alhamdulillah! akhirnya dapat juga saya sambung~ setelah berkali-kali mencoba meng-upload gmbar-gmbar di bawah ini! woot2! ok behave fizah behave... ^^
baiklah seperti yang dijanjikan..lets let me introduce you tooooooo bubu! XD in short, boo~ he's my boo..haha
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my boo~ <3 |
bubu ialah seekor guinea pig jika anda tersalah ingat dia adalah hamster.. :) and its a he..thats why he's my boo~ get it? klu xpaham sila tnye org2 sekeliling anda yg paham..wahaha..and although i dont like wonderpets, i have to admit that bubu ialah wonderpet versi live..he's REAL..not a cartoon..his looks..his colour..sejibik cam wonderpet..i hope he wont ever suddenly sing that annoying song :) if not, i'll faint right there and then...and he poops a lot and eat a lot and drink a lot..time awal-awal tu i was afraid of him..takut dia gigit ke hape..but eventually i have to take him out and bath him and what not might as well be brave and take the first move! XD if i was afraid of him, apatah lagi dia en..lagi2 la awal-awal tu kitorang macam ada sesi terkejut marathon..i touched him,dia tkejut! bila dia tkejut, saya apatah lagi~ tkejut sama! bila saya da tkejut tu, dia pun tkejut balik! oh my oh my~ i cant even begin to imagine when it was going to end~ but alhamdulillah, skrg dia da semakin comfortable with me..although ad gak sometimes tu terkejut dia tu..cuba untuk melarikan diri dalam sangkar yang dah sedia kecil tu..muahaha u cant run away boo! ok im not evil if u misunderstood.. i am very penyayang with him and i do care about him,sincerely..
ohh i didnt say who gave him to me do i? my bestie gave it to me.. :) she said she cant afford to buy me a cat like i wanted(yes during highschool i did say i want a cat) so she bought me a guinea pig...a guinea coz he looks so much like a hamster that it didnt quite sink in yet...a GUINEA PIG...hahaha sory naa, no offense..i do like him..he is cute..and i treasure him from the bottom of my heart..let me tell you something that i've never told you before naa..u remember my cat, anyau? that i love soooooo damn much? if i remember correctly u did see him before right? well, he died right.. and i love him like no cat in this world could even be compared with.. seriously..i love him that much and you know im serious.. the thing is..after he died, i was afraid to take another pet, although there were several cats after that but they can be forgotten ;p actually im afraid to seriously take care of a pet coz im afraid that i'll get attach to it and love it too much..coz if that pet died, it will be too losing anyau.. i cried my eyes out ( i dont even remember how long) coz i miss him too much.. so when u gave me bubu, i cant help but being afraid for him.. but insyaAllah i will do my best in taking care of him.. its my responsibility now to ensure he's in good health.. sesungguhnya nyawa itu di tangan Allah and i cant stop it if he dies.. but i will feel responsible andai kata saya berlaku zalim terhadap dia tanpa saya perasan.. and saya takut kezaliman itu will be used against me in the Hereafter.. astaghfirullah.. anyway! :D i'll do my best to take care of him, insyaAllah.. he is not just a pet.. dia pun makhluk Allah juga :) yang sentiasa berzikir memuji-Nya dan kita tak mampu nak tandingi pun ^^
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bubu ketakutan~ ;p |
dan ini ialah riyadhus shalihin~ woot2! saya lupa mksd riyadhus shalihin tu tapi ad perkataan syurga la yg psti..taman syurga? nty sye cek balik :) buku ni adalah compilation hadis-hadis sahih yang superb best! mengikut chapter-chapter sebagaimana disusun oleh si penyusun buku ini iaitu Imam Abu Zakariya, Yahya bin Syaraf An Nawawy~ ni adalah pemberian seseorang yang mengaku saya 'kakak' dia..oh my oh my~ 'kakak' macam mana tah agaknye ye? saya lupa pulak nk tanya.. tapi saya xmengaku awak 'adik' saya selagi saya xfaham 'kakak' macam mana yang awak maksudkan ;p disebabkan rasa bersalah awak yang menggunung tu, awak terpaksa memberi saya riyadhus shalihin ni sebagai hadiah kan..kesian awak..saya kata jgn beli, awak beli juga.. jadi saya terpaksalah amik~ wahahaha.. jzkk khairan! insyaAllah saya akan manfaatkan ilmu ni sebaik-baiknya.. ^^ dan share mana-mana hadis yang buat hati ini dan mungkin hati-hati di luar sana terbakar dan rentung ;p
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superb best! seyes xtipu! XD |
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ok agak jijie with akira(farah's) now u get it why i said he's mean..(klu xfaham sila bce post b4 ni n teliti gmba ni betol2) |
terima kasih juga kepada sahabat-sahabat yang lain yang wish..terima kasih kepada family, ukhti yang berada di tanta, sahabat di n9, cik harumanbungaan <3 dan ukhti fillah nya ^^, classmates, ex-classmate, teman yg xpernah bertemu, usrahmate, ukhti-ukhti fillah, adik sab, dan makhluk yang berada di moscow ;p jazakallahu khairan khatheera <3
p/s: tadi baru mandikan bubu and he peed on me!ok nearly~ naughty2 bubu~ ^^
1 comment:
comel gila. wuu :3
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