saya tulis untuk berkongsi.saya tulis untuk mengingat awak dan juga saya.saya tulis sebab saya nak.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
td aku kemas2 laci aku tau..n aku jmp stu gmba ney..gmba kelas time drjh due..hahahaha..aku pelik asl pic tu sihat walafiat lg..bersih je..xkna cnteng pon...cute do aku time tuh..hahahahahaha.aku ske pic tuh coz aku cmeyy.hak3...ok2..xbek riak...astagha...y bgsnye en..geng aku sume d dlm pic tuh...zati ad..yna d...far pon ad...zati cool je..rmbut die tersusun gle..farisa klaka do..hahaha..adoyaiiii..yan pon...rmbut taley blah gile..hahaaha..pelik cne aku xpasan yna...aku tgk dorg sume msm je..aku senyum cm hepy gle.hahaha.aku ske ow rmbut cmtu...rmbut pendek..kmas jerr...heh...xbis2 puji diri sdri ow aku ney..hahahaa..lpas jmp pic tuh aku tros g uma zati..nk tunjok...gile xcited...hahaha..ktorg cm bual2 aa.die kt die ingt lg time drjh due..pd aku y aku plg ingt is time drjh 6...drjh 6 la y plg byk gosip...seyes doo..byk sump-ah lwak!coz aritue time g uma farisa ktorg tgk album d pic aku time drjh 6 au..seyes burok!!!ya rabbi.....aku xphm btol...laki2 time drjh 6 tu bute ke pe???dgn gye cmtu pon owg ley ske????gile biul!!aku xpena kesah pas tudong aku....whatever state its in...seriously....first time aku kesa is time form 3.....hahahaahahahah.adoyai.........lawak gile ahh....aku xthn tol......seyes xphm........rmai gile dak2 y cun y cm jge tol2 penmpilan....ske la dorg....wtpe nk ske aku doo....xd idop aku sengsara tahun tuh...hahaha...tapi2...bgs la warna-warni gak idop aku.....hehehe
Saturday, December 13, 2008
kua uma farisa
smlm farisa ajak g mkn2 kt umah die.die ajak aku,yna,zati n fam ktorg.capix pon die ajak tp capix sorg2 ah coz parents die g haji.jumaat mlm tuh ktorg bincg2 capix nk g ngn sape.mle2 aku ingt die xjd g.rupe2nye die g.awl2 kt nek ngn d mslh teknikal cket so die tmpg aku.wlupon die laki tp aku lepak je.hahah.wlupon cm xkna je pd pndgn owg en.yela.capix mmbe aku je.lepak je ah en.wtpe nk cuak klu kt xwat sala.len la klu capix tu man ke o d history ngn aku cam an ke.mmg sumpah xlepak ah.cuak memanjang je aku kang.rupe2nye capix cuak gile ngn abh.hahahah.adoyai.sume owg nk aku bese je.dlm keta ktorg borak2 ah.ckp pasl awek la bnd y aku bru gak capix tuh.d gk aku tgk pic die.coz zati kt farisa da tgk pic awek die dlm xjelas.aku pon da xsngke lak d pic len.die tunjok.da smpai uma farisa lepak2 ah.aku d story kt yna.lpas tu mkn2.tgk tb jap.d stu time tuh ttbe adik aku jatoh dri buaian tuh.die dok xbtol.capix lak stopkn buaian tuh.msti capix pk adik aku tuh mgade2.hahaha.mmg pon.prangai mnje gile................xkuase aku nk lyn.xlme pastu parents2 lak nk blik.aku pk xkn cpt gle nk blik.seyes xpuas.alih2 ktorg kna tgl kt uma farisa.hahaha.bengong je lepak kt lua ct pasl antu.nsb bek hari terang!cuak gile aku tau!heisyyyyyyyyyy.then da ptg men basikal.hahahahaha.sumpah da lme xmen.da xbese da.y aku plg xthn tuh men kt tman.weyyyyyyy.sumpah cm knk2.yna n capix men adik badik sgt kot................ish3.hahah.then men pukol2 ngn bantal laaa.perghh.senanya aku tatau lak capix xnk dorg tau.time ktorg dok due ats buaian die kt jgn gtau dorg au aku da tgk awek die.aku cam 'err.da gtau la' hahah.sory ah capix.ko xwarning awl2 do.mke die cam da xley blah.tah np die xnk dorg tau.bkn big deal maybe die d reasons aku nk kesa.die pon da tau pasl man.lepak ah en.hahahaha.bengong!ira lak kt aku cpt cri pnggnti.adoyaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..................aku mlas nk komen pape.lpas aku ckp2 ngn farisa ritu aku da xbengong da.lpas die kt jgn hrp pape dri man slaen jd aku pon cm ttbe bru sdr dri.aku pon dok ulang2 'jgn hrp pape jgn hrp pape'.so aku skng da jd normal blik.bkn xtkawal cam aritu.due tige ari je aku biul stil rs attracted tuh ad aa aku xpasti kuat mane.skng fwen2 je knl kot.xkn nk ubah status da en.gile ke pe.aku xsebengong tuhh.nk experience d whole cpl2 thingy again while d feelings r stil fresh?hehh.mau keciwa tgh2 jaln2.x ke cri nahas.cis.xpatot aku bia zati gtau bengong je rmai2 tau.heisyyyyy.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
result xm
hmph....aku tatau nk kt aku btol2 studi ke x......aku rs da ckop tension da aku aritue.....yna pon cm xrs pape....based on pe die kt time xm..........result yna pon lg pawe............ok...........tatau nk kt pe...........heh............nk mencarot tp xsanggup lak.................da tatau nk kt pe...............menurun gile do......................aku tatau pe silap die.........................hmmmmm......................skng ney aku hrp zati balik cepat je.............aku nk men need 4 speed....................adoyai..........................xtunjok lg kt abh n mak..............................hmm......................nk react pe eh nty?.............senyum jela........................hrp2 dpt ah..................aku hrp aku cool je dpn dorg......................jd xbprsn.............................hmm..............huu~
Sunday, December 7, 2008
sok ry ry mmg bes...aku mmg ske stu je bnd yg aku xske time ry ney is msk rndg...sump-ah xske gile babengg...............nk msk die mmg lme n tgn aku sgt3 lenguh n kacau kuah tuhh!n aku paling xske ble minyak die mletup.................tau jela...aku ney mmg bkn jnis y pnyabar......ble da byk kali gile mmg aku da xthn ahh.mmg bengang gile thp cibai la en.huu~ msk rndg mmg btol2 mguji kesabaran aku.....ok la.tu je aku nk cite time aidiladha eve neyhh...salam.slmt ari ry aidiladha rakan2.............
Saturday, December 6, 2008
weyyy.aku bru 3 kali msg ngn die tp da jd biul ceni......first of al mmg aku xsngke aku ley tetarik gile ceni kt die.aku klu org tuh org yg aku xknl ke mmayb bley la otak aku ney mmbe lme.y mmg mal n far la plak cm zati aku org tuh bley jd sape2.xsmstinye owg y aku xknl.n yg aku plg xsngke is aku bley rs ceni evn afte dak tuh.aku ingt aku xkn dpt rs ceni for a very looooong time.seyes aku cuak gak.die bru je pts.msti blom lpe lg.ingt sng nk lpe.aku pon mik ms lme gile.dok balik gk prsn tuh kt lme2 aku da bley trime da.aku xdpt avoid die wlu cane aku nk aku dgn hati y tbuke trime die as a fren.ktorg mmg da sedia rapt cm xdpe yg brubah kt ktorg xcep feelings.y dak aku bru msg ney....cane nk ckp ey?pkare first yg tlintas kt otak aku ble die muncol kt stesen tu is 'smart gak lqmn ney' n then aku rs nk ckp2 ngan die.ble elya kt die da d mkwe tuh seyesly ad rs keciwaaa.agagaga.aku tatau msti nk tgk die.n ble aku pndg die akuk msti senyum.hahah.tatau nk wtpe senanye.nk borak tatau nk ckp pe.die pon senyap.aku tatau nk kt die hnsm ke x.pd zati ye la.pd aku die ney sdp mte memandang.sejuk jeee.heh.n aku xdpt rskn aura kejahatan kua dri mal tuh d aura criminal en.haha.jgn mara far.jk.tah laaaa.y aku tau aku attracted kt die.tatau asl....adoyai.n ble die msg aku sumpah hepy.klu die xmsg aku rs kebiulan aku xbkmbg sbb die da msg en....bnd tuh mmg da stat ahh.ayt die pon mmg xthn.wat aku dmam je en.aku xnk mengharap ble ayt2 die tuh cm taley blah mmg aku da stat bubbly ahh.da rs butterfly dlm prot aku.haiyooo.takot gile nk mhrp weyyyy.ahhhh!
haritue ktorg g mid.kua jaln2.y ad time tu ktorg 4 capix acp lqmn mal n elya.seyesly awl2 tu aku rs bosan gile babeng.time cri farid la.then nk tgg tah sape2 lg tah.pnt jaln je tp xd hala tuju.aku da nek bosan da.lqmn smart ow time die muncul kt stesen.hahah.ktorg dok tgg punye tgg rupenye capix n mal da d dlm stesen.aku d la jalan jap ngn lqmn.borak2 ngn time tu die pendiam sgt!aku ne ley ngan laki y senyap ney.xley aku try gak a wat cnvrsation ngn die.ktorg mkn burgerking ritu.acp dtg time tu la.die bwk mmbe.agk pelik tgk acp pkai xmcm rempit.hahah.da syg!gmbr acp xd...o aku ckp ngan dorg elya d pon bkn mslh aku.aku xlyn sgt pon.agagaga.lyn ala kadar.die ok je.then ktorg g men boling.lqmn suh aku aja die.hahah.aja la sgt.pawe je die men.sian aku tgk die dok sorg2.aku nk bbual ngan die tp ble aku ckp ngan die pon serupe cm xckp.halus gile sore................tu mksd kau ble aku ckp sore die romntik.seyes xd mksd len.yna da pdg len mcm ble bc msg.btol laaa.xtipu....eh2?cm pena dgr lak ayt tu.agagagagagagaga.ktorg blik awl cket coz aku nye pasl.heheh.sory a capix sporting.die pon nmpk da pnt.boling pon xbis men.sian wit korg.burn cmtu je.sory sgt2.aku mmg da desperate.lgpon nk g uma capix en.weyyyyy.capix men gitar.cair doooo.yna kt pe?tpesona?hahahaahahahahaa.capix da d mkwe~~~~~~ tp lqmn aku rs pe y aku tulis ney mostly pasl lqmn? da biul.otak da putus fius.xsgp nk troskn.xterase pon nk tulis hari dlm sejarah da xd mkne.....biul aku disebabkn sorg je.hahah.adoyai...........tkt nye nk tlalu mhrp.ey!diam la fizah!bisg je.kk fullstop.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
kuali evilll
haha.hari nie lawak sungguh..ntah cane aku terbangun lmbt rini.mayb sbb xckop tdo smlm..coz ad owg tu kaco.agagagagaga..n maybe coz aku tgk heroes lme sgt.da tau ngntok xnk tdo.dgil!haha.aku mmg dgil yg lwknye?cite die ceni...ble nk sediakn mkn tgh hari mk kol la..suh aku msk da siap ltkkn kunyit..aku pon ok...then da sediakn lauk sume..aku panaskn la kuali tu..nk goreng ikan td..aku g tndas jap..then aku msk dapo blik kn..........aku nmpk.........kuali tu da tbakar!aku cuak gile babengg!!!aku pk xkn nk renjis air??buatnye lg marak api tu??aku xdla lurus sgt.hahaha.aku pe lg.....'alaaaaaaaanggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!' hahahahaha.nsib bek rini alang x g ne2.........klu x mampos aku sowg2 kt ctu.....last2 aku xgoreng pon ikan tu..takot kuali tu tbakar balik...hahahaha.ble adik suh goreng aym ntuk die pon aku bg byk alsan..hahah..xnk bdepn dgn kuali evil tu lg...nsib bek aym da bis...xyah gne kuali tu...die nk burger plak...aku gne frying pan je..hahahaha...sumpah cuakk........pengalaman2........
