Friday, September 26, 2008

da jmpe~

da jumpeeeee!alhamdulillah.mmg sangat2 sonok!aku da jmp balik resipi choc chips yg wat las yerr!wahahahaha.gile besss.rakan2!lpas cuti nty sy wat bg andaa2 rs ehh.dak2 dlm klass ku yg tercintaaa ponn.hehehehe

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

adding to the list xske

ok2.skng kt smbungg list wat i dnt like.

6.air ber'gassss' sgt2 xsukeee air ber gasss ye rakan2.i knw most of uuu like air gas vry2 much.nk2 lg ble ltk ais akuuu xx!realise it ma i realy2 dnt like carbonated waterrr.sgt2 saket pale ble minumm auu.mcm nk bg aku migrain jerr ble andaa bg air gass.dnt like at all.klu g kdai akuu lebeyy relaaa minumm air milo(yg dorg besenye wat ltk susu.yuckss) drpd minum air gasss.tp2!klu g cm tmpt piza ke enn besenye owg cm order airr gasss besenye diamm klu andaa pasann(bg sape2 yg pena g mkn piza ngn sy) mmg aku xminum byk.stu gelas jerr.ble dorg tuangkn airr pownn aku cm suh tuang ckett jerr.seyesss dnt like at all.migrain2 bebehh.

7.kaco aku ble aku bad mud
bg andaa2 sume yg da lme kwn sayaa msti andaa tauu neyy neyy mmg emo n sgt sng ter'emo'.tp bg yg bru knl sy tuu sy bkn 24/7 emo.tipuu arr cmtuu.andaa yg da lme kwn sy pon klu kt sy 24/7 emo mmg xknl sy la sng emo.sgt2.n klu mood sy xbek tuu tlg la sy mintaaakk sgt2 jgn cri pasaalll.aku mmg pntg btoll.xkn xnmpk mood tgh xbek??andaa ad mate gnekn ntuk melihat n andaa ad akal gnekn ntuk berfikir.jgn laa 'short' sgt owg kt sarang tebuan jgn dijolok.btol la tuu enn.mmg cri pasl ngan aku klu kaco time aku bad mood.n andaa tolong laa phm keadaan mmg akan memutuskn komunikasi ngan rakan almost 80% apabila sy xbyk bercakap.jd andaa jgn la terase bile ad time2 sy wat derrkk jerr ngan andaa.mcm andaa tu xwujud sbb prangai sy semmemangnyerr beginii.bilerr sy da memulakn stu cnversation ngan andaa bilerr mud sy xbekk mknenye tahap moody tuu da agk mintaakk maapp sgt2 kpd andaa klu andaa terase ngan sy time2 sy moody.ampuunnn. yg xreti bhs
akuu mmg berbulu btol ngan spesis2 mrk inii.yg mmg lot xreti bhs.ble aku kt aku xske mknenye aku mmg xskee!maybe dorg ingt aku ney cm jnis pnpuan yg bjet kt xske tp sbenarnye ske.weyyyhhhh.tolong laaaaa paahaaammmm.aku mmg sgt2 mksdkn ble aku kt aku xskee.aku mmg xthn ngan manusia2 neyy.lg aku kt xske lg dorg nk watt.aku lepok krg!berterabor korg ats mke bumi ney!sengkek sgt.cnthnye cm sorg mamat neyy.yg neyy aku still xdpt thn.nk pgl aku princess pahalll?!geli gilerrrr.da la bajett aku die nye mkwe.aku kt jgn pgl aku princess.die stop.but then lpas tu pgl aku puteriii.weyyyyhhhhh.sgt2 d menggelikaannnn fahamm xx?!kot ye pon nk jiwang karat buat la ngan mkwe yg mmg mkwe pd hakikatt.sheeeeshh.pastuu makhlok2 yg mrk2 neyy haa.aku dok kt aku mmg xda apa2 ngan si polann tuu tp die still cm xnk trime.die stilll kt aku sgt2 ad sumting ad ngan si polan tuuu.tolooong yg aku dpt klu aku tipuuu ponnn.aku bley phm yg manusia neyy mmg sgt2 curious n ad jnis yg mmg jg tepi kain owg enn.ble nmpk jerr sumting controvercial dorg cm xdpt thn diri dorg dr wat conclusions yg kadang melampaui hakikatt.aku neyy pon da la scandalism bak kt zatii.korg2 yg mmg ske jg tepi kain owg tuu klu tatau ape2 n sgt2 curious,ty jelaa kt sng.tayala jump to conclusions yg akhirnye hy akn menambah dose korg2 tuu.drpd korg wat cerite2 sensasii ntuk kepuasan diri baek korg cari faktaa yg sebenaarr n mgelak drpd wat dose btol x??mane korg nk??menambah dose dalam list buku amal korg o mnyelamatkn diri korg dri menambah lg stu list dose dlm buku amal korg??andaa ad akal jd gnekn sebaek2nye.

