di sini saya nk buat ucapan raye buat rakan2 yang rapat..dan untuk sape2 yang saye buat salah..kesalahan yang saya tau la..using my blog to say sorry is more convenient than writing cards..hehe..xdmase la nk cari kad n im using this free time i hv to write in my blog..let start with her..
dear yana..haha..awk xnk kite ucap slmt hari rye depan2 kn..takut pon xnk..n stakat nie saye berjaye untuk tidak mngalirkan air mate..wahaha..nyway yana..slamt hari gne BI lg slesa nk minx maaf gne BI..jgn rs nyampah ye..=) naa,im sorry if i have ever make you angry or terase ngan saye..wlupun kite xpena gado..well,who knows what's going on inside your heart n brain ryte?like mun said,tah pe ad dalam otak yana tu..hahaha..i dont if u know,tp saye pena gak a terase ngan awk..ble awk terlalu menaikkan kelas C awk tu..haha..i know u guys hv super duper great frenship among u guys..i do feel envy..n there's this one time when pe yg awk ckp cm overboard sket smpai sy majok ngan awk..ingat x?haha..but u know xkn ley majok lame2..i forgave u oredy at that tatau la klu saye d wat salah ngan awk..awk tau la sy nie mlampau sket en..wat salah pun xpasan..well,sy xrase sy d mslh ngan awk..hope u have great raye this year..n dont feel bad bout this saturday k here for u anytime u need me..for support, for lending my ears, for sharing thoughts o anything there is to do between two great friends..i hope im always the top in ur heart as u are in i selfish to wish for that kind of thing?
heyya kawan bermusim..slmt hari raye to you..sory klu aku ad wat salah ngan ko..ko tau aku nie kadang2 selfish n manje cket en..xpasl2 ko kna jd cook xbtauliah..hehe..thnx for everything..yea aku tau ko nie bkn jenis yg feeling2 seriously thnx for everything..maybe sbb ko jiran aku so aku slalu cari ko..thnx for lending your ears time aku sedih..time wan aku xd tu..n dgr aku complain pasl mamat tu..i guess there some things that u know more bout him than others..bese la..time emotional breakdown la i am most vulnerable..but thnx to your sikap ko yg lepak tu so i guess zaman perang kite da berlalu..thnx again..n zati..i know ko jenis yg xluah but if there are times when u need to complain anything aku kn ad..jiran ko je..xjauh mane pon..
hey babe..slmt hari raye..i guess u know without me telling but still i wana sae it so that things between us are clear as crystal..i'll reply your card here if u dont sorry if u mind..far..ko tau kn kite byk sgt gado tahun nie..aku bukan nk mengungkit tp klu bole aku xnk ad bnd yg xslesai antare kite..sincerely aku ingtkan lepas kite da talk heart to heart kat padang tu, kite akn ok blik..i thought we can restore our friendship..not just between us but between us KLIG..i know u feel left out sometimes..tatau la klu ko rs cmtu everytime..but sincerely babe,kitorang xpena wat cmtu..i dont know if its ur habit but ko sendiri yg slalu hilang..i guess ure more comfortable wif farah,mynn,eman,nina o me-chan sometimes..i dont mind bout that..coz that's normal..yana ad her cekalians..zati ad wani n hani..aku pun aku rs most of the time wif farhan o anyone from my class..i dont know since when ko rs cmtu..but sometimes its too much..let this be the first time i complain n the last..coz i really love u gurls the most..n i really love our friendship on top of everthing else..yea ure an outspoken person..i oredy knew that for a long time..n i admit certain things said hurt ko tau la aku..cepat je heal balik..xmcm ko..ure opposite of me..ko xsng heal..worst of all, ko pendam..ko tau la aku nie hot-tempered n my sifat of 'cepat heal' pun ad limit sorry if anything i sae hurt your feelings..but im just being honest..n i think if i wana sae sorry i wana sae it from the bottom of my heart n i want u to know why im angry o hurt o anything..i dont know what will happen in the future, so i dont really want to think too much bout it..but far, please...for the sake of our friendship,jgn simpan dalam hati..eventho the truth hurts,u have to let us know sometimes..ur feelings..kitorang pun ad hati n prsn kite same2 kna jg hati of traffic doesnt work u sorry again..far..aku sayang ko sangat2..ko tau pls..jgn simpan dlm hati..luahkan if u have a here to a good listener..tho im not a good at giving advise..tu keje yana..haha..
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