i'm feeling so numb rite now...
u know.last thursday one of ma guy friend told me sumthing that i did not xpect from him.he said that that guy n me r good together.we look good together.he said our faces match??i can hardly accept that one.how can u say sumone match just by looking at their faces?i cant get the hang.n of course he added,xcept 4 d height.heh.well.as usual.i told Kay bout what i knew.i always told him.its like a habit of mine.he laughed when he heard but when it came to d height part he was kinda fedup.i dont blame him.people always judged his height.me?i already thout about it when i first fell 4 him.i cnsidered bout it already.so now.i didnt think much of it.i neva made it an issue b4.but i had thout bout it.it made me self-concious whenever i'm around him.i admit its better if he's taller.but like a said.i neva had made it an issue.i told him dat.but then he replied dat he neva believe what a girl sae bout him.n again.ego striked.i told Kay dat i dnt believe anyone including him.r8 then he said he didnt mind.but he cut d chat after dat.just now he sent me a msg.he wana said dat he didnt believe what girl sae bout him excluding me.but whn i cnfessed like dat to him, it made him hurted.well.dats a surprise to me act.its a very rare event dat he decide to tell me what he really felt.i guessed it must hv hurted him vry much.i really cnt sae much bout dat.he made me feel dat way towards him.i'm not the same me anymore.not after he hurted me like i-dont-know-how-deep-the-wound-is.i dont look at him d same way like i looked d-first-time-i-really-felt-in-love-wif-him anymo.i just couldnt.if i did i will just shatter to d ground again.n i dnt wnt dat to happen.even if it means he has to be hurt.plus he kept lying to me.how does he xpect me to believe him?no can do ma man.y cnt he just be honest wif me?y cnt he protect the trust that i had given to him?sumting so precious is taken lightly.i just cnt accept dat.esp when i dnt trust people so easily.he is just so care-free.
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