cukopp tuu stakat neyy.da berjela aku ceramah kat atss tu haa.korg pon pnt bc.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

nurul arifah liyana

harinie sy telah btolak ke johor.tah np mud sgt2 tidak baek.pagi2 jerr nk meragam daa.dats y la posting b4 neyy cm agak emo ye anda dpt mengenali sy dgn lebih baek lg bukn?ok2.kt smbg ct.besenyerr klu g johor pejalann die mik ms 4 jam jerr.ikut kt abg aku laa.but then td abh cm penat asik ngntok jerr pjlnn 4 jam tu mik ms lg lme lakk.mmg da bekeriut2 aku dlm keta tuu.gilerr lenguh sendi kna pulas2 jerr.ktorh bkk pose kat umah fam kaklong.sedaapp.mkn nasi ayam.nyum2.seyes tmbh due!sgt2 comeyy!seyes mcm aku oww!muahahahahahaha.kaklong n along xnk trime knyataan tue.ekekeke.mte sepet.hidung penyek.haha.n bwh mte bby pun ad garis mcm akuuu.hehe.nurul arifah liyana.d first ank sedara.n d first cucu for ma mom n dad.copy n paste dri akuu.hahaha.jgn jeless kaklong...=p ready gurl to receive love from ur makteh!hahaha.makteh?seyess aku xbese.ekekekeke.da jd makcik lak.huhu.ok laa.tataa ma fwenn.salam

Friday, September 19, 2008

i dont like

pe yg aku xske..
1. kna kenen ngan org
aku paling xske ble org memandai2 nk kenen2kn aku ngan sape2.esp ble bnde tu xbtol.i hate it.
realy2 hate it.aku nk sepak jerr mke org2 yg mulut mereka tuu mmg xd insurans.mmg nk fighting gilerr2 ahh.klu da bnde tuu xbtol,jgn la memandai nk wat yg korg nmpk xsmstinyerr kebenaran.walaupon aku nie cm rapat ngan laki tp xkn la korg bodoh sgt taleyy pikirr yg mayb aku ad hubungan ngan sume laki2 tuu.tolong rr weyhh.byk mane pon laki yg aku rapt tp aku xdla menggedikk ngan dorg.nk suke sume laki.pasg byk2.tolong rr.i despise that kind of woman.its a disgrace to woman's race.klu korg pk korg da knl aku tlg jgn pk yg bkn2 pasl aku o wat fitnah yg mmg sgt2 menyakitkn hati.but if korg xdpt thn diri korg dri wt cmtu gk,then go ahead...i dontgivadamn!

2.minum cheesee
susu..yucks..nk tmuntah ble aku minum susu.xkire laa.susu tulen kerr minuman yg bercmpor susu kerr n yg bkaitan dengannya.cheesee pownn.mau xtekelua isi perot aku mkn cheese.very d puke2.dats y klu aku nk carot susu ke teh ais kerr,klu owg tu ltk susu byk2 aku akn cmpor ngan air suam.seyess.klu x mmg tmuntah aku kt kedai tuu.x ke nayaa..nty sgt2 memalukan sape2 nk hidang aku air tolong la jgn bg y ad susu.sgt2 xsdp.klu nk wat milo ntuk aku pon taya la ltk susu.very d alergik.mmg mintak maap la klu aku xbiskan air..huhu

3.mulut tempayan
aku sgt2 anti dgn mereka2 ini.mmg sgt2 xbole dipercayai.n mmg dgn spesis ini laa y aku xkn bole ngam smpai bile2.bkak cite pasl aku kat org len hy demi kepuasan mereka sdri.eyy minahh!bes sgt kerr jaja citerr pasl aku kat org haa?!so krenye ko mmg ske la klu aku sebar pasl ko kat org laen gakk??cmtu??x ke burok name ko nty.da la mmg burok kang jd lg burok.heisyy.astaghfirullah..tah cane nk bersabar ngan org ceni..aku neyy da la mmg kompem jenis yg kesabaran sgt2 xtebal.lg nk cri pasl ngan aku stil ad akal.xdla aku nk srg makhlok2 syiall tuu.bnde da jd.saket hati aku jerr pk manyak2.sabau fiza sabau...huu~

