita dari fizun bangang je..

haha..ynaa~ sy da wat pe yg sy cakap..first time sy post pasl die xsegila awk..agagagaga..












Sunday, June 7, 2009


yesterday evening me bro n i kua ngan sedara kitorang..kakngah ajk g ts tgk wayg..mle2 tu ingtkn ayin ikut kitorang..skali aku g ngan alang je..kakyong jd g lak..so2..kitorang g la nek keta angah..tah pe alang kt g ngan kakyong tp memandangkan time aku kol dorg da smpai sane kitorang kna g sdri a..odw to kakngah kol kt tgk night at d museum ok la fine..cite tu pon cam bes..skali smpai2 weyhh tiket xd..tau kitorang tgk citer pe??hannah montana..........doo..cite tu pon aku xpena tgk kt tb xpasal2 tgk movie die pe cer??mylie tu pon aku xgemar tapela bntai jela tgk..overall bes gk citer tu..lgu die song..n lwk gk al in al, ok laa..tpkan tpkan!nk dibuat citer time dlm wayg tuh angah kol........jeng3!aku da gtau abh da nk g..abh ok je phal lak nie dooo..rupenye angah nk gne keta...huaaaa...kunci uma die d dlm xbwk skali angah?hailaaa..then....owg yg x dinanti2 kol...huhuhu..saya punya mak kol..huaaaaa...kna marah....yelaaaaa..sory tau angah xbwk kunci uma die sdri n tglkan dalam keta die kt kl ni...=ppp hahaha..da pulak tu aku je yg kna marah!!kuang asam tol alang..die bukan nk angkat kol..saje bia enn..heeeee!!alaa tp rilek2 sudaa...haha rilek xrilek mmg kitorang pecut blik lps bis blik xkna mara ponn..muahahaha..nyway thnx blnje mkn n wyg!len kli kua ajak lg ek.haha

Saturday, June 6, 2009

aku..malas tol nk cari gado..well..buat mase skng la..coz aku xdmud nk berbuat begitu buat mase ni..bnde yg kite wat sala walaupon kecik tp lame2 jd besa gak..n pd aku pe yg ko wat cmtu la gak..ko mcm xknl aku lak..fine..maybe ko sedar if aku tau bnde sebenar time tu aku akn bising2 aku pon aku xd bising lame yg ko nk simpang siur tu np?kn lg bgs aku tau dri ko drpd aku tau dri owg len..hailaa..jgn la cemni..bukannye ko xknl aku..lek2 sudaa..aku aku bkn jnis yg simpan dalam hati laa..

kamon la kwn..ape2 hal ckp jela ngan aku terus terang..aku pnt la nk lyn owg yg simpang siur ni..bukan korg xknl aku..klu ye xknl aku len cite aa..ape2 xkna gtau jela..marah2 aku time tu pon bkn aku marah lame gile smpai xnk ckp ngan korg da..paling lame pon satu due hari..plg kejap bape minit je aku bengang..nk men sorok2 lak..ko pusing2 mane pon die datang balik gak en..pela..


wey2!semalam aku naek roller coaster ats jalan!bes2!hahaha...bak kt akmal..nek roller coaster pon xrs cuakk bes laa..teruja aku..hahha..bukan selalu dpt teruja la kn fahmy kn?haha..len kli ko bwk kitorang nek keta api lak la eh?chuuu2!hehe..em2..semalam afte blik dri kenduri shaa,fahmy kt blik ikut die..time tu aku n yna je due org pompuan..n laki2 banyaakk..meh kt kire..akmal,fahmy,mek,wan,munir,shai n last but not least apiz..aku tepikir time jalan ngan dorg..klu la mak bapak aku tgk aku jalan ngan dorg msti cam xcye ank die ley kwn ngan mereka2..hahaha..klakar lak bile pikir balik..tp2..akku rs bes aaa dooo..tgk la jalan yg kitorang lalu..scary do..dgn adenye jantan2 tu yg sume cm bajet2 scary en aku pon xdla scary ne..hahaha..xd owg banie dekat..haha..padahal aku xrapat sgt pon ngan dorg..sakai je..

Friday, June 5, 2009


hahaha..yna da pecah rahsia dulu aaaa..ok sambung dari blog yna..pagi nie d owg miskol aku..mle2 xnk lyn tp kot2 aku knl so aku miskol la blik..skali msk msg..

die :skng aku kat pulapol ngah training
aku:sape ni?
die :aku mawi r..kwn satu kmpg pun xsimpan num..xptt2
aku:aku xknl mane2 mawi la ngok
die :pelik2..aku nk msg togok..ntah sape2 r daknye bg kat aku

then aku stop..aku d ty die bkal polis ke tp ble cam da mgarot aku stop..weyyyyy..sjak bile ad dak name mawi kat kampung aku??kampong aku n9 aa weyyyy..mawi nye aku tatau ktne tp mmg bkn n9 aaaa..da la bg aku nme mawi..nyampah je aku dgr..tah sape2 la pulak togok tuhh..naseb bek die x bg name mmba die tu hanz isaac ke..fahrin ke..plek2 tol do..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

baik la cpt...

dammit..let me ask ya one thing..gimme one aspect of ego does ya good..i know i dont really hv anything to do wif this but watching you both just make me go crazy!y does it hv to go this way?i is easier said than korang....sampai bile korang nk mcm ni?aku xtau smpai bila aku boley tahan wat dono je weyyy.saket jiwa aku tgk korg cmni...tolong laaa...satu soalan je aku nk ty korg..mane lg penting?ur ego o frenship yg da korg bina for about ten years?sepuloh taun bukan sekejap...da mcm2 korg xperience same2..korg pon da paham ngan prangai masing2..jangan la taun trakhir kite kat skola same2 ni korg nk masam2 muke..smpai bile korg nk perang dingin?aku minta sangat2...xkesala sape mula dulu...aku nk kawan aku same2 balik.....sory klu korg terase o geram aku ckp ceni tp aku da xthn da..