Tuesday, May 31, 2011



baru2 ni akak usrah saye ad kongsi satu blog ni dgn saye.. n dalam blog ni penulis die telah mencoretkan satu kisah ttg persahabatan yang solely berkasih sayang kerana Allah.. selama ni saya mungkin faham mungkin tidak.. tapi bila saya bce coretan si penulis ni, saya faham.. oh mcm ni.. saya xsmpai lagi kat tahap tu.. betape byk lgi yg saya perlu perbaikkan.. next time saya akan kongsi dgn korg ye blog tu.. saya x on fb skrg ni.. so wait for this hujung minggu! hee ^_^

ni quote yang sangat2 terkesan kat hati saya.. saya kongsi dgn korg sume..

Teman yang paling baik adalah apabila melihatnya mengingatkan diri kita kepada Allah.Apabila mendengar bicaranya menambahkan ilmu agama.Dan apabila melihat gerak-geri dan amalannya mengingatkan diri kepada kematian sehingga menuntut diri untuk istiqamah dan bertaubat.Carilah teman yang paling baik itu.Dan jadilah teman yang paling baik itu.

read and heed :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

nurul izzati bt mohd ariff


okke, post kali ni khas ntuk cik zati(nama seperti yg tertera di atas) yang kini berada di tanta dan sedang menjalani peperiksaan bagi semester pertama die.. tadi saye call die but die xjwb...sob3...sedih...haha probably coz tgh maghrib kat sane so its ok! therefore, i wrote this post especially for u my dear~ hmm how to say this.. ko tau.. aku xdpt expresskan dgn words betape aku rindu ko skrg.. i wish u were here.. sgt2! (btw aku ad ltk status kt fb which said i miss u but of course xley tag.haha) seboleh2 aku xnk msuk memory lane but nmpknye aku terpkse!

u know, we grow up together, we fought(wlupon seingt aku kte xpena gado verbally sejak dri skola rendah smpi skrg, mostly mental war,if u know what i mean), we laughed, make jokes, jealous, putus kwn, kwn balik, bonded n smpai la tahap where kte ad skrg.. where by kte kena berpisah ntuk kejar dreams masing2.. we learn to miss each other when berjauhan, we learn that not all the things in this world is about romance, food or making good memories.. only now we truly learn that we are only making a stop cam kat RnR before kte troskan perjalanan kite.. im not good with words but ape yg aku nk ckp is kte xtau pit-stop kte kat RnR tu sekejap ke lama lgi.. n byk lg yg kite kna baiki.. ure one year older now.. so that means time ko stop kat RnR tu da krg setahun kan?.. skjp je mase blalu.. byk lg yg kte blm tau.. untuk kite smpai ke destinasi kte.. mungkin along the way kte akan tersesat jalan.. mungkin kte akan lebih arif ttg direction ke destinasi yg kte SEMUA nk tuju.. so lets same2 tolong masing2 menuju ke destinasi tu ok?

haha aku tau aku ni berbelit xmcm ko, direct je ckp ayat yg ko share dgn yna tu, but still, u know what i mean.. lagipun, what friends are for klu bkn untuk saling mengingat n menegur n menghappy n etc right? :) aku rase ini post yg ssuai ntuk ko sbb x cheezy!(wlupon berbelit) hope our paths will cross again so that kte boleh saling (all of the above yg aku da ckp).. therefore, selamat hari lahir zati! j'adore beacoup/ ich liebe dich/ ich vermissen dich/ uhibbukifillah zati syg! <3 hee..rindu ko! ^___________^

Saturday, May 21, 2011



salam!saya sangat2 bersyukur!bila saya dengar yang awak join kumpulan kecil itu juga, im lost for words! alhamdulillah...that's all that resounds in my head..it makes me smile..and it made me go teary..alhamdulillah..rupanya mcm ni la rasa happy bila sahabat kita sama2 kembali mengenal Dia..semoga Dia buka pintu hati awak luas2 n semoga kita sama2 dipayungi redha-Nya..amin..mungkin ini langkah pertama ke arah hijrah awak..saya doakan awak dan juga saya istiqamah dan diberikan taufiq untuk berhijrah..sememangnya hati itu Dia yang pegang..dan kepada dia yang telah jumpa kunci pintu hati awak, saya sangat berterima kasih..alhamdulillah.. :)

uhibukifillah boyya :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

fear o no fear?

"I swear by the time, Most surely man is in loss, Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.

103:1-3 "

what is fear? i guess when u ask someone what is fear, he probably tells u what his fears are. but i wonder does his fear includes what he's suppose to be afraid of. and i wonder if my fear include it as well. we all may say that yes we do fear God. who doesn't right? minus those atheists. but for us, when we say we fear Him, what do we really feel. i bet u don't even feel a tiny bit of fear when saying that. u're just a hypocrite. like me. cause u don't know what fear means. u don't feel the fear cause of u're ego and arrogance. just face the truth. u're not there yet. u might think its enough but truth is, its never enough.

He gave u everything that u have now but what do u give in return. u may scorn n said, ' hey, i did my prayers ya know.' but how do u know that He accepts your prayers. are they sincere enough to be accepted. are u sure that who solely think of Him and only Him when u pray? or maybe, 'aa i'm hungry...maybe i should eat chicken rice after this' or maybe 'i think i should call him and ask if he wants to go out tomorrow' or maybe 'i have to pray fast, the drama will be aired in seconds!' in a split second your mind is wandering. so how can He accepts foolish prayers like that? how can u say that u give something back in return too when everything that u do for him is half-heartedly?

He gave u your eyes for u to see this magnificent world that He created but all u see is pop stars and your boyfriends/girlfriends. He gave u your mouth to zikir to Him but u use it to say love words to your 'loved ones'. there are a lot of things that He gave u but u never give back in return. remember that those luxuries that He gave are only for a moment. if He is to take them back, what can u do? beg for forgiveness now that your ego is on its knees? what is done can never be undone. read and heed. for u and for me.

wallahu ta'ala 'alam.