Wednesday, January 25, 2012

sambungan new year~

alhamdulillah! akhirnya dapat juga saya sambung~ setelah berkali-kali mencoba meng-upload gmbar-gmbar di bawah ini! woot2! ok behave fizah behave... ^^

baiklah seperti yang dijanjikan..lets let me introduce you tooooooo bubu! XD in short, boo~ he's my boo..haha

my boo~ <3

bubu ialah seekor guinea pig jika anda tersalah ingat dia adalah hamster.. :) and its a he..thats why he's my boo~ get it? klu xpaham sila tnye org2 sekeliling anda yg paham..wahaha..and although i dont like wonderpets, i have to admit that bubu ialah wonderpet versi live..he's REAL..not a cartoon..his looks..his colour..sejibik cam wonderpet..i hope he wont ever suddenly sing that annoying song :) if not, i'll faint right there and then...and he poops a lot and eat a lot and drink a lot..time awal-awal tu i was afraid of him..takut dia gigit ke hape..but eventually i have to take him out and bath him and what not might as well be brave and take the first move! XD if i was afraid of him, apatah lagi dia en..lagi2 la awal-awal tu kitorang macam ada sesi terkejut marathon..i touched him,dia tkejut! bila dia tkejut, saya apatah lagi~ tkejut sama! bila saya da tkejut tu, dia pun tkejut balik! oh my oh my~ i cant even begin to imagine when it was going to end~ but alhamdulillah, skrg dia da semakin comfortable with me..although ad gak sometimes tu terkejut dia tu..cuba untuk melarikan diri dalam sangkar yang dah sedia kecil tu..muahaha u cant run away boo! ok im not evil if u misunderstood.. i am very penyayang with him and i do care about him,sincerely.. 

ohh i didnt say who gave him to me do i? my bestie gave it to me.. :) she said she cant afford to buy me a cat like i wanted(yes during highschool i did say i want a cat) so she bought me a guinea pig...a guinea coz he looks so much like a hamster that it didnt quite sink in yet...a GUINEA PIG...hahaha sory naa, no offense..i do like him..he is cute..and i treasure him from the bottom of my heart..let me tell you something that i've never told you before naa..u remember my cat, anyau? that i love soooooo damn much? if i remember correctly u did see him before right? well, he died right.. and i love him like no cat in this world could even be compared with.. seriously..i love him that much and you know im serious.. the thing is..after he died, i was afraid to take another pet, although there were several cats after that but they can be forgotten ;p actually im afraid to seriously take care of a pet coz im afraid that i'll get attach to it and love it too much..coz if that pet died, it will be too losing anyau.. i cried my eyes out ( i dont even remember how long) coz i miss him too much.. so when u gave me bubu, i cant help but being afraid for him.. but insyaAllah i will do my best in taking care of him.. its my responsibility now to ensure he's in good health.. sesungguhnya nyawa itu di tangan Allah and i cant stop it if he dies.. but i will feel responsible andai kata saya berlaku zalim terhadap dia tanpa saya perasan.. and saya takut kezaliman itu will be used against me in the Hereafter.. astaghfirullah.. anyway! :D i'll do my best to take care of him, insyaAllah.. he is not just a pet.. dia pun makhluk Allah juga :) yang sentiasa berzikir memuji-Nya dan kita tak mampu nak tandingi pun ^^

bubu ketakutan~ ;p

dan ini ialah riyadhus shalihin~ woot2! saya lupa mksd riyadhus shalihin tu tapi ad perkataan syurga la yg psti..taman syurga? nty sye cek balik :) buku ni adalah compilation hadis-hadis sahih yang superb best! mengikut chapter-chapter sebagaimana disusun oleh si penyusun buku ini iaitu Imam Abu Zakariya, Yahya bin Syaraf An Nawawy~ ni adalah pemberian seseorang yang mengaku saya 'kakak' dia..oh my oh my~ 'kakak' macam mana tah agaknye ye? saya lupa pulak nk tanya.. tapi saya xmengaku awak 'adik' saya selagi saya xfaham 'kakak' macam mana yang awak maksudkan ;p disebabkan rasa bersalah awak yang menggunung tu, awak terpaksa memberi saya riyadhus shalihin ni sebagai hadiah kan..kesian awak..saya kata jgn beli, awak beli juga.. jadi saya terpaksalah amik~ wahahaha.. jzkk khairan! insyaAllah saya akan manfaatkan ilmu ni sebaik-baiknya.. ^^ dan share mana-mana hadis yang buat hati ini dan mungkin hati-hati di luar sana terbakar dan rentung ;p