i very xske ditipuu.sgt2 xske.saye rs mahu strangle sajaa makhlok2 yg berkenaan.based on pngalaman hidop,owg2 mcm mereka laa yg telah menghancorkn hidop sy dolu2.jd sy sgt2 cube ntuk mengelakkn diri daripada terjebak dgn mereka2 ini.sgt2 d pain in d ass.kalo mmg bole buat,sy rs nk tarik lidah mereka sepanjang2nye n cincang2 n bg mkn kat buaye2 yg tgh kelaparan lg baek sy wat pahala bg buaye tu mkn.kenyang perot dorg. perasann
oh mann.susa btol nk handle org pasann neyy.saket jantong aku dibuatnyerr.geli geliman pon ad gak.mmg mke tembok btoll la dorg neyy.sgt2 annoying.kot ye pon nk perasan, xya laaa overr.ney nk terjuling mate aku dibuatnye.sory la tp tuu normal reation.i kompem wil roll ma eyes.kamon laa.drpd korg pasan ngan bnde yg mmg korg xd baek korg appreciate bnde yg korg ad.sheeeeshh.tu pon nk kna aja kerr.

ok la.tu je buat ms neyy.arigato gozaimas.

Friday, September 12, 2008

pandgn certain guys

ok.topik kt harinie is pandangan mate lelaki.sejak akhir2 neyy aku cm asik dpt pndngn yg cm 'eewww' mari kt kupas topik ini bersame yerr.
budak skola rendah.die owg first yg aku rs mmg pndang cam tembuss jerr pndgn
die tuu.klu nk kt.cra die pndg tuu cm kt neyy xpkai bj jerr.naek seram akuu.
haa.neyy lg sorg.ble die pndg aku kdg2 aku rs cm phall mamat neyy nk pndg aku cmtu.buang
tebiat ke perr.gilerr pndgn die tuu ad meaning sumthing yg aku xnk tau ponn.kdg2
pon aku rs cm dipndg xpkai ad gak time aku cm nmpk pndgn tuu time die pndg
pmpuan len.b4 d fateful day,aku pena gtau die aku xske die pndg pmpuan cmtu.haha.budus
gilerrr.but now lantak la.his eyes his vision.
3.abg mcd
eewwww.ewwww5!taubat aku doo.huhu.ct die ceni..aritu g mcd aku usha stu abg bkn
abg haszahri laa.die da xd.neyy abg y wt keje kat r tgk dierr.aku rs dierr pasan.then
time aku mkn eskem aku angkt la mke.nmpk abg tuu.xpasl2 time aku tpndg die die tgh wat
isyarat fon tunjuk kt aku.aku cam.....haa.....bia bena......aku pndg bwh blik then pndg die blik.
die wat lg!aku cam oh no no no no no.dis cnnot be happening!aku kna xcaye....
slame neyy aku usha sape2 xdlak dorg bg respon.neyy tah pe mimpi laki mlm tuu nk bg
respon.then ble aku xpndg die nk suwit2 plakk.eeewwww.geli gilerrr.aku da nk dmam da.
seram sejuk plak rs.seyes xsng dok.nk mkn eskem pn xsng owww.aku dpt rskn!pndgn die tuu.
perghh.mmg gatal ulat bulu btol.mulai dri skng kna jg pndgn mte sdri.huhu
nie lg sekorr.skng neyy mmg ske cri pasl.aku xthn btol ngan dierr neyy.asl die nk cri pasl ngan owg tuu jerr(esp gurls larr) die sj pndg dorg lame2 auu.aku rs cm nk cungkill jerr bola2 mate
dierr tuhh.pandang2.mcm xpena tgk pmpuan.da la pndgn dierr tajam auu.die mmg sajerr
sgt2.mmg wat owg xsng dudok auu.die cri pasl ngan aku lg cmtu mmg aku provok dierr.
haha.die neyy comeyy la.well prangai dierr laa.yg hari aku marah ngan dierr tu laa yg paling
xthn die pujok aku tuu cam adoiii.comeyy btoll.hahaha.pengsan bgn balik pon aku
xkn ckp ceni dpn dierr.hahaha.pndgn mte die tuu cam pleading gilerr.nk suh aku maafkn die.
haha.taleyy blah gilerr.
ok.harinie stakat neyy yerr rakan2.haha

Sunday, September 7, 2008

dgr sume!

