These are a few tips for those who have trouble sleeping (u knw who u are :D) n these are a few sunnahs for us to follow.maybe some of u know of these already but maybe need to be reminded.i hope it helps even a tad bit >.<
Imam an-Nasai’e dengan sanad yang sahih, juga disebut oleh Imam Bukhari dalam Adabul Mufrad dan dihurai panjang oleh Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani dalam Fathu Bari meriwayatkan dari al-Barra’:
2. And then before u jump onto ur nice cozy comfort bed u clean it up first n pray!
” Jika seseorang kalian pergi ke katil tidurnya hendaklah ia mengibas atau membersihkan katilnya dengan bahagian dalam sarungnya, kerana dia tidak mengetahui apa yang ada di sebalik katilnya. Setelah itu ia berdoa ” Dengan nama-Mu, wahai Rabbku, aku letakkan badanku, dan dengan nama-Mu jua aku bangkit kembali, dan Jika Engkau tahan jiwaku, maka rahmatilah ia. Jika engkau biarkan lepas, maka jagalah ia sebagaimana Engkau menjaga jiwa-jiwa hambaMu yang soleh.” - Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari no. 6320 Muslim no. 2714
Ok now that I read it again it should be no.2 before no.1 XD
But u get what I mean right..well if according to our nenek moyang,they said to wash our feet before we go to sleep. That is to avoid getting bad dreams,or so they say. Actually its just to clean our feet so that we don't dirty our sleeping place n of course as Muslims we are encouraged n have to portray our cleanliness. So lets really get the 'tersirat' part of our ancestors reminders :)
I bid u all goodnight and may sleep knitted with good dreams and may we wake up in the night to Worship our beloved Rabb *heart Him big time*
" O you who have wrapped up in your garments! Rise to pray in the night except a little, Half of it, or lessen it a little, Or add to it, and recite Quran as it ought to be recited."
Read and heed and salam alaik.. ;D
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