Sunday, November 23, 2008
sucks like heel through d sad part.not realy but....ok.let me get this straight.i am seriously not a good person.outside o inside.ok.maybe i hv good n bad sides.but personally i dont think im a good person,overall.but as bad as i am,as flirty as i cn get,as close to a guy as i cn get, i do hv my boundaries ok...maybe some people tend to misunderstand me coz they dont know me enaf.but i do feel sick wif maself coz letting them feel dat certain points i can know when im doing it.i mean when i get overboard.according to zati i tend to get manje without me knowing it.but there r certain times when i DO know it.n i feel terribly sick bout it.coz i know im faking it.n it is disgusting.pure just hapenned recently u im stil not over this.n to make things worst people who just dont seem to understand tend to get overboard as well.which sucks like hell.seriously.i am soooo being creep out by this.i dont think i cn act normal without getting bum.damn it.
ma days
smlm bess.lpas blik dri umah farisa aku cm tatau nk wtpe en.da stat nk bsn da.n it seems wan n atok saket.abh kt nty tdo kg.titibe aku dgr mk ckp kt fon.kt nk anta aku g sne.aja aku msk??aku cm aku tgg la mk bis kt xjd tdo kg.nty along dtg mik aku n aku akn tlg kaklong msk.mlm ney kumpul kt rumah along.aku cam time along amik tu die ty..fizah nk msk pe mlm ney?haha.aku gelak jela.along kt lg along import tukang msk je.tu la kaklong pon pnt ney.aku bley buat pe.gelak jela.haha.....skali g sne kaklong kt kaklong da siapkan bhn,kaklong ckp fizah msk ye.aku pon ok..aja la..=)) msk tomyam.agagaga.pdsss.i hv to write down how to cook dat.kaklong kt tomyam plg ok.i start from d basic.mlm tu wan n atok ad gak.tdo umah aku mlm smlm.arinie atok da blik.atok ne ley tglkn kg lme sgt.xsng dudok dibuatnye.wan je d lg kt cni.xsehat time paklang urut wan..aku xpena tgk wan se...wat to sae...selemah tu...mcm saket sgt2 mke wan time kna urt.paklang pn cm ad ilmu.aku tgk je.aku plak yg rs cdey tgk wan.hrp2 wan cpt smbuh..amin..
Friday, November 21, 2008
bes gile babeng!
mgu ney syok gle babengg.heisyy.seyes do.g tdo uma farisa dri slase smpai jumaat.bes3!cume syg la yana xdpt ikt.huhuhu.klu x msti lg gmpak.ari slase g sne tros g ptg rmbut.mmg nikmt!muahahaha.stelah sekian lme aku nk ptg rmbut akhirnya dpt gak....cume yg lwknye die da drop kn ktorg kt salon die da blah bru aku sdr aku xbwk duit.agagagagagaga.kna la mk die byrkn time amik ktorg.wat malu je deyy.ptg cm rockstar je.haha.then xpasl2 die straighten kn.ble zati tgk je die tkejut gile babengg.hahaha.aku tgk kt cermin pon cm artis pn d gak.hahahahahahaha.lwk antrabngsa tol.pttnye mlm tu men aku da stuck dgn edward yg hnsm gile babeng tu ditangguh.soknye g alamanda.ingtkn nk tgk coffin.seyes nk tgk xd time die ktorg jaln2 jap then g men boling.da la mk die blnje weyhhh.mmg bes a en.agagaga.then mlm tu pkai inai.haha.pnt zati n farisa ltkkn inai kt tgn aku.cian korg.smpai farisa kna suapkn time mkn.agagagaga.tnx korg!syg korg!msg pn dorg blskn.tah pe bnde dorg bls.lwk gle.smpai tergne 'aku ko' ngn die.n xpasl2 d owg tu mrh ngan aku i dont care.not ma prob anyway.chh.yg plg bes nye.sok tu g klcc.kua ngn naa mal syafiq n shzwn.aku xnk ingt pe2 yg tabes.soo...yg lpas tu bia lpas...u knw wat i mean r8?tgk madagascar 4 d scnd time.maybe agk bes coz tgk ngan mmbe.first time tgk ngan abh n adik cm xd feeling sgt.mmg aku gelak la mostly aku gelak pun sbb syafiq ove sgt.haha.lwk la die tu.time kua tu aku xbis2 kna shhh ngan die.hahaha.wat malu aku je.die da cm bpk jg ank2 lak.aku ni ank y wt bisg n die bpk y control aku.agagaga.adoii.bru kua ngan due org.xcmpor lg y len2.klu x msti lg gmpakk.rindu nye kt korgggg!!!ok seyesly aku da lme xtulis.tlampau xcited lak.thennn ml tu bru men bkn life.ktorg men payday.aku bngng tol men game tu!asik2 kna reverse then ulang balik bnde yg sme.bkn skali ok!tige kali! was like i've been through it before..agagagagaga.then soknye ktorg blik..aku cm blik dri camping jerr.byk gle beg.haha.klu ley kt sleepover lg ye?n aku nk kua gak tgk twilight....huhu..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
wat if ur croc-y ex said this to u....
bnde ney cm bes je.aku terase nk jwb.tajuk die 'wat if ur croc-y ex said this to u.'
1. Hi how are ya?
sihat walafiat..
2.Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
wif u?not gona hapen........
3. I LOVE U..
do i look like i care?
4. DO u want some cookies?
u make cookies?wau....
5.Can you take me a picture?!
amik la sdri.sheeesh
6.Help me in my homework!
tgk la.klu baik
7. Here's my gift to you...
sape kt nk?
8.Let's just be textmates
go to heel
9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
owg da kasi trime je..rezeki..
10.Let's sit together in the bus
g dok jauh2
11. Hi baby
12.Your still cute!
bru tau ke?
13.I still LOVE you!
go tell d monkeys....
14.Can I visit your house?
dtg u wont c me.
15. Do you love me?
wateva hapens,i'l make sure its more to no.
1. Hi how are ya?
sihat walafiat..
2.Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
wif u?not gona hapen........
3. I LOVE U..
do i look like i care?
4. DO u want some cookies?
u make cookies?wau....
5.Can you take me a picture?!
amik la sdri.sheeesh
6.Help me in my homework!
tgk la.klu baik
7. Here's my gift to you...
sape kt nk?
8.Let's just be textmates
go to heel
9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
owg da kasi trime je..rezeki..
10.Let's sit together in the bus
g dok jauh2
11. Hi baby
12.Your still cute!
bru tau ke?
13.I still LOVE you!
go tell d monkeys....
14.Can I visit your house?
dtg u wont c me.
15. Do you love me?
wateva hapens,i'l make sure its more to no.
Monday, October 20, 2008
ble aku bc blog kaishek aku tbc la bnde kejadah ney.nk men2 tag lak ttbe en.mule2 aku cm mls nk pe sala troskn.d la bnde nk tlis kt blog goes.
Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.
15 things bout me..
-ble msk keta,aku ske nyanyi ikut lg kt radio.xkire la keta pkai tarik je snyp2 je
-rsnye rmai da tau y aku d crush(ecece) kt ckgu 2syn physics aku.haha.first time aku ske nk jd ngan dak2 zman skng..
-stil brusaha lpekn x
-sgt2 mengimpikan rmbut ikal pjg
-rindukn anyau gile2.huhu
-tgh menunggu owg yg lyk trime keychain cpl tue
-ske dpt phatian aku bkn player bes.haha
-stil tunggu brg y aku patot dpt n bnde yg aku nk die aku tau tu mustahil.n xkn hati aku stil mengharap.bodonye...
-kn bes klu aku berisi cket.haha
-cud get emo ove a simple ting.but gets ove it easily
-sgt100 sygkn pshbtn.dgn owg yg mmg aku da ley click mmg sgt100 syg gile100
-sgt100 ske mkn lollipop n chocol8.nyum3.n yea.cakesssssssssssss
-aku mkn sgt byk xgemok2.wlupon da brusaha ke arh tu.tatau nk kt pe dahh
-realy2 like swit2 things n nice surprises
-im melting..................
Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.
15 things bout me..
-ble msk keta,aku ske nyanyi ikut lg kt radio.xkire la keta pkai tarik je snyp2 je
-rsnye rmai da tau y aku d crush(ecece) kt ckgu 2syn physics aku.haha.first time aku ske nk jd ngan dak2 zman skng..
-stil brusaha lpekn x
-sgt2 mengimpikan rmbut ikal pjg
-rindukn anyau gile2.huhu
-tgh menunggu owg yg lyk trime keychain cpl tue
-ske dpt phatian aku bkn player bes.haha
-stil tunggu brg y aku patot dpt n bnde yg aku nk die aku tau tu mustahil.n xkn hati aku stil mengharap.bodonye...
-kn bes klu aku berisi cket.haha
-cud get emo ove a simple ting.but gets ove it easily
-sgt100 sygkn pshbtn.dgn owg yg mmg aku da ley click mmg sgt100 syg gile100
-sgt100 ske mkn lollipop n chocol8.nyum3.n yea.cakesssssssssssss
-aku mkn sgt byk xgemok2.wlupon da brusaha ke arh tu.tatau nk kt pe dahh
-realy2 like swit2 things n nice surprises
-im melting..................
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
ma advisor
first of al.aku nk bls kad raye atin.sowe la.i xpndai la nk wat2 kad i bg ucpn jela ek.ngee~
minx ampun byk2 klu aku ad wt ko mara ke saket ati ke rs jengkel ke ngn prangai aku ney o pe2 yg aku ckp.kdg2 aku xsedar pe aku wt tu sala.sooo.hehe.sowe ey.ko mmg sgt2 rock la bg aku.sgt slmbe derkk je.=)) i tabik u la atinn.
so2.aku senanye ad kekeliruan la bnd jd sblm ney.baru ney je.yg wat aku cm xkeruan cket.aku cm jd ragu2 ngn diri aku.tetapi!ma advisor had save me!haha.advisor xbtauliah aku tuuu...ehem2...izzan aaa.haha.izzan.i mmg suspect u la.thnx 4 saving me feelings.haha.klu x kerna ko smpai rini aku dok gundah gulana lg.tah lagu mana lg tah nk pkai.jd.smntara dak tu x gtau lg teori ko mmg bole pkai la klu die da ckp...bnd da lps...wtpe nk ungkit2 en.haha.gentle aa en izzan.
minx ampun byk2 klu aku ad wt ko mara ke saket ati ke rs jengkel ke ngn prangai aku ney o pe2 yg aku ckp.kdg2 aku xsedar pe aku wt tu sala.sooo.hehe.sowe ey.ko mmg sgt2 rock la bg aku.sgt slmbe derkk je.=)) i tabik u la atinn.
so2.aku senanye ad kekeliruan la bnd jd sblm ney.baru ney je.yg wat aku cm xkeruan cket.aku cm jd ragu2 ngn diri aku.tetapi!ma advisor had save me!haha.advisor xbtauliah aku tuuu...ehem2...izzan aaa.haha.izzan.i mmg suspect u la.thnx 4 saving me feelings.haha.klu x kerna ko smpai rini aku dok gundah gulana lg.tah lagu mana lg tah nk pkai.jd.smntara dak tu x gtau lg teori ko mmg bole pkai la klu die da ckp...bnd da lps...wtpe nk ungkit2 en.haha.gentle aa en izzan.