superb best! seyes xtipu! XD

ok agak jijie with akira(farah's) now u get it why i said he's mean..(klu xfaham sila bce post b4 ni n teliti gmba ni betol2)
terima kasih juga kepada sahabat-sahabat yang lain yang wish..terima kasih kepada family, ukhti yang berada di tanta, sahabat di n9, cik harumanbungaan <3 dan ukhti fillah nya ^^, classmates, ex-classmate, teman yg xpernah bertemu, usrahmate, ukhti-ukhti fillah, adik sab, dan makhluk yang berada di moscow ;p jazakallahu khairan khatheera <3

p/s: tadi baru mandikan bubu and he peed on me!ok nearly~ naughty2 bubu~ ^^

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

new year~


ok before i move on, just wanted to let you know, this is my second time re-typing this post, due to technical error, so its content may not be as heartfelt as the first one, but insyaAllah better.. :)

alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah i am still alive this new year of my life..i thank Him for giving me the opportunity to live through this new day..i thank Him for this heart that's beating and pumping blood through my veins..i thank Him for this lungs that enable me to breathe and suck in air..i thank Him for these receptors that i have to sense all that is around me..His Greatness..His creations that made me say, 'subhanaAllah! XD'

jazakallah khairan khatheera to all my friends who wished me..semoga ingatan sahabat-sahabat mengingatkan saya dengan umur yang semakin pendek bila detik masa semakin bertambah.. semoga ingatan saya kepada kematian semakin kuat dalam ingatan dengan meningkatnya umur.. semoga ilmu yang Allah pinjamkan ini subur dan mencair dalam diri dan meningkatkan dan memantapkan iman yang sentiasa dihempas ombak dan badai..semoga saya sentiasa ingat segala ini hanyalah pinjaman yang akan dikembalikan kepada Pemiliknya..

what are the things that i borrow from Him actually?everything! u name it~ everything that i have, everything that i once thought i own, everything that i never thought of before they're all borrowed!my eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, legs, hands, time, family, friends, voice, in fact my whole life! adab meminjam barang, kita mestilah pulangkan ia dalam keadaan bagaimana ia dipinjamkan kepada kita.. and in the mean time kita pinjam barang itu, kita mestilah jaga ia dengan baik, kan? that's why, before He take back all these things from me, i have to take really good care of it.. :)ok, lets not explore too much bout this pinjam meminjam in this post..later insyaAllah :)

first let me introduce you to jijie! XD

ok, my homies gave me this.. i bet this is intan's idea.. her aim is for evryone in the house to have a bear.. and with jijie in my possession, her wish had come true! good for her~ ;p hehe.. thanks my sayangs.. i love it.. its cuddly and white and super duper soft.. cam bulu bear mahal gitu.. ok, actually, initially his name was fifie.. due to his mean and smirky smile, i've decided to change his name to benji(but actually my sheep hanging on my pencil box had been given this name) so the final decision was to name him jijie! :D jijie suits his meany attitude best(since when bears have attitude~ beats me =.=')

to my roomie~ thanks for that heartfelt wish.i almost cried..almost! but i didnt :P i pray to Allah too that even without me by your side in several months to come, u'll always be reminded of Him and may He give you guide and strength in whatever that comes in your way..and although i might not be able to celebrate your birthday with you this year, know that u'll always be the best roomie ever and no one can replace that(coz u're the first roomie i've ever had anyway :P) u're in my du'aa too,zutto :) and aishiteru zutto zutto zutto! <3 wahaha.anda pun boleh muntah skrg jugak.

