Friday, March 12, 2010

u win some u lose some ayte?

yesterday was a happy day for me..seriously happy!i got straight As for my spm!alhamdulillah...i didnt cry when i got my result..not even tears of happiness want to come out..i wonder why..tpi time nk menunggu die umum nama2 straight As tu , i felt like my heart's thumping like crazzzzyyy!seriously sayang sgt yana xdpt straight gakk..antra kitorng 4, 2 nanes 2 xnanes..n smlm i saw my neighbour!he came!!!seriously i missssssssssssss him sooooooooooooo muchhhh!!!!tapi im afraid of rejection..akuk nk tegur tapi least i know he noticed me..he saw me but didnt came to i understand glad i can control my nk terjun dri pentas ble nmpk die pun ad gak au senanye..hehh..extremee..i least i know that he knows what i wanted him to know..i almost cried ble yana ckp2 pasl result die tapi!! xnaness..hampiirrr...tapi x..but malangnye aku nanes mlm tu..danggg..

today! is a saaaaaaadddd day for me..i failed!!!!for test jln rye..buhuhuhu..tester tu baekk..tapi die perli aku giler2..siap pgl aku bodoh lagi..waw..jarang jmpe org yg straight forward dgn aku nie..tepaatt kna batang hurts la org yg pgl aku bodoh n btol2 mksdkan nye..bkn bodoh yg dak2 remaje slalu gne bile bckp kosong..huhu..ouchh again..and untuk mengubati hati aku yg duka lara,tadi aku g tgk solomon kane..bezzzz giler..siap bwk psp g sampai bis betri..heh..mampos klu jd pape kt psp tuhh..

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