Friday, October 3, 2008
maaf zahir batinn
ok2.sempena raye yang mulia neyy.saye ingin wat posting khas.khas untuk rakann2 sy yg sangat2 laa disayangi smpai sy tatau cane nk describe.mmg tnpe mrk sy xrs sy dpt lpas dugaan kt skola mngh neyy.adeyy.da nk emosi la plakk.ishh.ehem2.ok2.kt stat.
first skali untuk mu ma beloved kecikk.huhu.kt jd emosii sbntar dolu2.skola rndah xpena rs ad kwn y benar2 kwn.sume yg kwn ngan sy ponn sme d olok2,ad telorr di sebalik megi,bermusimm salju summer bunge o gugorr o anything yg sy tatau pe niat dorg.mmg xd sorg ponn yg lekat dlm hati sy sbgai kwn.nk kt tol2 awk la yg sy anggp as ma first fwenn.hailaa.adedeyy.keemoan tgh mlande neyy.sbb ble sy kwn ngan awk sy dpt rs yg awk xmcm dorg yg sblm2 neyy.senanye sy agk tkejot ble awk da mkin rapt ngan sy.yela sblm awk sy ne d mmbe rapt enn.dats y ble awk wat 'scene' dlm pepustkaan.alaaa xkn lupeee kott.tipuu aaa.da cm taufan katrinaa da awk.haha.dats y time sy sgt2 la tatau nk wtpe!sy xpena tlibat ngan scene2 yg sebegituuu.dat was d first time awk very d opening ngan sy.n i really2 appreciate it.=DDD coz dats wat makes me feel confident to open up to u n trust like i-neva-trust-a-personn.perghh.da msk memorylane la plakk.haha.gentle la enn ;D thnx sgt2 la tatau pe akn jd if we eva gado.minx simpangg sgt2.five o six years since we rapt sy bersyukor sgt kt xd perg dingin.anyting dat i sae anyting dat i do dat hurt ur feelings im realy sorry.now2.
scnd prsn lakk aaa.kt da kwn since kindergarden.sgt2 lameee oww.ten to twelve years is it?dulu sll berhijrahh g umh ko.byk spend time togetherr.time tuu sgt2 bess.i dnt knw how ble msk skola rndh kt cm tpisahh.ko ngan geng len.aku ponn ngan geng lenn.i sae we hv a lot of catching-up to do.we missed so many years oready.dats y i tink i cn feel some distance betwin us.o aku jerr rs cmtuu??but yangg ble kt msk skola mngh rs syg mkin kuatt la enn.we hv to patch up many things.evntho kt da sgt2 lme bkwn i cnt sae i knw u well.dere r parts of u dat i dont know.mayb i missed d memories wif u which to get to know u now u r a part of mehh =DDD i dont know how to sae if ur not around.owg y memeriahhkn suasne xd rs cm something missing.dont woryy dearr coz love grows wif does ma lovee ;DDDD
ok!last personn lakk.alaaa tige cukopp aaa.nk eleborate rmaii komaaa la akuuu.matii sel2 otak xpepasl kangg.dok perah2 otak smpai cm ikan keringg lakk.ey babe.kt kawan bermusimm enn.ko la kwn musimm salju summer bunge o gugor aku tuuu.haha.dulu bkn men bjett ketue.perghh.sume ponn ikot dierr.bak pengikut2 yg setiaa.biruu kt ko biruuuu.hitm kt ko hitmmm.adoiii.nostalgik xx???zaman kegemilangan ko = zaman penderitaan akuu.ahaha.equation da balance daaa.aku ponn da taleyy kire bp kali kt on off.tauu2.ko kt nk tgor akuu tp ego ko yg bakk gunong everest tuhh y mhalang drpd ko tgor akuu.alaa.time ne aku tauu enn.time tuu ko cm taikoo.eleyy.tp2 msk skola mngh caerr gakk ego ko enn.cam2 ais melting dlm karakatoa.=DDDko kt ko tgor akuu kt kntinn.sgt2 hilg memori aku pasl tuhh.tah ne dierr nyorokk smpai aku xingt pasl xcy je owg yg aku dok cri hari2 pena on off ngan aku tah bp kali i dont knw tah.ecece.on off on cpl lakk.ehh.x x x x x.ko da ad akuu je xddd.=((( haha emosi la konon enn.
rakan2.lg skali sy minx ampunn ngan andaa.dari hujong tip of ma hair! smpai hujong kuku leyy emosi2 sll enn.gentle sayaaaaaanggg sgt2 same andaa.andaa la jantong pisang kaki kuu.;DDDDD
first skali untuk mu ma beloved kecikk.huhu.kt jd emosii sbntar dolu2.skola rndah xpena rs ad kwn y benar2 kwn.sume yg kwn ngan sy ponn sme d olok2,ad telorr di sebalik megi,bermusimm salju summer bunge o gugorr o anything yg sy tatau pe niat dorg.mmg xd sorg ponn yg lekat dlm hati sy sbgai kwn.nk kt tol2 awk la yg sy anggp as ma first fwenn.hailaa.adedeyy.keemoan tgh mlande neyy.sbb ble sy kwn ngan awk sy dpt rs yg awk xmcm dorg yg sblm2 neyy.senanye sy agk tkejot ble awk da mkin rapt ngan sy.yela sblm awk sy ne d mmbe rapt enn.dats y ble awk wat 'scene' dlm pepustkaan.alaaa xkn lupeee kott.tipuu aaa.da cm taufan katrinaa da awk.haha.dats y time sy sgt2 la tatau nk wtpe!sy xpena tlibat ngan scene2 yg sebegituuu.dat was d first time awk very d opening ngan sy.n i really2 appreciate it.=DDD coz dats wat makes me feel confident to open up to u n trust like i-neva-trust-a-personn.perghh.da msk memorylane la plakk.haha.gentle la enn ;D thnx sgt2 la tatau pe akn jd if we eva gado.minx simpangg sgt2.five o six years since we rapt sy bersyukor sgt kt xd perg dingin.anyting dat i sae anyting dat i do dat hurt ur feelings im realy sorry.now2.
scnd prsn lakk aaa.kt da kwn since kindergarden.sgt2 lameee oww.ten to twelve years is it?dulu sll berhijrahh g umh ko.byk spend time togetherr.time tuu sgt2 bess.i dnt knw how ble msk skola rndh kt cm tpisahh.ko ngan geng len.aku ponn ngan geng lenn.i sae we hv a lot of catching-up to do.we missed so many years oready.dats y i tink i cn feel some distance betwin us.o aku jerr rs cmtuu??but yangg ble kt msk skola mngh rs syg mkin kuatt la enn.we hv to patch up many things.evntho kt da sgt2 lme bkwn i cnt sae i knw u well.dere r parts of u dat i dont know.mayb i missed d memories wif u which to get to know u now u r a part of mehh =DDD i dont know how to sae if ur not around.owg y memeriahhkn suasne xd rs cm something missing.dont woryy dearr coz love grows wif does ma lovee ;DDDD
ok!last personn lakk.alaaa tige cukopp aaa.nk eleborate rmaii komaaa la akuuu.matii sel2 otak xpepasl kangg.dok perah2 otak smpai cm ikan keringg lakk.ey babe.kt kawan bermusimm enn.ko la kwn musimm salju summer bunge o gugor aku tuuu.haha.dulu bkn men bjett ketue.perghh.sume ponn ikot dierr.bak pengikut2 yg setiaa.biruu kt ko biruuuu.hitm kt ko hitmmm.adoiii.nostalgik xx???zaman kegemilangan ko = zaman penderitaan akuu.ahaha.equation da balance daaa.aku ponn da taleyy kire bp kali kt on off.tauu2.ko kt nk tgor akuu tp ego ko yg bakk gunong everest tuhh y mhalang drpd ko tgor akuu.alaa.time ne aku tauu enn.time tuu ko cm taikoo.eleyy.tp2 msk skola mngh caerr gakk ego ko enn.cam2 ais melting dlm karakatoa.=DDDko kt ko tgor akuu kt kntinn.sgt2 hilg memori aku pasl tuhh.tah ne dierr nyorokk smpai aku xingt pasl xcy je owg yg aku dok cri hari2 pena on off ngan aku tah bp kali i dont knw tah.ecece.on off on cpl lakk.ehh.x x x x x.ko da ad akuu je xddd.=((( haha emosi la konon enn.
rakan2.lg skali sy minx ampunn ngan andaa.dari hujong tip of ma hair! smpai hujong kuku leyy emosi2 sll enn.gentle sayaaaaaanggg sgt2 same andaa.andaa la jantong pisang kaki kuu.;DDDDD
Friday, September 26, 2008
da jmpe~
da jumpeeeee!alhamdulillah.mmg sangat2 sonok!aku da jmp balik resipi choc chips yg wat las yerr!wahahahaha.gile besss.rakan2!lpas cuti nty sy wat bg andaa2 rs ehh.dak2 dlm klass ku yg tercintaaa ponn.hehehehe
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
adding to the list xske
ok2.skng kt smbungg list wat i dnt like.
6.air ber'gassss' sgt2 xsukeee air ber gasss ye rakan2.i knw most of uuu like air gas vry2 much.nk2 lg ble ltk ais akuuu xx!realise it ma i realy2 dnt like carbonated waterrr.sgt2 saket pale ble minumm auu.mcm nk bg aku migrain jerr ble andaa bg air gass.dnt like at all.klu g kdai akuu lebeyy relaaa minumm air milo(yg dorg besenye wat ltk susu.yuckss) drpd minum air gasss.tp2!klu g cm tmpt piza ke enn besenye owg cm order airr gasss besenye diamm klu andaa pasann(bg sape2 yg pena g mkn piza ngn sy) mmg aku xminum byk.stu gelas jerr.ble dorg tuangkn airr pownn aku cm suh tuang ckett jerr.seyesss dnt like at all.migrain2 bebehh.
7.kaco aku ble aku bad mud
bg andaa2 sume yg da lme kwn sayaa msti andaa tauu neyy neyy mmg emo n sgt sng ter'emo'.tp bg yg bru knl sy tuu sy bkn 24/7 emo.tipuu arr cmtuu.andaa yg da lme kwn sy pon klu kt sy 24/7 emo mmg xknl sy la sng emo.sgt2.n klu mood sy xbek tuu tlg la sy mintaaakk sgt2 jgn cri pasaalll.aku mmg pntg btoll.xkn xnmpk mood tgh xbek??andaa ad mate gnekn ntuk melihat n andaa ad akal gnekn ntuk berfikir.jgn laa 'short' sgt owg kt sarang tebuan jgn dijolok.btol la tuu enn.mmg cri pasl ngan aku klu kaco time aku bad mood.n andaa tolong laa phm keadaan mmg akan memutuskn komunikasi ngan rakan almost 80% apabila sy xbyk bercakap.jd andaa jgn la terase bile ad time2 sy wat derrkk jerr ngan andaa.mcm andaa tu xwujud sbb prangai sy semmemangnyerr beginii.bilerr sy da memulakn stu cnversation ngan andaa bilerr mud sy xbekk mknenye tahap moody tuu da agk mintaakk maapp sgt2 kpd andaa klu andaa terase ngan sy time2 sy moody.ampuunnn. yg xreti bhs
akuu mmg berbulu btol ngan spesis2 mrk inii.yg mmg lot xreti bhs.ble aku kt aku xske mknenye aku mmg xskee!maybe dorg ingt aku ney cm jnis pnpuan yg bjet kt xske tp sbenarnye ske.weyyyhhhh.tolong laaaaa paahaaammmm.aku mmg sgt2 mksdkn ble aku kt aku xskee.aku mmg xthn ngan manusia2 neyy.lg aku kt xske lg dorg nk watt.aku lepok krg!berterabor korg ats mke bumi ney!sengkek sgt.cnthnye cm sorg mamat neyy.yg neyy aku still xdpt thn.nk pgl aku princess pahalll?!geli gilerrrr.da la bajett aku die nye mkwe.aku kt jgn pgl aku princess.die stop.but then lpas tu pgl aku puteriii.weyyyyhhhhh.sgt2 d menggelikaannnn fahamm xx?!kot ye pon nk jiwang karat buat la ngan mkwe yg mmg mkwe pd hakikatt.sheeeeshh.pastuu makhlok2 yg mrk2 neyy haa.aku dok kt aku mmg xda apa2 ngan si polann tuu tp die still cm xnk trime.die stilll kt aku sgt2 ad sumting ad ngan si polan tuuu.tolooong yg aku dpt klu aku tipuuu ponnn.aku bley phm yg manusia neyy mmg sgt2 curious n ad jnis yg mmg jg tepi kain owg enn.ble nmpk jerr sumting controvercial dorg cm xdpt thn diri dorg dr wat conclusions yg kadang melampaui hakikatt.aku neyy pon da la scandalism bak kt zatii.korg2 yg mmg ske jg tepi kain owg tuu klu tatau ape2 n sgt2 curious,ty jelaa kt sng.tayala jump to conclusions yg akhirnye hy akn menambah dose korg2 tuu.drpd korg wat cerite2 sensasii ntuk kepuasan diri baek korg cari faktaa yg sebenaarr n mgelak drpd wat dose btol x??mane korg nk??menambah dose dalam list buku amal korg o mnyelamatkn diri korg dri menambah lg stu list dose dlm buku amal korg??andaa ad akal jd gnekn sebaek2nye.
cukopp tuu stakat neyy.da berjela aku ceramah kat atss tu haa.korg pon pnt bc.
6.air ber'gassss' sgt2 xsukeee air ber gasss ye rakan2.i knw most of uuu like air gas vry2 much.nk2 lg ble ltk ais akuuu xx!realise it ma i realy2 dnt like carbonated waterrr.sgt2 saket pale ble minumm auu.mcm nk bg aku migrain jerr ble andaa bg air gass.dnt like at all.klu g kdai akuu lebeyy relaaa minumm air milo(yg dorg besenye wat ltk susu.yuckss) drpd minum air gasss.tp2!klu g cm tmpt piza ke enn besenye owg cm order airr gasss besenye diamm klu andaa pasann(bg sape2 yg pena g mkn piza ngn sy) mmg aku xminum byk.stu gelas jerr.ble dorg tuangkn airr pownn aku cm suh tuang ckett jerr.seyesss dnt like at all.migrain2 bebehh.