hehehe.harinie aku ad ilmu yg ingin dikongsikn bersama time tazkirah,ustaz saudara wan ann seng yg smpaikn.ustaz mmg tip top.i like his ceramah td die ckp pasl kmbing.wahahahaha.ustaz kt org negara china mkn kambing org negara arab mkn kambing.sume nye xdpt darah tinggi.sbenarnye daging kambing ni ad byk kebaikannye.(ekekeke) sape2 yg kuat ilmu pengetahuannye, aliran darahnye berjalan lancar dan elak penyakit (n summo i cud not remmba) mkn la daging barat kt mkn daging kambing cholestrol la wat la tu la ni la.byk jerr songeh tgk china sane.da mkn daging kambing, minum teh cina,minum teh pudina.kite org malaysia nie,xcukup dgn daging kambing tambah lg daging lembu(haha) tambah lg udang ikan n watsoeva.da abis mkn,kt minum kopi kaw2(kt ustaz tuu la).tp minum kopi org tue2(aku xtue).mana x nye dpt byk penyakit cepat mati watsoeva.tup2 org barat sane kt mkn kambing xelok.sedangkan nabi kt sendiri menggalakkan mkn kambing.(muahaha) bes kan info neyy kn?kn?kn?haha.lg satu sape2 yg ingin mencapai kejayaan tu, based on wat ustaz tu sae, wat la solat tahajud.solat tahajud afdhal kt wat sat per tige mlm which means 3 pagi.klu kuat keinginan,lwn rs ngntok tuu, lwn rs mls tu(ingt jgn mls) n lwn sifat rendah diri yg sapa2 dok kecohkn evrytime rs ad owg lg pandai or watsoeva smpai aku rs da muntah nk dgr(hek).sape2 pon bole cpai kejayaan.bergantung pd usaha sdri.sape2 pon bole jd tgk byk mne kt btol2 usaha ke arh tuu.jgn dok ckp jerr.natural, da mmg or watsoeva.bla3.rakan2.anda tau ape yg anda nk.anda tau ape kebolehan anda xtau jauh mane anda bole pegi selagi anda xcube.ambil nasihat ini jika anda mahu dan pedulikan jika anda tidak mahu.minta maaf jika ad y mengingatkn diri sy n juge rakan2.klu bole lepas tahajud tu sambung bc Quran.(hailaa.niat sdri xtelaksana lg)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

more haru

hmm.saye pena ckp kat tomoyo baru2 neyy.yg sy mmg xrs besala pon kt haru.tah la.tatau la sy ney keras hti sgt ke.mmg mke toya ke.hati batu ke.insensitip ke.i dunno wat to say bout dis situation.seriously i b4 dis i dont giv a td sy msg die,die bls nk xnk ckp la die cm xnk msg xdmud jerr msg ngan sy.die bls pe tau.cmtu ke sy rs?sbenarnye mcm tu la y die rs bile msg ngan sy hari2 b4 nie.mksd nye ble hari2 die stat msg tau.n sy da wat die cmtu.n mmg sy sj.n mmg i dnt giv a ble bc msg die sdr yg die da byk besaba ngan sy.ngan prangai sy y asik wat die tatau la klu die ad ngadu kt sakura cm b4 dis.rsnye die da xthn diperlakukn senanye xnk rpt sgt ngan xnk bg die hrpn.dats y sy berlaku kejam ngan xnk terlalu rpt ngan xnk jd die rpt sgt ngan dlm ms y sme sy nk rpt ngan pon xbp phm senanye.asl sy kejam sgt ngan die.asl sy xbg die pluang.ys tau dorg kt die suke skng sy tatau la die suke sy lg ke mmg agp die kwn.wlupon sy kt sy syg die tp xlbey dri seorg sy tatau die agp sy pe.n sy xnk ble sy rpt ngan die sy mcm bg die bkn ntuk die.die bole cri org y lbey bek dri sy.jauh2 lg bek.n sy juge xnk mpergunekn die.mcm sblm cube nk elak dri wat dosa.dri berlaku kejam ngan die.dri berlaku xadil ngan either way sy rs sy stil lukekn ye jd ceni?sy xnk gnekn kebaikn die as a way 2 forget who i wnt to i told hinata.he is just nice.baek.n i cnt stand it.die just baek.n i cnnt take his goodness.i dont want to hurt him.i dont want to use him.but i still hurt him.i just want to be independent.i want to do this on my own.i want to 4get wif ma own power.n everytime i'm close wif him,i feel like i'm using him.n dat feeling is just wrong.wat cn i do not to hurt him?wat u gurls think bout dis,hmm?read ma tagboard.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

21 things bout boys

td aku on9 myspace jap.n aku jmp neyy.bc larr.sape2 y bleyy.

1)guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about......

2)guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second they try.

3)guys go crazy over a girl's smile (:

4)a guy who like you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

5)giving a guy a hanging msg like "you know what?..uh..never mind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that far from what you are thinking. and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

6)if a guy tells you his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you dont need to give advice.

7)a usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.


9)guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. they rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. if a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.

10)if the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

11)if a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.

12)when a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. guys rarely say that

13)when a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying "please come and listen to me"

14)if a guy starts seriously, listen to him. it doesnt happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

15)when a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking

16)guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

17)a guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

18)no guy can handle all his problems on his own.

he's just too stubborn to admit it

just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean ALL of them


21)even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

sweet stuff ehh?