Friday, July 24, 2009

at msu

23 julai 2009..
maths quiz in msu..
a lot had happen..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


harinie aku moody.haha.
mule2 ad owg tipu skng da xkesa.
wateva hapens, hapens..
i cant change nyting ayte?

lgpun aku dibuli pd thp karma yg mlampau.
klu aku pnyabar tape gk.
malangnye x..

n aku xphm..
np evry yer msti ad owg nk cri pasl ngan aku ni?
evry yer ad je dak y d mslh ngn aku..
klu xtimbul name aku n dikaitkn ngn mslh xsah..
y plg xthn ad pengajar yg salh phm..
tp sykur sgt2 ad yg percaye kt aku..
trime kaseh!
saye xkn khianati keprcyaan tu..insyaAllah..

o yea..
harinie gk sy mempamerkan prsn y da lme sy pendam..
thdp seorg sahabt..
skng ske men ckp lps..
b4 nie pon ad tp mls nk tunjuk..
tp da byk kali..
bnde tu kumpul2 jd byk..
tu yg xthn td..
pndai ey awk skng..
sy majok tol2 karang..
tp coz mls nk pjg2 cite..
bout 10 minit majok da ckp blik..

Monday, July 13, 2009

hate n despise

today started badly...

so all the rest of the day was also bad...

today im super emo...again...

i was bullied countless times...

by people who just LOVED to tease other people...

n LOVED to see other people sufferrr...

well the other people seems to be me...for today...

damn it...

i DESPISE them...

i HATE them for doing this to me...

i guess they just LOVED to test my patience limit...

making me angry...

soothe me...

then make me angry...

then soothe me...

then make me angry again...

n this goes on and on and on until i exploded...

seems like i'm their source of fun n excitement n enthusiasm eh?


seeing me emo n making me snapped is sooooo fun is it?

grrr!nymph sy!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


harinie aku g mkn kt pusat komuniti tu.hehehe.pagi2 da jmp abg ncem.bong la fizaaaaa.haha.ey2.ingt x dak yg nk knl ngan aku tu?smlm die kol.hahaha.aku da la kepenatan yaaaa amatt!aku da guling2 ats katil nk tdo.mte aku sangat2 pedih.overly used.tmbh ngan pkai specs.perghhh.nyway aku angkt jela.n kitorang borak3.n for the first time aku gne 'i u' dalam bm!!!!like ewwwwww!hahahahahahahahahahaha.bile aku pk balik cam xcaye je aku gne 'i u' bong gilaaaaaa.geli aku time gne tu xdpn rs pape.cume bile pikir balik rs cam waaaaaa~ aku pkai 'i u'.......klu in bi len cite a.xkn ckp bi nk gne aku ko lak ni gne bm weyyyyy..sungguhhhh bkn gaya yg ajaibnye kitorang ley borak cam not the first time borak...hmm dats gud,i guess?haha.maybe coz die jnis yg byk ckp so dats y d conversation was not so pelik like the awkward situation when u try to start a conversation wif a new fren u just in al,it was ok.
n sory khushairi coz emo time bls ur msg.i was extremelyy tired n exhausted n drained that i was trying so hard to even keep ma eyes open n bls ur msg.pls dnt take it to heart.yesterday was rather a veeeeeeryyyyyy loooooooooonggg n tiriiiiiiing day for me.hope u understand.
n i dont know how to read that map..............i cant interprete many alien wordsssssss..............................i dont evn know where the borders are...................................


huaaaaaaaa~ da lme aku xpost...sangat penaaatt dgn klas chem yg blambaaakk.terlalu byk chemical dlm pale otak mentally aku d klas chem 4 hours...d rehat 20 minits.but stil....then d bio lak 2 hours...mate aku sampai da saket da ow....aku da jd eyes r baggy.......btol ke ayt nie?cepat tol ms blalu...huaaaaa~ nantokk oww~

Saturday, July 4, 2009


semalam aku blaja sejarah weyyyyy~ sampai search tenet auu.haaa.betapa bersungguh-sungguh nya aku nk blaja sejarah semalam.hahaha.aku blaja chpter 9 form 5 n chpter dark age n renaissance tuh.sehari suntuk aku ngadap yg bes nye blaja dri tenet is bile aku da bosan bc sj tuh aku bc manga~~ dad n alang pon tolong aku blaja its kinda fun actually n mind opening.if d minat is there then everything cud be done.weeeeeee~ xpena2 aku blaja sj titibe blaja kdg2 quite fun u know.hahaha.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


saya, nur hafizah bt mohd zin dan muhd shazwan b muhd jamal da baek..weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~