7.kaco aku ble aku bad mud
bg andaa2 sume yg da lme kwn sayaa msti andaa tauu neyy neyy mmg emo n sgt sng ter'emo'.tp bg yg bru knl sy tuu sy bkn 24/7 emo.tipuu arr cmtuu.andaa yg da lme kwn sy pon klu kt sy 24/7 emo mmg xknl sy la sng emo.sgt2.n klu mood sy xbek tuu tlg la sy mintaaakk sgt2 jgn cri pasaalll.aku mmg pntg btoll.xkn xnmpk mood tgh xbek??andaa ad mate gnekn ntuk melihat n andaa ad akal gnekn ntuk berfikir.jgn laa 'short' sgt owg kt sarang tebuan jgn dijolok.btol la tuu enn.mmg cri pasl ngan aku klu kaco time aku bad mood.n andaa tolong laa phm keadaan mmg akan memutuskn komunikasi ngan rakan almost 80% apabila sy xbyk bercakap.jd andaa jgn la terase bile ad time2 sy wat derrkk jerr ngan andaa.mcm andaa tu xwujud sbb prangai sy semmemangnyerr beginii.bilerr sy da memulakn stu cnversation ngan andaa bilerr mud sy xbekk mknenye tahap moody tuu da agk mintaakk maapp sgt2 kpd andaa klu andaa terase ngan sy time2 sy moody.ampuunnn. yg xreti bhs
akuu mmg berbulu btol ngan spesis2 mrk inii.yg mmg lot xreti bhs.ble aku kt aku xske mknenye aku mmg xskee!maybe dorg ingt aku ney cm jnis pnpuan yg bjet kt xske tp sbenarnye ske.weyyyhhhh.tolong laaaaa paahaaammmm.aku mmg sgt2 mksdkn ble aku kt aku xskee.aku mmg xthn ngan manusia2 neyy.lg aku kt xske lg dorg nk watt.aku lepok krg!berterabor korg ats mke bumi ney!sengkek sgt.cnthnye cm sorg mamat neyy.yg neyy aku still xdpt thn.nk pgl aku princess pahalll?!geli gilerrrr.da la bajett aku die nye mkwe.aku kt jgn pgl aku princess.die stop.but then lpas tu pgl aku puteriii.weyyyyhhhhh.sgt2 d menggelikaannnn fahamm xx?!kot ye pon nk jiwang karat buat la ngan mkwe yg mmg mkwe pd hakikatt.sheeeeshh.pastuu makhlok2 yg mrk2 neyy haa.aku dok kt aku mmg xda apa2 ngan si polann tuu tp die still cm xnk trime.die stilll kt aku sgt2 ad sumting ad ngan si polan tuuu.tolooong yg aku dpt klu aku tipuuu ponnn.aku bley phm yg manusia neyy mmg sgt2 curious n ad jnis yg mmg jg tepi kain owg enn.ble nmpk jerr sumting controvercial dorg cm xdpt thn diri dorg dr wat conclusions yg kadang melampaui hakikatt.aku neyy pon da la scandalism bak kt zatii.korg2 yg mmg ske jg tepi kain owg tuu klu tatau ape2 n sgt2 curious,ty jelaa kt sng.tayala jump to conclusions yg akhirnye hy akn menambah dose korg2 tuu.drpd korg wat cerite2 sensasii ntuk kepuasan diri baek korg cari faktaa yg sebenaarr n mgelak drpd wat dose btol x??mane korg nk??menambah dose dalam list buku amal korg o mnyelamatkn diri korg dri menambah lg stu list dose dlm buku amal korg??andaa ad akal jd gnekn sebaek2nye.
cukopp tuu stakat neyy.da berjela aku ceramah kat atss tu haa.korg pon pnt bc.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
nurul arifah liyana
harinie sy telah btolak ke johor.tah np mud sgt2 tidak baek.pagi2 jerr nk meragam daa.dats y la posting b4 neyy cm agak emo ye anda dpt mengenali sy dgn lebih baek lg bukn?ok2.kt smbg ct.besenyerr klu g johor pejalann die mik ms 4 jam jerr.ikut kt abg aku laa.but then td abh cm penat asik ngntok jerr pjlnn 4 jam tu mik ms lg lme lakk.mmg da bekeriut2 aku dlm keta tuu.gilerr lenguh sendi kna pulas2 jerr.ktorh bkk pose kat umah fam kaklong.sedaapp.mkn nasi ayam.nyum2.seyes tmbh due!sgt2 comeyy!seyes mcm aku oww!muahahahahahaha.kaklong n along xnk trime knyataan tue.ekekeke.mte sepet.hidung penyek.haha.n bwh mte bby pun ad garis mcm akuuu.hehe.nurul arifah liyana.d first ank sedara.n d first cucu for ma mom n dad.copy n paste dri akuu.hahaha.jgn jeless kaklong...=p ready gurl to receive love from ur makteh!hahaha.makteh?seyess aku xbese.ekekekeke.da jd makcik lak.huhu.ok laa.tataa ma fwenn.salam
Friday, September 19, 2008
i dont like
pe yg aku xske..
1. kna kenen ngan org
aku paling xske ble org memandai2 nk kenen2kn aku ngan sape2.esp ble bnde tu xbtol.i hate it.
realy2 hate it.aku nk sepak jerr mke org2 yg mulut mereka tuu mmg xd insurans.mmg nk fighting gilerr2 ahh.klu da bnde tuu xbtol,jgn la memandai nk wat yg korg nmpk xsmstinyerr kebenaran.walaupon aku nie cm rapat ngan laki tp xkn la korg bodoh sgt taleyy pikirr yg mayb aku ad hubungan ngan sume laki2 tuu.tolong rr weyhh.byk mane pon laki yg aku rapt tp aku xdla menggedikk ngan dorg.nk suke sume laki.pasg byk2.tolong rr.i despise that kind of woman.its a disgrace to woman's race.klu korg pk korg da knl aku tlg jgn pk yg bkn2 pasl aku o wat fitnah yg mmg sgt2 menyakitkn hati.but if korg xdpt thn diri korg dri wt cmtu gk,then go ahead...i dontgivadamn!
2.minum cheesee
susu..yucks..nk tmuntah ble aku minum susu.xkire laa.susu tulen kerr minuman yg bercmpor susu kerr n yg bkaitan dengannya.cheesee pownn.mau xtekelua isi perot aku mkn cheese.very d puke2.dats y klu aku nk carot susu ke teh ais kerr,klu owg tu ltk susu byk2 aku akn cmpor ngan air suam.seyess.klu x mmg tmuntah aku kt kedai tuu.x ke nayaa..nty sgt2 memalukan sape2 nk hidang aku air tolong la jgn bg y ad susu.sgt2 xsdp.klu nk wat milo ntuk aku pon taya la ltk susu.very d alergik.mmg mintak maap la klu aku xbiskan air..huhu
3.mulut tempayan
aku sgt2 anti dgn mereka2 ini.mmg sgt2 xbole dipercayai.n mmg dgn spesis ini laa y aku xkn bole ngam smpai bile2.bkak cite pasl aku kat org len hy demi kepuasan mereka sdri.eyy minahh!bes sgt kerr jaja citerr pasl aku kat org haa?!so krenye ko mmg ske la klu aku sebar pasl ko kat org laen gakk??cmtu??x ke burok name ko nty.da la mmg burok kang jd lg burok.heisyy.astaghfirullah..tah cane nk bersabar ngan org ceni..aku neyy da la mmg kompem jenis yg kesabaran sgt2 xtebal.lg nk cri pasl ngan aku stil ad akal.xdla aku nk srg makhlok2 syiall tuu.bnde da jd.saket hati aku jerr pk manyak2.sabau fiza sabau...huu~
i very xske ditipuu.sgt2 xske.saye rs mahu strangle sajaa makhlok2 yg berkenaan.based on pngalaman hidop,owg2 mcm mereka laa yg telah menghancorkn hidop sy dolu2.jd sy sgt2 cube ntuk mengelakkn diri daripada terjebak dgn mereka2 ini.sgt2 d pain in d ass.kalo mmg bole buat,sy rs nk tarik lidah mereka sepanjang2nye n cincang2 n bg mkn kat buaye2 yg tgh kelaparan lg baek sy wat pahala bg buaye tu mkn.kenyang perot dorg. perasann
oh mann.susa btol nk handle org pasann neyy.saket jantong aku dibuatnyerr.geli geliman pon ad gak.mmg mke tembok btoll la dorg neyy.sgt2 annoying.kot ye pon nk perasan, xya laaa overr.ney nk terjuling mate aku dibuatnye.sory la tp tuu normal reation.i kompem wil roll ma eyes.kamon laa.drpd korg pasan ngan bnde yg mmg korg xd baek korg appreciate bnde yg korg ad.sheeeeshh.tu pon nk kna aja kerr.
ok la.tu je buat ms neyy.arigato gozaimas.
1. kna kenen ngan org
aku paling xske ble org memandai2 nk kenen2kn aku ngan sape2.esp ble bnde tu xbtol.i hate it.
realy2 hate it.aku nk sepak jerr mke org2 yg mulut mereka tuu mmg xd insurans.mmg nk fighting gilerr2 ahh.klu da bnde tuu xbtol,jgn la memandai nk wat yg korg nmpk xsmstinyerr kebenaran.walaupon aku nie cm rapat ngan laki tp xkn la korg bodoh sgt taleyy pikirr yg mayb aku ad hubungan ngan sume laki2 tuu.tolong rr weyhh.byk mane pon laki yg aku rapt tp aku xdla menggedikk ngan dorg.nk suke sume laki.pasg byk2.tolong rr.i despise that kind of woman.its a disgrace to woman's race.klu korg pk korg da knl aku tlg jgn pk yg bkn2 pasl aku o wat fitnah yg mmg sgt2 menyakitkn hati.but if korg xdpt thn diri korg dri wt cmtu gk,then go ahead...i dontgivadamn!
2.minum cheesee
susu..yucks..nk tmuntah ble aku minum susu.xkire laa.susu tulen kerr minuman yg bercmpor susu kerr n yg bkaitan dengannya.cheesee pownn.mau xtekelua isi perot aku mkn cheese.very d puke2.dats y klu aku nk carot susu ke teh ais kerr,klu owg tu ltk susu byk2 aku akn cmpor ngan air suam.seyess.klu x mmg tmuntah aku kt kedai tuu.x ke nayaa..nty sgt2 memalukan sape2 nk hidang aku air tolong la jgn bg y ad susu.sgt2 xsdp.klu nk wat milo ntuk aku pon taya la ltk susu.very d alergik.mmg mintak maap la klu aku xbiskan air..huhu
3.mulut tempayan
aku sgt2 anti dgn mereka2 ini.mmg sgt2 xbole dipercayai.n mmg dgn spesis ini laa y aku xkn bole ngam smpai bile2.bkak cite pasl aku kat org len hy demi kepuasan mereka sdri.eyy minahh!bes sgt kerr jaja citerr pasl aku kat org haa?!so krenye ko mmg ske la klu aku sebar pasl ko kat org laen gakk??cmtu??x ke burok name ko nty.da la mmg burok kang jd lg burok.heisyy.astaghfirullah..tah cane nk bersabar ngan org ceni..aku neyy da la mmg kompem jenis yg kesabaran sgt2 xtebal.lg nk cri pasl ngan aku stil ad akal.xdla aku nk srg makhlok2 syiall tuu.bnde da jd.saket hati aku jerr pk manyak2.sabau fiza sabau...huu~
i very xske ditipuu.sgt2 xske.saye rs mahu strangle sajaa makhlok2 yg berkenaan.based on pngalaman hidop,owg2 mcm mereka laa yg telah menghancorkn hidop sy dolu2.jd sy sgt2 cube ntuk mengelakkn diri daripada terjebak dgn mereka2 ini.sgt2 d pain in d ass.kalo mmg bole buat,sy rs nk tarik lidah mereka sepanjang2nye n cincang2 n bg mkn kat buaye2 yg tgh kelaparan lg baek sy wat pahala bg buaye tu mkn.kenyang perot dorg. perasann
oh mann.susa btol nk handle org pasann neyy.saket jantong aku dibuatnyerr.geli geliman pon ad gak.mmg mke tembok btoll la dorg neyy.sgt2 annoying.kot ye pon nk perasan, xya laaa overr.ney nk terjuling mate aku dibuatnye.sory la tp tuu normal reation.i kompem wil roll ma eyes.kamon laa.drpd korg pasan ngan bnde yg mmg korg xd baek korg appreciate bnde yg korg ad.sheeeeshh.tu pon nk kna aja kerr.
ok la.tu je buat ms neyy.arigato gozaimas.
