Saturday, December 12, 2009

ali bin abi talib

semalam aku ngadu im my dad said..kan ad byk buku tu dlm almari tu..bc aku aku bc one..buku ali bin abi talib by abdul latip talib..n i just finished reading it..i learned some things that i always wanted to know n certain things are made clear..aku slalu tepikir..why is it in all the school books they say that ali xd sumbangan sgt.. i mean he is the khalifah right..n why his sumbangan is only 'terima jwtn khalifah time negara huru-hara'??when i read that book i guess there are too much things that he did during the huru-hara time that just seems too unimportant or too hard to be classified as sumbangan in his era..

i dont know if anyone remember dat khalifah uthman bin uffan was killed by puak penentang..i never knew that the penentang was islam also..n man when they say dat uthman ikut ckp fam die it was true n i just couldnt believe my eyes when i read bout it..but i guess its not my place to say anything in the first lets just keep ma thoughts to maself..n there's saiditina aisyah..why on earth did she enter the perang jamal??a woman in perang..i never could get that around in ma head whe i first learn bout it..well now i islam yg tricked her to get her to order to gain the basrahians' support in jatuhkan khalifah ali..their reason is want to tuntut bela for kematian uthman n ali didnt kill his they got pissed off..i was quite pissed at the people who tricked saiditina aisyah..

i mean saidina ali didnt even want the jwtn in the first place..n he didnt even kill uthman..malah even protect him..n he didnt kill the killer coz he said he was not oblige to kill the killer(not ma place again to say anything)..n dorg tuduh him tlibat dgn pmbunuhan uthman plak..what the fish??n then there's bout zubair b awwam n talhah b abdullah..they are two of the ten people that rasulullah confirm masuk syurga..i mean at last they didnt perang with ali in perang why the heck do the tentera in ali's team killed them for???shessshhh..i was so pissed..the one who killed zubair was islam..he took all zubair's belongings nk bg hadiah kt ali..he didnt accept..malah he said whoever killed zubair msk neraka..waaaaa..islam pegi perang suppose to masuk syurga aint they..n he ended up masuk neraka........byk yg aku xpuas hati but i guess this is enough to hilangkan my saket hati..

there's this perbualan in that book..i dont remember who asked saidina ali..he asked the people whoo perang with them are they musyrikin..ali said they are the people who run from musyrik..then are they munafik..ali said munafik is people who menyembunyikan kekufuran dorg..then who are they?well..they are orang islam yang melampaui batas..i guess no matter what happen we just cannot kafirkan orang islam yang lain..n y on earth do i wrote bout these things anyway?spm kan da habis..not like i m going to take course agama lps nie..well i wana ask u one Q(cikgu shabby ALWAYS asked us)..kamu nak A ke nak ilmu?hisyam would say both of course..haha..well life is all bout learning babe..even if spm is over doesnt mean these things arent important ayte?

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