Saturday, August 14, 2010

ramadhan 2010

salam ramadhan al-mubarak to all muslim..i know dat my ilmu agama masih cetek..and i still have a lot to improve..but u know..there's just sumting dat when every ramadhan comes,i just don't seem to get satisfied wif certain people..

usually when ramadhan comes, i will go tarawih at the surau behind my house..n i just dont understand..u know dat tarawih kat surau is berjemaah..u know dat when u berjemaah u have to be close to each other and there should not be any space between the person on each of your side..and what's wif the problem of moving in front when there is can we even bersatu when these small things dianggap sprti angin lalu..n what's more most of those people are older people..a group of people who have suppose to know these small things..eventhough u may not ada ilmu yang sangat mendalam ttg agama but these things are small!even the primary schoolers know this!n paling xley blah, there's this one time i want to salam semut, that other person may not know and not familiar wif salam semut..nvm dat..but!xpayah la nk tarik tgn cepat2..mcm la kotor sgt tgn sy nie kak oii..sabar jela hati......

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