to my homie~ yes i dont u what u said..this is not our last kenangan together you know..we can make many more memories..but yes this might be the last time we celebrate my birthday together but who knows in the future ;) i did tell you once yang mostly the ones that im close to are mmc students..esp you and my that why i feel u so distant? coz u dont want me to feel sad? or coz u want to prepare yourself living without me?(omg da rase cam situation pkwe mkwe la plak :P) tak kesa apa pun sebabnya,i dont mind..i understand..and i just want you to know that i really(infinity) love and care for you! <3 ingat tau, semangat salman al-farisi tu always live on inside of you..never extinguish that flame! may that flame bring you closer to Him, insyaAllah :)n thnx for respecting my wish of not wanting to celebrate with cakes and birthday songs.. :) i really appreciate it

to my other homie~ i love you too if u dont know that.. and i pray to Him that Dia lembutkan hati awak..sesungguhnya, sememangnya hati-hati itu Allah yang pegang.. :) sedangkan batu pun kalau dititiskan dengan air secara berterusan boleh terbelah..apatah lagi hati-hati manusia yang keras..kalau disiramm selalu dengan doa dan sentuhan-sentuhan kecil,insyaAllah akan jadi lembut juga..(walaupun fizah kurang sentuh =.=' tp doa sentiasa mengiringi insyaAllah ^^ )

ok thats all for now..disebabkan ad masalah teknikal jadi xdpt upload a few more pics jadi next post la eh :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

answering the Qs


here are a few Qs that my friend asked me to ask my ustaz,so i think,why not share it,yes?

but pls correct me if i'm wrong n i hope my memory serves me well to remember ustaz's answer n convey it correctly..

Q 1
hukum couple kan haram,jadi macam mana nak terangkan dekat mereka bahawa couple itu haram kerana alasan mereka, tak disebut pun dalam Al-Quran dan hadis dan hukum haram itu adalah pemikiran fatwa dan hak individu yang bijak pandai.

i am sorry to tell u that i can't give u the answer right now, sebab ustaz kata this issue is too long to explain about and we only had around ten minutes to talk to ustaz just now.he said we have to make it as a thursday talk for him to be able to explain about it clearly.btw,most of the thursday nights we have islamic talks given by ustaz-ustaz from if it ever become one of the topic on thursday talk,i'll tell u bout it insyaAllah

Q 2
apa sebenar-benarnya hukum muzik?ada yang kata haram tapi pandangan kebanyakan ustaz sini kata yang muzik boleh dengar selagi tak merosakkan aqidah dan iman dan tak memesongkan.jadi?

ok.this is where the explaining gets tough.mungkin ada orang cakap haram bila dia tengok pada hadis.namun,kena tengok juga apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang yang mentafsirkan hadis.sebab ada yang kita tak boleh tengok on the surface je,there might be more to that hadith.and menurut Yusuf Al-Qardawi, dalam buku dia(Fiqh mengenai muzik,saya tak ingat tajuk dia), ada enam syarat untuk membolehkan sesuatu muzik itu di dengar.a few yang ustaz beritahu ialah liriknya, muziknya, orang yang mempersembahkannya dan some more yang saya tidak tahu. this elaboration onwards is my own opinion yang penuh kekhilafan tapi ikhlas dari hati saya. if u see nowadays, most of the songs lyrics are bout sex and so on, dia lagi meng-induced kan you to do sex, although maybe most people might not realise why listen? then, the music..if its the kind of music that make u forgot your Lord and make you indulge in this dunia yang fana and make you forget bout akhirat,then why listen? then, orang yang mempersembahkannya..contohnya ada satu group dan mempersembahkannya adalah perempuan and yang menontonnya adalah kaum adam..maka anda rasalah, adam-adam tersebut mahu mendengar lagu yang dibawa atau sebenarnya hanya ingin melihat those girls? common sense..naluri kan.. ok now,you tell me one song (tolak nasyid n sewaktu dengannya) that when you listen, your iman bertambah, your relationship with your Lord become very close and super duper best!, make you feel like,'pergh best gila lagu ni!buat aku rasa bersyukur and bestnya jadi Muslim!', and maybe hearing those songs make you berzikir all day long~ i salute you if those songs really make you feel those ways! mabruk! ok enough sarcasm =.=' then ustaz said, muzik adalah macam pisau. dia boleh bawa mudharat, or dia boleh bawa kebaikan. depends on how you use the knife. wallahu taala a'lam..