Friday, September 12, 2008
pandgn certain guys
ok.topik kt harinie is pandangan mate lelaki.sejak akhir2 neyy aku cm asik dpt pndngn yg cm 'eewww' mari kt kupas topik ini bersame yerr.
budak skola rendah.die owg first yg aku rs mmg pndang cam tembuss jerr pndgn
die tuu.klu nk kt.cra die pndg tuu cm kt neyy xpkai bj jerr.naek seram akuu.
haa.neyy lg sorg.ble die pndg aku kdg2 aku rs cm phall mamat neyy nk pndg aku cmtu.buang
tebiat ke perr.gilerr pndgn die tuu ad meaning sumthing yg aku xnk tau ponn.kdg2
pon aku rs cm dipndg xpkai ad gak time aku cm nmpk pndgn tuu time die pndg
pmpuan len.b4 d fateful day,aku pena gtau die aku xske die pndg pmpuan cmtu.haha.budus
gilerrr.but now lantak la.his eyes his vision.
3.abg mcd
eewwww.ewwww5!taubat aku doo.huhu.ct die ceni..aritu g mcd aku usha stu abg bkn
abg haszahri laa.die da xd.neyy abg y wt keje kat r tgk dierr.aku rs dierr pasan.then
time aku mkn eskem aku angkt la mke.nmpk abg tuu.xpasl2 time aku tpndg die die tgh wat
isyarat fon tunjuk kt aku.aku cam.....haa.....bia bena......aku pndg bwh blik then pndg die blik.
die wat lg!aku cam oh no no no no no.dis cnnot be happening!aku kna xcaye....
slame neyy aku usha sape2 xdlak dorg bg respon.neyy tah pe mimpi laki mlm tuu nk bg
respon.then ble aku xpndg die nk suwit2 plakk.eeewwww.geli gilerrr.aku da nk dmam da.
seram sejuk plak rs.seyes xsng dok.nk mkn eskem pn xsng owww.aku dpt rskn!pndgn die tuu.
perghh.mmg gatal ulat bulu btol.mulai dri skng kna jg pndgn mte sdri.huhu
nie lg sekorr.skng neyy mmg ske cri pasl.aku xthn btol ngan dierr neyy.asl die nk cri pasl ngan owg tuu jerr(esp gurls larr) die sj pndg dorg lame2 auu.aku rs cm nk cungkill jerr bola2 mate
dierr tuhh.pandang2.mcm xpena tgk pmpuan.da la pndgn dierr tajam auu.die mmg sajerr
sgt2.mmg wat owg xsng dudok auu.die cri pasl ngan aku lg cmtu mmg aku provok dierr.
haha.die neyy comeyy la.well prangai dierr laa.yg hari aku marah ngan dierr tu laa yg paling
xthn die pujok aku tuu cam adoiii.comeyy btoll.hahaha.pengsan bgn balik pon aku
xkn ckp ceni dpn dierr.hahaha.pndgn mte die tuu cam pleading gilerr.nk suh aku maafkn die.
haha.taleyy blah gilerr.
ok.harinie stakat neyy yerr rakan2.haha
budak skola rendah.die owg first yg aku rs mmg pndang cam tembuss jerr pndgn
die tuu.klu nk kt.cra die pndg tuu cm kt neyy xpkai bj jerr.naek seram akuu.
haa.neyy lg sorg.ble die pndg aku kdg2 aku rs cm phall mamat neyy nk pndg aku cmtu.buang
tebiat ke perr.gilerr pndgn die tuu ad meaning sumthing yg aku xnk tau ponn.kdg2
pon aku rs cm dipndg xpkai ad gak time aku cm nmpk pndgn tuu time die pndg
pmpuan len.b4 d fateful day,aku pena gtau die aku xske die pndg pmpuan cmtu.haha.budus
gilerrr.but now lantak la.his eyes his vision.
3.abg mcd
eewwww.ewwww5!taubat aku doo.huhu.ct die ceni..aritu g mcd aku usha stu abg bkn
abg haszahri laa.die da xd.neyy abg y wt keje kat r tgk dierr.aku rs dierr pasan.then
time aku mkn eskem aku angkt la mke.nmpk abg tuu.xpasl2 time aku tpndg die die tgh wat
isyarat fon tunjuk kt aku.aku cam.....haa.....bia bena......aku pndg bwh blik then pndg die blik.
die wat lg!aku cam oh no no no no no.dis cnnot be happening!aku kna xcaye....
slame neyy aku usha sape2 xdlak dorg bg respon.neyy tah pe mimpi laki mlm tuu nk bg
respon.then ble aku xpndg die nk suwit2 plakk.eeewwww.geli gilerrr.aku da nk dmam da.
seram sejuk plak rs.seyes xsng dok.nk mkn eskem pn xsng owww.aku dpt rskn!pndgn die tuu.
perghh.mmg gatal ulat bulu btol.mulai dri skng kna jg pndgn mte sdri.huhu
nie lg sekorr.skng neyy mmg ske cri pasl.aku xthn btol ngan dierr neyy.asl die nk cri pasl ngan owg tuu jerr(esp gurls larr) die sj pndg dorg lame2 auu.aku rs cm nk cungkill jerr bola2 mate
dierr tuhh.pandang2.mcm xpena tgk pmpuan.da la pndgn dierr tajam auu.die mmg sajerr
sgt2.mmg wat owg xsng dudok auu.die cri pasl ngan aku lg cmtu mmg aku provok dierr.
haha.die neyy comeyy la.well prangai dierr laa.yg hari aku marah ngan dierr tu laa yg paling
xthn die pujok aku tuu cam adoiii.comeyy btoll.hahaha.pengsan bgn balik pon aku
xkn ckp ceni dpn dierr.hahaha.pndgn mte die tuu cam pleading gilerr.nk suh aku maafkn die.
haha.taleyy blah gilerr.
ok.harinie stakat neyy yerr rakan2.haha
Sunday, September 7, 2008
dgr sume!
hehehe.harinie aku ad ilmu yg ingin dikongsikn bersama time tazkirah,ustaz saudara wan ann seng yg smpaikn.ustaz mmg tip top.i like his ceramah td die ckp pasl kmbing.wahahahaha.ustaz kt org negara china mkn kambing org negara arab mkn kambing.sume nye xdpt darah tinggi.sbenarnye daging kambing ni ad byk kebaikannye.(ekekeke) sape2 yg kuat ilmu pengetahuannye, aliran darahnye berjalan lancar dan elak penyakit (n summo i cud not remmba) mkn la daging barat kt mkn daging kambing cholestrol la wat la tu la ni la.byk jerr songeh tgk china sane.da mkn daging kambing, minum teh cina,minum teh pudina.kite org malaysia nie,xcukup dgn daging kambing tambah lg daging lembu(haha) tambah lg udang ikan n watsoeva.da abis mkn,kt minum kopi kaw2(kt ustaz tuu la).tp minum kopi org tue2(aku xtue).mana x nye dpt byk penyakit cepat mati watsoeva.tup2 org barat sane kt mkn kambing xelok.sedangkan nabi kt sendiri menggalakkan mkn kambing.(muahaha) bes kan info neyy kn?kn?kn?haha.lg satu sape2 yg ingin mencapai kejayaan tu, based on wat ustaz tu sae, wat la solat tahajud.solat tahajud afdhal kt wat sat per tige mlm which means 3 pagi.klu kuat keinginan,lwn rs ngntok tuu, lwn rs mls tu(ingt jgn mls) n lwn sifat rendah diri yg sapa2 dok kecohkn evrytime rs ad owg lg pandai or watsoeva smpai aku rs da muntah nk dgr(hek).sape2 pon bole cpai kejayaan.bergantung pd usaha sdri.sape2 pon bole jd tgk byk mne kt btol2 usaha ke arh tuu.jgn dok ckp jerr.natural, da mmg or watsoeva.bla3.rakan2.anda tau ape yg anda nk.anda tau ape kebolehan anda xtau jauh mane anda bole pegi selagi anda xcube.ambil nasihat ini jika anda mahu dan pedulikan jika anda tidak mahu.minta maaf jika ad y mengingatkn diri sy n juge rakan2.klu bole lepas tahajud tu sambung bc Quran.(hailaa.niat sdri xtelaksana lg)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
more haru
hmm.saye pena ckp kat tomoyo baru2 neyy.yg sy mmg xrs besala pon kt haru.tah la.tatau la sy ney keras hti sgt ke.mmg mke toya ke.hati batu ke.insensitip ke.i dunno wat to say bout dis situation.seriously i b4 dis i dont giv a td sy msg die,die bls nk xnk ckp la die cm xnk msg xdmud jerr msg ngan sy.die bls pe tau.cmtu ke sy rs?sbenarnye mcm tu la y die rs bile msg ngan sy hari2 b4 nie.mksd nye ble hari2 die stat msg tau.n sy da wat die cmtu.n mmg sy sj.n mmg i dnt giv a ble bc msg die sdr yg die da byk besaba ngan sy.ngan prangai sy y asik wat die tatau la klu die ad ngadu kt sakura cm b4 dis.rsnye die da xthn diperlakukn senanye xnk rpt sgt ngan xnk bg die hrpn.dats y sy berlaku kejam ngan xnk terlalu rpt ngan xnk jd die rpt sgt ngan dlm ms y sme sy nk rpt ngan pon xbp phm senanye.asl sy kejam sgt ngan die.asl sy xbg die pluang.ys tau dorg kt die suke skng sy tatau la die suke sy lg ke mmg agp die kwn.wlupon sy kt sy syg die tp xlbey dri seorg sy tatau die agp sy pe.n sy xnk ble sy rpt ngan die sy mcm bg die bkn ntuk die.die bole cri org y lbey bek dri sy.jauh2 lg bek.n sy juge xnk mpergunekn die.mcm sblm cube nk elak dri wat dosa.dri berlaku kejam ngan die.dri berlaku xadil ngan either way sy rs sy stil lukekn ye jd ceni?sy xnk gnekn kebaikn die as a way 2 forget who i wnt to i told hinata.he is just nice.baek.n i cnt stand it.die just baek.n i cnnt take his goodness.i dont want to hurt him.i dont want to use him.but i still hurt him.i just want to be independent.i want to do this on my own.i want to 4get wif ma own power.n everytime i'm close wif him,i feel like i'm using him.n dat feeling is just wrong.wat cn i do not to hurt him?wat u gurls think bout dis,hmm?read ma tagboard.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
21 things bout boys
td aku on9 myspace jap.n aku jmp neyy.bc larr.sape2 y bleyy.
1)guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about......
2)guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second they try.
3)guys go crazy over a girl's smile (:
4)a guy who like you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
5)giving a guy a hanging msg like "you know what?..uh..never mind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that far from what you are thinking. and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
6)if a guy tells you his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you dont need to give advice.
7)a usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9)guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. they rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. if a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
10)if the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
11)if a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.
12)when a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. guys rarely say that
13)when a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying "please come and listen to me"
14)if a guy starts seriously, listen to him. it doesnt happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
15)when a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
16)guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
17)a guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
18)no guy can handle all his problems on his own.
he's just too stubborn to admit it
just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean ALL of them
21)even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
sweet stuff ehh?
1)guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about......
2)guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second they try.
3)guys go crazy over a girl's smile (:
4)a guy who like you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
5)giving a guy a hanging msg like "you know what?..uh..never mind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that far from what you are thinking. and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
6)if a guy tells you his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you dont need to give advice.
7)a usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9)guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. they rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. if a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
10)if the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
11)if a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.
12)when a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. guys rarely say that
13)when a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying "please come and listen to me"
14)if a guy starts seriously, listen to him. it doesnt happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
15)when a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
16)guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
17)a guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
18)no guy can handle all his problems on his own.
he's just too stubborn to admit it
just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean ALL of them
21)even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
sweet stuff ehh?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
ma heart todayy
dis is from d deepest of ma heart.emm.starting from d day i had made d decision to break the love relationship wif him,sincerely dere has been not one day dat i didnt teringatkn him.when i was angry i was all d way bullshitting him.seriously dats what i did.but then i cant remember wat day,i hd already forgiven him.xlame i took time 2 forgive.n neva one day he slip from ma mind.but wat had happen cn neva come back.aku pena terpikir klu bnde ney xjd.i evn thot if i accept him back.i evn wnt to be his love pena terlintas jela.i neva took it seriously o think it deeply.coz its not worth it.wat had happen is d past n will neva come back.n wat neva hapen yet is soon to come n we neva know what's gonna hapen.what we know is today.n today wat i know is he is no more than a fren.he is no more than ma past.n he is not ma future.n today he cnt give me happiness.n today he has been d same him as before.a person who neva cared.but that doesnt matter to me anymo.i just pray that next time he treat his gurl for me.eventho dis feeling is still within me.but it will soon be gone.n eventho sumtimes this feeling made me remembers him,he doesnt hv a special place anymo in ma heart.n i dont regret the decision dat i made to throw him out of ma heart.coz i know i cn find sumone beter.nex d future.but i dont think its gonna be in d near future.i dont need another guy to 4get this one.if i cn 4get d one i like in primary school wif ma own strength,then i cn do it again.eventho dis is faaarr diff from d first situation.dulu ske maen2.dis one i regard as ma first love.hahaha.first love yg cekaii gilerr.bru pawe enn.sape bley tahan die enn.prangai cmtu.sape nk bwat pkwe.aku jerr yg putus fiuss.haha.
Friday, August 29, 2008
shzwan.. bout this n comment keyy.bnde neyy stat bbrp ari lpas.aku kn cm kesejukan so pkai sweater.haru neyy ingat aku dmam.aku ye kn cm dmm tp tah die suh aku mkn panadol.aku eewww~ panadol? tamau la.die cm aku sj minx rocky.klu die bg aku td smbut ambg tu.aku ingt die xdtg coz xnmpk pon.die jnji nk bg rini la.skali die ad.mle la die bg alsn ko op tutop la pe aku pon bia la.nk msk klas tu aku nmpk koop bkk.haa.nk kna la die tu enn.time tgh ckp psl die ngan hinata titibe die dtg klas.pjg umo~ mmg stret time tu gk aku naek kn octave sore aku.hahaha.sory la ye.normal reaction.haaa!ckp pasl nrml reaction.pg2 time aku dtg tu.dal soh aku pgg stu pndrive neyy siap ad love2 lg.time tue aku tatau sape pon soh aku pgg.aku pdg plek aku pgg gak.thn cc kt haa die da pgg.mmg stret lpas tu normal reaction aku is baling bnde kejadah tuuu.hahahaha.nasib aku xbaling jauh2.rosak aku xtangguuunngg.korg yg soh pgg.rupe2nye roti wholemeal tue punyeeee.heh.pawe gile aura kebencian tuuuu.pergh.ok!back tu haru.lpas aku da bisg tu, time da nk blik die ajak aku g bli.aku bwk la beg.balik bdue la konon.dorg pn da bisg.siot tol dorg neyy.die pon nk mik beg.n i knw wholemeal tu smpai koop ktorg jln.bli rocky.tau je la.bak kt zati aku kn time tu aku dpt rskn prangai aku tu dtg.(eewwww) kak ani ty nk pe.aku kt la nk rocky.chocolate.time tu haru kt sblh la.kak ani kt xkn stu je.pkwe kamu neyy xkn xnk.beli la due.ktorg cm diaaaaaamm jee.die xckp pape pon.sengih taley blah.aku time tue da tergelak gilerrr!hahahahahahaha.pkwe???wakaka.then kak ani smbg.owww.nk mkn bkngsi ye.then aku gelak lg.hahahahahaha.adoyaiiii.lwk gile.then kak ani smbg lg tuu.ala kamu xpayala nk sorok.tah pe kejadah die mgarot aku xingat.weyy.gile xthn.hahaha.aku gelak je.
hellooo~ perampas??
ok.harinie kat skwl sgt bosan ye.very borrriingg.smbutn merdeka.psmbhn dorg agk sengal so ok r sket.die jd bes time dkt2 nk blik.u see.dat time when i went back to class.what i saw was yaya went to hinata's side n sat there wif her.i was thinking to left them both hinata called me to go n come sit wif them.eleleyy.malu la tuuuu.haha.i shud left them i'm sure if i did dat she wud went to sumwhere else.dats y i went.huu~ i thing dat i cant stand is her mentality.heh.i dont mind when she's jealous.i understand dat coz its human nature.but smpai mimpikn me too?haha.dats kinda absurd.its too much kot.but what i CANT stand is when she called me 'perampas'.dat word is taboo to me.cukup la atikah said yg kononnye tenten said i'm a perampas.which was totally untrue.she sae i rmpas midow ban from her.huhh.dat time was excrutiating.but klaka.gado pasl mamat tuu?lgsg xbebaloii.n another time when elya tuduh me rmpas her frenss.she called me one day n asked 'asl awk slalu rmpas kwn sy ey?' i was like 'sory?when did i rmpas ur frens?since when we can own frens?n if she meant dat i'm starting to be rapt wif who she thot she rapat wif,y dont she asked them herself.y they r not rapt wif her n cn rapt wif me?'but of course i didnt said this straight to her face.i just sae it in ma heart.but seriuosly.i think she is more annoying than i am.i think laa.heh.then,dis hinata's case.she said dat i kan like to rampas all guys.hellooo~ since when babe?haa?since when did i rmpas anyoneee?haaa????udin?come on laaa.aku pon sekelas ngan udin.lame2 aku akn bork2 gak ngan die.perkare normal la tuuu.hving cnversation wif ma dat wrong??2 pun da nk ovverrr.pgl aku perampas phall??haa.cra ckp tue mcm rmai sgt yg aku rmpas.kononnye.sape?yaya?hek.i'm thankful dat i cn stil be patient when she sae dat.its a good thing dat i didnt sae dirty words to her.da la skng mmg ringan je lidah aku neyy nk mencarot enn.ko baek2 ku.nk ckp tu tapis cket.sabar aku pon ad had ok yang.ur ma fren so i cn stil put up to u.but pleasseee.not dat word ok.jealous is fine.but mind ur words dear.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
haha.kegilaan melande ahh.xsngke lak kegatalan aku mendapat perhatian.haha.faten.aku book hotel baek punye.suite first jakuzi dlm tue.view top class punye lah.ko gtau je ble ko free.aku book anytime.agagagagaga.hee~ xsngke aku jd flirty ceni.eisyy.yg plg xthn ble kna goda ngan mira.uuiishh!gile menggode siall!takowt edenn.dengan kerlingan matenye.then suet2 gne mult.haha.klu die gode laki tue sure tergode.minta perhatian ye.saye bukn straight stil tergugat dgn renungan kaum skng xd godaan dri kaum adam yg diterime.harap maklum.oww!cme recently bru kna ayat dgn sumone.haha.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
again.sunway rock ma world this cuti.mmg besss.aku da pnt ct smpai da tatau nk tulis pe kat cni.yg pasti i love it n wana have a go again if berpeluang.n ramen seeeddaaapppp sgt!seriusss ikot taste owg la enn.i like it tho.nyum2~ len kli aku nk try tepanyaki lak.agagagaga.sushi sushi tue cam jaaaaaauuhhh lg rr.sbb da la mhal gile n i dont like sgt.hmm.nape mud aku titibe cam tabess ey??rs hidop neyy kdg2 sng n joyful tp ble kt da abes hv fun,kt cm balik pd dunie yg nyata.n knyataan die xla sebess y di sangke.lg 2 hari stgh je nk cuti.then skola more njoyy.n i hv to face him.tu yg aku risauu neyy.aku ty la dowg.agk2 bp lme aku mik mase nk lpekan die.itik kt sebulan.aku rs xmungkin tue.sbb sebuln singkat sgt.lembu kt staun.hmmmm.yg tue pon aku cam xyakin lg.sbb die owg first.xkn sesenang tue aku lpekn die.aku agak la enn.gagak kt xmungkin.wawweee.takowtnye.die kt selagi aku jmp mangkok tue selagi tue aku xbole lpe.klu die pinda nex yer mknenye dlm nex yer aku bley lpekn klu die xpinda.afte f5 bru leyy.sbenanye aku sdri xyakin ble aku bley lpekn die.lpekn tuee mmg la bleyy.cme bp lme aku mik ms tue yg aku tatau.aku xjangke bnde akn jd sbenarnye.wlupon aku cam da set klu die wat hal lg aku akn lepaskn die tp aku xsngke secepat agk susa rr nk trime.hmm.haihh.saket la.aku xrs hati aku btol2 da trime yg aku da lepaskn die.nape hidop susa cemni ye?aku pnt la owg wat aku cemnie.seyes pnt gilak thp karma.aku rs nk belah je hati aku n buang rs saket da hiperbola bhs aku.amik kauu.Ya Allah.berikanlah aku kekuatan ntuk lepaskan die.tabahkan la hati aku.amin.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
jom skate~
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
aku bru dri bkak myspace.aku bkak ms bitch tue.aku tgk pic die.pic before ney wlupon teramatlah gediwks smpai aku rs eww tp stil xd rs nk muntah .tp td!!!subhanallah.........geli gile doe!aku tgk cm nk puke giler2.giler2 punye nk puke..........yucks..........gile geli nk mampos...............da la bajettt!pastu baju cam xcukop kaen..................aku nmpk la kaki ko tue bitchy.................xpayala nk gediwkz sgt...............bajewt2 nk pkai mask..................tau r xnk tunjok da kuang aja ney...heisyy.......seyes.........klu cun xpe gak....aku bley trime lg nk wat pic yg cm stylo klu frm a bitchy gurl?owh my my...................i feel like wana puke until all my isi perot all come out......................aku xnk kt sory pon wlupon aku mmg da mmg kwang aja en.sbb ko tue bitchy so dere's no point if aku minx maaf.n aku xnk pon.sbb ko mmg xlayak dapt kemaafan aku.then lg gile bjett nk take pic dri tepi nmpk RAMBOWT JERR.hahahahahhaaha.seyes ney sesi mgutok ko.xsory la tp if ad org da cri pasl ngan aku jgn harp aku nk pk baek2 pasl die.aku xkn halg pn klu ad owg nk kutok ko.klu sblm neyy stkt jeling2 aku je aku stil bley kt xbaek klu ad owg cm kutok ko ove gle skng xsory la...aku la yg plg byk kutok kot.n mmg owg xske ko pon en.siap pgl ko unta.agagagagagagagaga.adoyaiii.xsian lgsg kat ko.tah nape dlm byk2 name dorg pgl ko unta en.aku rs msti sbb ko ske kat jamal.jamal dlm bhs arab en unta.agagagagagaga.kutok owg mmg bes en?byk wt dosa.heh.n aku xterase nk eja bitch gne * pon.o even terbalek2 kn ejaan die.mmg straight forward ko kna bitch ngan aku.eyyy.ko shud b proud watt...coz ko la owg pertama y aku pgl BITCH.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
today.lets take a detour.kite xckp pasl dat stupid croc.we talk about some b**** y mmg xsedar diri.pagi td.heyy pals.take note y aku gne bm.mknenye thp kemarahan petala ke tujuh.ok continue.pagi nie.mmbe aku bagi aku bc satu poem y nk diletakkn dlm majalah skola ney en.die tunjuk la name dak tu bitchy.ok.maken berminat aku nk bc en.die tulis dalam nk bombastic gile la i thot,die tulis pasl dak y die ske tu.sape lg klu bukn hatsuharu.ok fine.lantak die la en.nk tulis pasl sape pun.then smpai part aku.d gurl dat hatsuharu likes.ok fine lg.then...suddenly aku bace3...die kt 'dat b****.heh.aku da tatau nk ckp pe.bengap ke bahlul ke siot ke sial ke bengong ke mangkok ke keparat ke bodoh ke ape tah die tu.apahal nk pgl aku bitch skng??!!ape aku buat kat die skng?!ade aku wat bnde xsnonoh kat die?ade aku wat bnde bitchy kat die??ckp sket bengap!ade aku wat??eyy minah!usik ko pun aku xbuat ok!!y ko nk pgl aku bitch pahal??nk gado r skng??die y xtrime love ko tu nk salakan aku plak.aku bley buat pe klu die ske aku.aku bley buat pe klu even if aku da reject die pon de stil xnk pndang ko.xlayan ko.ko nk pgl bitch pon pgl la kat owg laen.klu kat die aku bley trime la en.sape ley trime kna reject en.esp ko phal ko nk pgl aku bitch skng??!ad aku kaco hidup ko??ade??cbe cakap sket pe aku buat??stakat aku dating ngan kaka kat lua klas ko dgn niat nk saketkan hati ko.tu je en.y ko nk pgl aku bitch pahal?!!aku x usik pon la haru y ko dok gile2kan tu!!aku xske kat die pon en.y ko nk ove2 pgl aku bitch pahal??!!eyy.seyes doe.klu skola tu bukan sab mmg da lme aku ajak mmbe aku wat dajal kt ko tau.stkt vandalism mja ko tulis bitch kat c2 besa2 ckup la en.tu kre adil la en.memandangkan bnde ney mmg da tersebar da pon wlupon berkemungkinan besa cikgu xkasi ltk dalm majalah kt dapat.mmg siap la ko.aku akn balas.xpadan ngan budak baru.xsedar diri.xsmpai staun kat cni da nk cri pasl.klu nk blah tu blah jela.xpaya nk wat hal kat cni.tgk la.klu ko lebey had ko jgn ingat aku nk diamkn je.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