Q 3
alat muzik yang mana boleh main? ada pandangan kata yang alat muzik yang bertali spt piano and gitar haram untuk dimainkan tapi ada kata tak haram. ada pulak kata alat muzik yang bertiup atau bersiul macam seruling haram kerana katanya syaitan menari.jadi?

ini lebih kurang cam kat atas.saya tak tahu hadis riwayat siapa jadi saya tak berani nak sebut di sini.mungkin nanti saya boleh tanya balik.ok cuba fikirkan contoh ni.Yusuf Islam before he converted he played guitar and a was singer.he is Cat Stevens btw.ok so when he had converted he leave all those things behind.his guitar and all.but when his son started to play the guitar, he started to want to play it back too.and can you really say he can't play when that is the medium when he feels most comfortable to reachout to people and touch their hearts.if he plays guitar and sings can bring more people into Islam and bring people closer to Islam,then why not?macam Muslim Belal..he was a rapper before he is a Muslim..and he still raps when he became a Muslim..and subhanaAllah!the hearts that he touched with his rap-like poems are amazing! and i'm one of them, alhamdulillah ^^

Q 4
betul ke kita tak boleh petik jari atau patah-patahkan jari sebab ada kata bila kita buat syaitan akan dilahirkan.betul ke?

tadi ustaz patahkan je i guess boleh je.but ustaz sentuh pasal ada hadis mengatakan yang kita tak boleh silang jari bila kita berada di dalam masjid.Nabi SAW melarangnya sebab it shows yang kita macam duduk lepak2 tak buat apa-apa dalam masjid.sebab time zaman Nabi SAW, para sahabat bila dalam masjid baca Al-Quran and all and bila ada sahabat yang duduk sambil menyilangkan jari-jarinya, ia menunjukkan dia tak buat apa dalam masjid.jadi hadis itu turun untuk melarang orang-orang berbuat seperti yang demikian.

Q 5
permainan game yang menggunakan token macam di funfair atau lucky draw apa hukumnya? lagi satu game yang main dekat funfair macam baling gelung dalam botol dan sebagainya haram jugak ke?

the answer is yes.sebab we are depending on luck.and those game sebenarnya ada unsur-unsur penipuan,where by there are tricks that they do to make us hard to win yeah.

wallahu a'lam..

p/s:i hope this helps.and bout hanging pictures,i forgot to ask bout it.

scent of flowers


alhamdulillah :) hari ni saya gembira..terima kasih ya Allah kerana pertemukan saya dengan dia..people always say, dont judge a book by its cover..n i used to hear that she's like kinda the perempuan Melayu terakhir type of girl..and again,people used to say again, there's always two sides of a person..what u see may not be what it seems..

being judgmental is like a normal trait of a typical human..n i admit i am one but insyaAllah i am still improving on that..n today,being able to share something with that person,although it may seem small,but alhamdulillah i am grateful..

manisnya ukhwah itu bila ianya kerana Allah..dan dapat mengenali awak kerana Allah adalah sesuatu yg sgt2 saya hargai..maybe i dont really know who u really are but when we have the same fikrah n this ukhwah is solely for His sake alone,it is just one of the sweetest thing that i can experience in this life..

i thank Allah for giving me the chance to know u,even for a bit,n even if this post is kinda on the spur moment,i hope that my words reach u,ms. haruman bungaan.. ^^