aku cam bru ingat xd bnde nk post arinie en.coz xdbnde nk dicakapkan.coz aku xckp pn ngn die.i mean no big story td!!!!just now!just a few minutes ago i received a msg which he sala anta.dat is just soooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaameeeeeeee.......................he alwiz does dat.i dunno purposely o accidently.i dont giv a damn.but this is wat he sae dat made me feel like wana punch him in his face!!!'U noe wht...i think she just blive everything tht her friend tel her..thts just like too naive...she should ask me coz i noe what i sae...' n ad bnde die mgarut dat i dont even giv a damn.huu~ sabau la hati........sabau..........memg la aku caye ape yg kwn aku ckp bong!even if dere's an issue of tokok tmbh in wat dey doesnt mean y bnde tu xblaku.u did sae like dat to did happen.of course u noe wat u sae.but sumtimes we do forgot what we sae.even when frens told us stories bout others.not all r d truth.maybe some parts we forgot so we create words to describe d situation dat kinda d same like d original.yea.b4 dis mmg i alwiz ask u first.but isnt dat too naive?to just belive everything dat u sae.didnt u realise dat ur actions hv their consequences too?didnt u think bout it when u wana do some pranks?y u neva think of other people feelings everytime u want to do sumthing?y u alwiz make decision like d world is urs?y didnt u think dat ur prank will be soon be me.didnt u think i would be jealous?u know how i am.but u stil buat prangai like dat.r u realy dat stupid?r u realy dat batu hati who neva cares 4 other people's feelings?y is it so hard 4 u to understand me?here i am, b4 this monday, stil wif u, stil love u, stil care 4 u, stil wana make u hepy, stil many more, stil wana b wif u, even when u already sae dat u like 3 gurls when u wif me.....isnt that too NAIVE?isnt dat too STUPID?i am loyal to u afte what had happen b4.i am stil wif u eventho ma frenship wif ma besfren r ruined.i stil put up to ur behaviour even when i know afte d first gurl,u sae to another gurl dat u like her,miz her n some other things dat u sae to me too.i dont know where i get al that patience to put up wif stil be loyal to u.even when dere's 3 other guys who had propose me to be their gurl.i sae i no in ma heart to 3 guys n u balas by saying yes in ur heart to 3 gurls??dont u think i'm stupid 4 stil being loyal to guy like u?dont u even feel lucky dat i'm loyal n stupid n naive n softhearted 4 u??i wont let u enter ma heart again.eva.da bis blaja ke blom u will neva have a special place in ma heart eva again.ure a SUPER DUPER STUPID SILENT CROC.budak not going to forgive.not heart is stil evil.i'm not gonna forgive u jerk!loser!ure a jerk!n ure a loser!n I DONT WANT YOU!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
super stupid silent croc!
he is truly a stupid silent croc!no doubt bout it.just now at skwl he asked me y was i behaving like this?wat makes me angry wif him?he didnt knw.wel.if he realy didnt knw then let me tell him.i only sae one sentence.i said 'dak y die suke tu xlyn die' n then he remembered.die kt 'oh yg tu!ala.yg tu men2 je.xkn tu pn nk mara?' i was like xcuse me??!men2??who is he kidding?die pk pe owg akn pk if die ckp cmtu?wat prangai cmtu?is he realy dat bong?did he realy thought dat i wouldnt find out?he told tenten for heaven's sake!she's ma fwen!n y did he hv to make such story if he realy wanna men2??xd cite len ke nk bwat?!stupid silent croc!then afte i said like dat die bley kt 'ape salanye?'haaa??ape salanye kepale hotak die!mmg la sala 'pandai'!mmg bgus tol.mmg 'btuah' sgt2 sape y menjalinkan hubungan dgn die.n i wanna announce dat starting yesterday he is no more anyone for me!eventho according to yaya d percentage of ma heart that hates him is only around 20-30%.i dont care!its more than enough.he lied to me.i messed up d second chance dat i gv him.n he dont understand me at all.afte all dat had happen.he stil didnt learn.sae i'm cruel(karti sae).sae u kesian at him(hinata sae).sae anything(dono who sae).i dont give a damn i just have to be strong to get him out of ma heart.
Monday, August 11, 2008
stupid silent croc!
SSC.dats d new panggilan 4 stands for stupid silent croc.yeap.he's stupid.n he's a silent croc.he cheated on me.bugger.stupid crocodile.the biggest lyer i hv eva met.he's d one dat i syg d most.but he's d one who lie to me d most.stupidos crocodilos mission starts today.mission to ignore him.i'l 4get bout him.he's not worth it.penipu besau.i hate lyers.he knows bout it but he stil do it.mmg pndai tol.eventho he messed up before i gv d second chance but still.he lied to me.n even cheated on me.that bugger.i hate bugs.n i hate lyers.mmg btol pon y pntai da musnahkan chenta kite.awk mmg tau2 je.bgus la.ure a big croc so its easy for u to find ma replacement en.cume i need strengh.i need all the strengh dat i can get to accomplish this mission.
Friday, August 8, 2008
sbenarnye aku da ok sejak smlm.sejak afte i blog.rite afte dat im ok bia nk tulis arinie.xdpe nk dirisaukan.i believe in him.n he believes in me.dats all dat matters.cume aku xske la owg ckp2 ney en.esp when they r making it up.n esp if its starting to not like her dat she makes things up bout him.i realy dont like it.same la mcm hinata punye situation.she's jealous when she sees me wif yaya.its just d same wif me.of course im jealous when i see him wif hinata.she dont know y only wif me she feels too.i dont know y only wif bee i felt d jealousy.maybe bcoz dey r 'kenen'ing him wif her.n again like ma situation.maybe hinata's jealous bcoz dem in d class alwiz 'kenen'ing me wif i do feel jealous but i dont hv d right to say to him dat he hv to stay away from bee just bcoz i feel jealous.its not how d way things go.its just not right.she's his friend.she's ma friend too.even if i do feel jealous thn i just hv to live wif it.jealousy will only lead to break-ups.u can feel jealous but not until it eats u inside.even jealousy has its limit.i believe in him.n dats all dat matters.relationship is a two-way thingy.we hv to trust each other to make it happen.n we hv to understand each other.we may not be able to realy understand our partner but we hv to try n learn each other.i understand he's mesra wif everyone.n if dey do fall for him then its their problem.i believe in him.eventho sometimes im worried bout him but if he realy does care for me like he sae n he wants to kekal wif me,then he wont mess up this second chance dat i gv him.wat if he do mess up?then its ove la.even ma patience hv its limit rite?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
aching.hpe its nt true
ma heart is aching rite now.its painful.very2 painful.y isnt there any way to take the painful out rite away when u already feel it?y painful isnt a thing that can be removed?like clothes o rings?then ma heart wont be so damaged like this.i dont wnt to go through this again.once is through with it.i dont want to lose ma friends.y emotion is such a complicated thing?y ma heart is soo stubborn?y do i stil have to be hurted?i y ma actions hurted others?i know.jealousy comes just like dat.we cant help feeling it.i know she didnt meant harm.she just cant help it.but y only with me??i dont y i feel guilty.i feel guilty for hurting her.eventho i dont think i do anything wrong.really.u can feel jealous just like dat.initially i dont care even if she's jealous.but when dat day she cried in front of me, i just cant take stating to feel guilty.even SFF had a talk wif yaya.when one-ny told me just now,i felt kinda betrayed by he wants to stay away is it?fine.if its make everyone hepy n drown al this rumours dat goes on between me n him then be it.i just cant take heart just hurts so much.even i feel jealous rite now.i cant take it.hearing other people talking bout kay n bee can just make ma heart ache just like dat.just when i hang out at other clas,sumone told me dat she heard rumours bout kay n bee.she said dat d people in d class said that kay likes bee n bee like kay.i realy felt hurt that time.i felt just like i wana shout dats not true!i trust him when he said d words.n i want to believe dat he only meant dat to me n no one else.i really want to believe dat.i realy wnt to trust him.n i realy hope dat he kept his promise.i cant stand being like this.i hv to mke it clear.i cant spend d day wondering bout it.its eating me inside.but tenten sae just dat he does kinda close to bee.but he's like dat to first tenten didnt want to tell me bout this.n im sure she add bout the others part just to mke me feel comfortable.but rite now im feeling very uneasy.
Monday, August 4, 2008
pandan + deoderant = hehehe
ayayayayayaya!dat day he came to ma house!kecuakan melande oww!aku ingat die men2 ble die kt die ad kat surau blkg umah cuak thp cibai.tgn aku da menggeletar kot aritue.cuak punye aku tgk2 dri tingkp blik aku xdpn keta y die ckp tu.die ty aku bley x die dtg umah aku?aku cuak ow.tatau nk wtpe.mcm nk kna wt decision nk kua ngan die ke cuak!!wawawawawawawa.aku pk alang2 die da ad kt cni pe salanye jmpe ayh aku ad!woo!gle cuak!aku da kt nk jmpe tp xpk lg pasl mk abh oww.then aku tgk mk abh cm siap2 en.da la aku da siap tuka pkai sua pjg.pkai topi nk cover hair sume en.aku ty r mk nk g ne.skali mk kt nk blik kg.aku ty ble.da nk g da.aku pndg je dorg.aku ckp dlm pale ble la mk abh nk kua ney.hahaha.bong cuak time tu.seyes tgn aku mgeletar!tp aku wat cm bese je r en.aku da pk da nk kt g umah tenten.huhu.skali die kt die otw.aku cuak!on d same time mk nk kua da.waaaaaaaaaaaa!bley naek pengsan aku coz cuak sgt!huhuhu.then mk abh da kua.aku pun kua r tgg die.aku siap bwk buku bukit kepong lg.knon nk bc time tgg die betape xsng dudoknye aku..................then i saw him.hehe.time tu aku tgh bersila dalam da kunci pagar.aku bia jela.die dok kt kusi kt lua pagar tu.muke die nmpk cm owg saket.aku ty la xcukup tido ke.die kt telebey tido.time bdue cmtu bley plak borak cm bese.gne kt awk.haha.teingt lak tenten kt die xbese dgr.klu nk ikutkn aku pun xbese berkite awk ngan owg.ngan sakura 'saya awk'.ngan fam 'kite plus pnggiln masing2' ngan die je 'kite awk'.awl2 tu mmg la xbese tp skng da bese lak.die ley plak men cabut2 daun umah aku.aku tgk je.las2 aku pon dok teikut die cabut2 daun.cian daun pandan kt pgar tu.jd mngse aku.hehehe.knonnye die nk wat tnde die dtg umh aku.die susun daun keliling selipar yg lg besa dri kaki die tu.haha.taley blah.ktorg borak cm bese je.xdla kekok sgt.cume agak terganggu ble rmbut aku nk owg jual eskem lalu au!tp die bkn nk thn oww!die suh aku thn.da die dok kt lua die la thn!huhuhu.eskeeeemmm.......!ble die da blik 2 aku tuka la blik sua en.ngan topi da bkak sume.sekali!titibe abh blik blik!Ya Rabbi!seyes aku bsyukur sgt die da blik.timing mk die kol mmg tepat ah!abh blik nk mik fon tetinggl.adoyaiii........lemah semangat aku dibuatnye klu cmtu tiap2 ari.buatnye tekantoi?!huhuhuhu.aku xnk byg pon oww.menakutkan.scary gileee! lps jmp tu aku dok tesenyum memnjg je.xhabih2 cm xckup bibir jew.agagagagagagagaga.sebenanye aku agak risau nk pkai cmtu.tkut nmpk boyish en coz aku rs cm boyish je.tamau r die pk cmtu dat n8 aku ty r die td aku nmpk boyish ke?die kt x la xlgsg.huu~ nsib...hahaha.then die kt aku nmpk cute td.adoyaiii.........taley doe aku dgr bnde2 cmtu.malu aku.mmg nk wat aku melting r tu en.nsib die x ckp time jmp aku.klu x mmg tatau la ne nk sorok mke aku ney.time bc msg tu pon aku da dilande ke'shy'an.da tutop mke da.adoii.ble die blik tu ad bincg bnde y mmg xthn gle oww.aku tatau r.nk rs kebahagiaan ke bdiri ats bumi.face d realiti.aku mmg xske bnde2 ceni jd oww.perbincangan hati ke hati ney ley wat aku lemah oww.aku takut aku 'ter'romantically involve.xmo oww.tamauuuuu!klu aku da romantically involve kang mmg aku bgntung pd heart wil stick to him.yada.i dont want.die ty aku au rmbt aku pjg en.aku kt bia la jd misteri.thn titibe die kt da kawen nty die dpt tgk gk.aiyy.mmg gatai mmbe aku sowg neyy.aku kt if ktorg kawen en.die kt yela if ktowg bekekalan.aku ty r die die nk kekal ngan aku ke?die bls sp lg die bley cri lbey baek dri aku?aiyyyyyyayayayayayaaaaa...............!aku
mmg taley ow kna ayt ceni!ayak!help meeeeeeeeeee!aku kt r wat if ble da bis blaja nty die jmp?o ble die if die jd pinda nex yer die jmp owg len?die kt die tamau owg ganu.aleyy.titibe msuk ganu lak die ney.xsmstinye owg ganu je kt sane tu.thn aku kt r if die jd pinda thn how ktowg nk kekal en?coz aku mmg gerenti aku taley thn ditinggalkn lme2 cmtu.mmg ley jd xbtol aku.tah2 nty lbey dri tenten ketidakbetolan aku tu.bhy tu.dala nex yer spm.die kt bknnye die dok sne slame2nye.lgpn kt c2 ley bwk fon.aiyyy.da tau taley blah.tah.yg tu tgk la.tgk la nty how we end up.jgn dipikekn bnd y xpsti.yg pnting skng.n y aku xske ialah ble bnde2 ceni jd.aku mmg nk sgt2 xnk romantically involve.sbb.......ble bnde2 ceni jd.bnde2 y ley wat feeling aku kt die jd up cket.bnde2 y ley wat aku melting.hati aku jd xstabil.aku akn jd xbtol cket.ble tgk die td dok ngan bee n mechan aku jd xsng 'xenak' tu sng2 je singgah kat hati aku.xske owwww!klu x aku slmbe je.xdla rs ove cket cm td.hmm.seyes doe.gotta reset ma heart.taley bg die ovedose.nty parah.huisyy.xske oww parah2 ney.mnakutkn.
mmg taley ow kna ayt ceni!ayak!help meeeeeeeeeee!aku kt r wat if ble da bis blaja nty die jmp?o ble die if die jd pinda nex yer die jmp owg len?die kt die tamau owg ganu.aleyy.titibe msuk ganu lak die ney.xsmstinye owg ganu je kt sane tu.thn aku kt r if die jd pinda thn how ktowg nk kekal en?coz aku mmg gerenti aku taley thn ditinggalkn lme2 cmtu.mmg ley jd xbtol aku.tah2 nty lbey dri tenten ketidakbetolan aku tu.bhy tu.dala nex yer spm.die kt bknnye die dok sne slame2nye.lgpn kt c2 ley bwk fon.aiyyy.da tau taley blah.tah.yg tu tgk la.tgk la nty how we end up.jgn dipikekn bnd y xpsti.yg pnting skng.n y aku xske ialah ble bnde2 ceni jd.aku mmg nk sgt2 xnk romantically involve.sbb.......ble bnde2 ceni jd.bnde2 y ley wat feeling aku kt die jd up cket.bnde2 y ley wat aku melting.hati aku jd xstabil.aku akn jd xbtol cket.ble tgk die td dok ngan bee n mechan aku jd xsng 'xenak' tu sng2 je singgah kat hati aku.xske owwww!klu x aku slmbe je.xdla rs ove cket cm td.hmm.seyes doe.gotta reset ma heart.taley bg die ovedose.nty parah.huisyy.xske oww parah2 ney.mnakutkn.
Friday, August 1, 2008
i wonder how long this relationship could lasts.coz its like having a relationship in uncertainties.there's no bond which really ties me wif him.even when things r like that,but we're kinda pandai2 when it comes to other people.we know we hv someone in our heart and we tend to be loyal to each other altho we're not an item.its like we already know that you-belong-to-me-and-i-belong-to-you kind of feeling.i already say no to 3 guys when im 'wif' him.yea.becoz of him i cm hncurkan hrpn 3 guys.those 3 guys proposed be their gurl.i said no.becoz of a guy who is not even ma boy.maybe some people cant understand.y i do it?hmm.i cant really tell y.just becoz he's in ma heart.just other reason.i dont know bout him.whether he does the same as me.o if he thinks like i do.i know im loyal.coz im just that type.but he's different.but seriously i dont know how long this situation will fine like this.but if and only if he realy wnts to be an item and totally damn serious bout it,i dont mind.but since i broke wif him,i dont allow maself to be so much romantically involve in this matter.heart matter i mean.coz i dont want he to hurt me deeply again.once is enough.i wont allow it to happen anymo.not wif him.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
dat day,when hinata was absent i sat at her place.her neighbour asked me bout me n him.she said she realy didnt undrstnd y i stil stick wif him.she told all her points of arguments dat she had in mind.its like she was trying to hasut me to dont like him.i was kinda used to it now.if sumone said dat to me a year n a half ago,maybe i could be affected.but now its like a natural thing to hear.sincerely,evn i dont know y i stil stick wif him.he is totally opposite from ma dream guy.ciahh.y wud he b ma dream guy in d first place.o evn any other gurls if dey knw him.its normal for anyone to be shocked when dey hear dat im wif wudnt even crossed their mind dat i wud chuz him.d neighbour said dat he was very lucky to hv me.even when i said dat those words didnt affect me anymo but at times ma patience do reach its limit.wat people sae bout him r true.wel maybe not all of dem.only d annoying part.he alwiz do dat to me.annoy me used to it.but like i times ma patience do reach its limit.n dat time im really fedup wif him.its tiring u knw.i think maybe his chromosomes has more 'annoying' genes thn normal people.haha.but i guess at times he does know how to make up the times dat he yesterday.he actually tried to console me!dats a bizzare thing if it comes from him coz he's not d type who console people afte he had annoy dem.d fact dat he did try to console me n being cute at d same time kinda touching.haha.ok.cut d crap.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
wat iz heppeneng?
ok.let start from i chnge ma language.muahaha.xcited sgt r konon.byk sgt nk cter smpi da tatau ayt bi pe nk karang.dat day i said to him dat he neva cnfes fce to fce to me.he said yea n then die chnge topic.thn a couple of days l8r,i asked hm whn die nk cnfes fce to fce to me.die ty cnfes pe?so i said la cnfes tu la.thn he said he dowan!n he ony cnfes to da 1 he h8.i said dats d oppo.its not d same.but he stil i pretend to not really angry dat time.but of course terase coz he neva cnfes fce to fce to me.wel.neva once a guy dare 2 say it straight to ma he's ma first.i wnt hm to b da first.we stopped msg coz i hd 2syn class.dat n8 he called me n asked whether im angry.n tried to pujok me la kre nye(gaye nye cmtu).haha.thn.d big day arrived.d nex day i had chem b4 recess n bio afte recess.afte recess he took ma fwen's chem book n suddenly teach me chem.i know how to do but i just listen to what he said.saje en.haha.thn whn im already l8 for bio i started to get up n took ma books.he told me to wait 4 a while.he went in front n i followed him.he looked doubtful n seemed like kumpulkn his courage n sae it.muahaha.i ws smiling frm ears 2 ears.but i asked prsn ke x nie.he said ad basically im kinda happy2 since dat day smpi sumone said im 'kebahagiaan' skng.hek.taley blah.n there's dat day whn he ws sitting nex to meh.cloze.literally.oh mad.mucha gracias.walawalawalawalawala...
Monday, July 14, 2008
clear as crystal
that day after we f8, he apologised.i said its ok as i dnt wnt to make a fuss.but.he said sumthing that relive ma inner inner emotions.sumthing that i have been dreading to hear but never want to admit that its what i want the most.sumthing that is sincerely said from his heart.sumthing that he sae without a will to play ma heart.sumthing that he really sae truthfully.i was shocked.truly shocked when he sae it.i really didnt xpec dat he wud sae that.i guess i had locked up ma emotions until i cnt cntain dem.i tried not to burst into tears.but i failed.when he sae it i was doubt.n now i think im clear wif ma Q bout it.but its only 4 me 2 know.
Friday, July 11, 2008
what do u xpec me to do??
i'm feeling so numb rite now...
u know.last thursday one of ma guy friend told me sumthing that i did not xpect from him.he said that that guy n me r good together.we look good together.he said our faces match??i can hardly accept that can u say sumone match just by looking at their faces?i cant get the hang.n of course he added,xcept 4 d usual.i told Kay bout what i knew.i always told him.its like a habit of mine.he laughed when he heard but when it came to d height part he was kinda fedup.i dont blame him.people always judged his already thout about it when i first fell 4 him.i cnsidered bout it now.i didnt think much of it.i neva made it an issue b4.but i had thout bout made me self-concious whenever i'm around him.i admit its better if he's taller.but like a said.i neva had made it an issue.i told him dat.but then he replied dat he neva believe what a girl sae bout him.n again.ego striked.i told Kay dat i dnt believe anyone including him.r8 then he said he didnt mind.but he cut d chat after dat.just now he sent me a msg.he wana said dat he didnt believe what girl sae bout him excluding me.but whn i cnfessed like dat to him, it made him hurted.well.dats a surprise to me act.its a very rare event dat he decide to tell me what he really felt.i guessed it must hv hurted him vry much.i really cnt sae much bout dat.he made me feel dat way towards him.i'm not the same me anymore.not after he hurted me like i-dont-know-how-deep-the-wound-is.i dont look at him d same way like i looked d-first-time-i-really-felt-in-love-wif-him anymo.i just couldnt.if i did i will just shatter to d ground again.n i dnt wnt dat to happen.even if it means he has to be he kept lying to does he xpect me to believe him?no can do ma man.y cnt he just be honest wif me?y cnt he protect the trust that i had given to him?sumting so precious is taken lightly.i just cnt accept dat.esp when i dnt trust people so easily.he is just so care-free.
u know.last thursday one of ma guy friend told me sumthing that i did not xpect from him.he said that that guy n me r good together.we look good together.he said our faces match??i can hardly accept that can u say sumone match just by looking at their faces?i cant get the hang.n of course he added,xcept 4 d usual.i told Kay bout what i knew.i always told him.its like a habit of mine.he laughed when he heard but when it came to d height part he was kinda fedup.i dont blame him.people always judged his already thout about it when i first fell 4 him.i cnsidered bout it now.i didnt think much of it.i neva made it an issue b4.but i had thout bout made me self-concious whenever i'm around him.i admit its better if he's taller.but like a said.i neva had made it an issue.i told him dat.but then he replied dat he neva believe what a girl sae bout him.n again.ego striked.i told Kay dat i dnt believe anyone including him.r8 then he said he didnt mind.but he cut d chat after dat.just now he sent me a msg.he wana said dat he didnt believe what girl sae bout him excluding me.but whn i cnfessed like dat to him, it made him hurted.well.dats a surprise to me act.its a very rare event dat he decide to tell me what he really felt.i guessed it must hv hurted him vry much.i really cnt sae much bout dat.he made me feel dat way towards him.i'm not the same me anymore.not after he hurted me like i-dont-know-how-deep-the-wound-is.i dont look at him d same way like i looked d-first-time-i-really-felt-in-love-wif-him anymo.i just couldnt.if i did i will just shatter to d ground again.n i dnt wnt dat to happen.even if it means he has to be he kept lying to does he xpect me to believe him?no can do ma man.y cnt he just be honest wif me?y cnt he protect the trust that i had given to him?sumting so precious is taken lightly.i just cnt accept dat.esp when i dnt trust people so easily.he is just so care-free.
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